The benchmark proposed for the MCC'2014 consists of P/T nets (1-bounded, k-bounded), and colored Nets (1 and k-bounded per color, with and without non-equal guards on transitions, with and without cartesian product on colors, with and without successor/predecessor functions). For colored Petri Nets, equivalent nets are provided in most of the cases.
Two classes of models will be provided:
- Academic models: these where designed in universities by researcher, to benchmark some tools, to illustrate a typical situation or within the context of academic projects and cooperations,
- Industrial models: these where designed within the context of industrial projects.
All models will be provided as PNML files. The two types of models will be provided with a detailed set of characteristics that tools can exploit when possible.
Models (both academic and industrial) are separated in two categories:
- «Known» models that groups the models presented in 2011, 2012 and 2013 and will be provided when the call for tool submission is out,
- «Surprise» models that groups the models submitted by the community and then selected for 2014.
Model Contributors
The section below list the people who provided models to the various editions of the Model Checking Contest. Sometime, they are authors of these models, otherwise, they have summarized or retrieved an existing model from the literature... thus, since hey champion these models, they are "responsible" for them and, since they were of great help for establishing the base of our benchmark, they are listed below:
- B. Barbot
(ENS de Cachan, France): DatabaseWithMutex (surprise)
- J. Ezpeleta
& F. Tricas García
(Univ. Zaragoza, Spain): ResAllocation
- S. Evangelista
(Univ. Paris 13, France): LamportFastMutEx, NeoElection, SimpleLoadBal
- H. Evrard
and F. Lang
(Inria, France): MultiwaySync (surprise)
- H. Garavel
(Inria, France): Vasy2003
- H. Garavel
and W. Serwe
(Inria, France): ProductionCell (surprise)
- A. Graf-Brill
(Univ. Saarland, Germany): EnergyBus (surprise)
- M. Heiner
(Univ Cottbus, Germany): Diffusion2D (surprise), ParamProductionCell (surprise), Solitaire (surprise)
- L. Hillah
(Univ. Paris Ouest Nanterre): DrinkVendingMachine, FMS, Kanban, MAPK, Philosopher, SharedMemory
- F. Kordon
(Univ. P. & M. Curie, France): GlobalResAlloc, HouseConstruction, PermAdmissibility, QuasiCertifProtocol, CircularTrains (surprise), PolyORBLF (surprise), PolyORBNT (surprise)
- A. Kriouile
and W. Serwe
(ST and Inria, France): ARMCacheCoherence (surprise)
- A. Linard
(ENS de Cachan, France): CSRepetition, PhilosophersDyn
- N. Lohmann
(Univ. Rostock, Germany): Echo, IBMB2S565S3960, Planning, Ring, RwMutex
- A. Marechal (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland): TokenRing
- E. Paviot-Adet
(Univ. René Descartes, France): DotAndBoxes, Peterson
- F. Pommereau
(Univ. Evry Val d'Essone, France): Eratosthenes, Railroad
- C. Rodríguez
(ENS de Cachan, France): Dekker
- C Rohr
(Univ. Cottbus, Germany): Angiogenesis (surprise), CircadianClock (surprise), ERK (surprise)
- Z. Zhang
and W. Serwe
(Univ. Utah, USA): UtahNoC (surprise)
«Known» Models for 2014
The table below summarizes the «Known» models which has been enriched over the years during the past editions of the Model Checking Contest.
«Surprise» Models for 2014
The «Surprise» models are the ones proposed by the community during the call for model phase of the 2014 edition.
We are happy to announce that there will be 15 new «surprise» models for 2014 (138 instances in total).