Model Checking Contest 2023
13th edition, Paris, France, April 26, 2023 (at TOOLympics II)
Execution of r358-smll-167891808200663
Last Updated
May 14, 2023

About the Execution of LoLA for SharedMemory-PT-000005

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
53.680 445.00 130.00 2.50 [undef] Cannot compute

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Formatting '/data/fkordon/mcc2023-input.r358-smll-167891808200663.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=4294967296 backing_file=/data/fkordon/mcc2023-input.qcow2 cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
Generated by BenchKit 2-5348
Executing tool lola
Input is SharedMemory-PT-000005, examination is ReachabilityFireability
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r358-smll-167891808200663

preparation of the directory to be used:
total 872K
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 20K Feb 25 14:04 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 135K Feb 25 14:04 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 27K Feb 25 13:58 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 142K Feb 25 13:58 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.2K Jan 29 11:41 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.5K Jan 29 11:41 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 11K Feb 25 16:52 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 44K Feb 25 16:52 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.4K Feb 25 16:52 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 28K Feb 25 16:52 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 19K Feb 25 14:07 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 124K Feb 25 14:07 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 30K Feb 25 14:06 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 150K Feb 25 14:06 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.1K Feb 25 16:52 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.7K Feb 25 16:52 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5 Mar 5 18:23 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 7 Mar 5 18:23 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 5 18:23 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 83K Mar 5 18:23 model.pnml

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of booleans

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-01
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-03
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-04
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-05
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-06
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-07
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-08
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-09
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-10
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-11
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-12
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-13
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-14
FORMULA_NAME SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1679270362101

bash -c /home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n "BK_STOP " ; date -u +%s%3N
Invoking MCC driver with
Not applying reductions.
Model is PT
ReachabilityFireability PT
starting LoLA
BK_INPUT SharedMemory-PT-000005
BK_EXAMINATION: ReachabilityFireability
bin directory: /home/mcc/BenchKit/bin//../lola/bin/
current directory: /home/mcc/execution

BK_STOP 1679270362546

content from stderr:

lola: MEM LIMIT 32
lola: MEM LIMIT 5
lola: NET
lola: input: PNML file (--pnmlnet)
lola: reading net from /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
lola: reading pnml
lola: PNML file contains place/transition net
lola: finished parsing
lola: closed net file /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
lola: Reading formula.
lola: Using XML format (--xmlformula)
lola: reading XML formula
lola: reading formula from /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityFireability.xml
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:96
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:162
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:150
lola: Created skeleton in 0.000000 secs.
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:711
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:711
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:711
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:711
lola: LAUNCH task # 49 (type SKEL/FNDP) for 0 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: LAUNCH task # 50 (type SKEL/EQUN) for 0 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:711
lola: LAUNCH task # 52 (type SKEL/SRCH) for 0 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: Created skeleton in 0.000000 secs.
lola: LAUNCH task # 53 (type SKEL/SRCH) for 0 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: FINISHED task # 52 (type SKEL/SRCH) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: result : true
lola: markings : 2
lola: fired transitions : 1
lola: time used : 0.000000
lola: memory pages used : 1
lola: CANCELED task # 49 (type FNDP) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00 (obsolete)
lola: CANCELED task # 50 (type EQUN) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00 (obsolete)
lola: CANCELED task # 53 (type SRCH) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00 (obsolete)
lola: Created skeleton in 0.000000 secs.
lola: FINISHED task # 53 (type SKEL/SRCH) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: result : true
lola: markings : 2
lola: fired transitions : 1
lola: time used : 0.000000
lola: memory pages used : 1
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:721
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:787
lola: FINISHED task # 49 (type SKEL/FNDP) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-00
lola: result : true
lola: tried executions : 1
lola: time used : 0.000000
lola: memory pages used : 0
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:721
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:787
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:721
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:787
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:721
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:787
lola: LAUNCH task # 57 (type SKEL/FNDP) for 6 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: LAUNCH task # 58 (type SKEL/EQUN) for 6 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: LAUNCH task # 60 (type SKEL/SRCH) for 6 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: LAUNCH task # 61 (type SKEL/SRCH) for 6 SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
lola: time limit : 32000000 sec
lola: memory limit: 5 pages
lola: Created skeleton in 0.000000 secs.
lola: FINISHED task # 61 (type SKEL/SRCH) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
lola: result : true
lola: markings : 1
lola: time used : 0.000000
lola: memory pages used : 1
lola: CANCELED task # 57 (type FNDP) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02 (obsolete)
lola: CANCELED task # 58 (type EQUN) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02 (obsolete)
lola: CANCELED task # 60 (type SRCH) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02 (obsolete)
lola: Rule S: 0 transitions removed,0 places removed
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:721
lola: rewrite Frontend/Parser/formula_rewrite.k:787
lola: FINISHED task # 57 (type SKEL/FNDP) for SharedMemory-PT-000005-ReachabilityFireability-02
lola: result : true
lola: tried executions : 1
lola: time used : 0.000000
lola: memory pages used : 0
lola: Created skeleton in 0.000000 secs.
lola: Created skeleton in 0.000000 secs.
/home/mcc/BenchKit/bin//../lola/bin//../ line 63: 365 Segmentation fault lola --conf=$BIN_DIR/configfiles/reachabilityfireabilityconf --formula=$DIR/ReachabilityFireability.xml --verdictfile=$DIR/GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml $DIR/model.pnml
sara: try reading problem file /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityFireability-50.sara.
sara: try reading problem file /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityFireability-58.sara.

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="SharedMemory-PT-000005"
export BK_EXAMINATION="ReachabilityFireability"
export BK_TOOL="lola"
export BK_BIN_PATH="/home/mcc/BenchKit/bin/"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-5348"
echo " Executing tool lola"
echo " Input is SharedMemory-PT-000005, examination is ReachabilityFireability"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r358-smll-167891808200663"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "preparation of the directory to be used:"

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/SharedMemory-PT-000005.tgz
mv SharedMemory-PT-000005 execution
cd execution
if [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "ReachabilityDeadlock" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "QuasiLiveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "StableMarking" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "Liveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "OneSafe" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "StateSpace" ]; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
ls -lh

echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "ReachabilityFireability" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "ReachabilityFireability.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property ReachabilityFireability.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "ReachabilityFireability.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' ReachabilityFireability.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "ReachabilityDeadlock" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "QuasiLiveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "StableMarking" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "Liveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "OneSafe" ] ; then
echo "FORMULA_NAME ReachabilityFireability"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;