Model Checking Contest 2023
13th edition, Paris, France, April 26, 2023 (at TOOLympics II)
Execution of r233-tall-167856418300068
Last Updated
May 14, 2023

About the Execution of LTSMin+red for HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
4129.436 1273716.00 1640969.00 3775.30 ?FFTTFTF?FT?F??? normal

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Formatting '/data/fkordon/mcc2023-input.r233-tall-167856418300068.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=4294967296 backing_file=/data/fkordon/mcc2023-input.qcow2 cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
Generated by BenchKit 2-5348
Executing tool ltsminxred
Input is HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10, examination is LTLFireability
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r233-tall-167856418300068

preparation of the directory to be used:
total 14M
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.9K Feb 26 16:20 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 50K Feb 26 16:20 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 7.0K Feb 26 13:27 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 44K Feb 26 13:27 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.2K Jan 29 11:40 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.3K Jan 29 11:40 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.2K Feb 25 16:17 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 29K Feb 25 16:17 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.2K Feb 25 16:17 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 17K Feb 25 16:17 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 16K Feb 26 22:39 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 124K Feb 26 22:39 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 16K Feb 26 21:01 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 92K Feb 26 21:01 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.0K Feb 25 16:17 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K Feb 25 16:17 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 5 18:22 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 10 Mar 5 18:22 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 5 18:22 iscolored
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mcc users 14M Mar 5 18:22 model.pnml

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of booleans

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-00
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-01
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-02
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-03
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-04
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-05
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-06
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-07
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-08
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-09
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-10
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-11
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-12
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-13
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-14
FORMULA_NAME HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1679444974333

bash -c /home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n "BK_STOP " ; date -u +%s%3N
Invoking MCC driver with
Applying reductions before tool ltsmin
Invoking reducer
Running Version 202303021504
[2023-03-22 00:29:36] [INFO ] Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, LTLFireability, -timeout, 360, -rebuildPNML]
[2023-03-22 00:29:36] [INFO ] Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
[2023-03-22 00:29:36] [INFO ] Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 562 ms
[2023-03-22 00:29:36] [INFO ] Transformed 7533 places.
[2023-03-22 00:29:36] [INFO ] Transformed 24300 transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:29:36] [INFO ] Parsed PT model containing 7533 places and 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs in 750 ms.
Parsed 16 properties from file /home/mcc/execution/LTLFireability.xml in 16 ms.
Working with output stream class
Initial state reduction rules removed 4 formulas.
Support contains 58 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1481 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
// Phase 1: matrix 24300 rows 7533 cols
[2023-03-22 00:29:39] [INFO ] Computed 2674 place invariants in 863 ms
[2023-03-22 00:29:40] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 1903 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 1929 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:29:40] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:29:57] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16801 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 20224 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Support contains 58 out of 7533 places after structural reductions.
[2023-03-22 00:29:58] [INFO ] Flatten gal took : 1108 ms
[2023-03-22 00:29:59] [INFO ] Flatten gal took : 814 ms
[2023-03-22 00:30:01] [INFO ] Input system was already deterministic with 24300 transitions.
Support contains 56 out of 7533 places (down from 58) after GAL structural reductions.
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 8474 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 27) seen :24
Incomplete Best-First random walk after 10001 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 581 ms. (steps per millisecond=17 ) properties (out of 3) seen :1
Incomplete Best-First random walk after 10001 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 576 ms. (steps per millisecond=17 ) properties (out of 2) seen :1
Finished Best-First random walk after 2431 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 188 ms. (steps per millisecond=12 )
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(X((F(p0)||X((F(p1)&&G(p2))))))'
Support contains 8 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1251 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:30:13] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:30:14] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 837 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 839 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:30:14] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:30:31] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 17623 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 19726 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 463 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)))]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-00 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=(AND (NOT p0) p2), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 3}], [{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=1 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={} source=2 dest: 4}], [{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={0} source=3 dest: 3}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p0) p1 p2), acceptance={0} source=4 dest: 0}, { cond=(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), acceptance={0} source=4 dest: 3}, { cond=(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1) p2), acceptance={0} source=4 dest: 4}]], initial=1, aps=[p0:(OR (AND (GEQ s2663 1) (GEQ s6059 1)) (AND (GEQ s563 1) (GEQ s6638 1))), p2:(AND (GEQ s2347 1) (GEQ s5021 1)), p1:(AND (GEQ s2622 1) (GEQ s3351 1) (OR ...], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, deterministic, no-univ-branch, unambiguous, semi-deterministic, stutter-sensitive, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null, null, null][false, false, false, false, false]]
Product exploration timeout after 37230 steps with 17748 reset in 11538 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 31120 steps with 14511 reset in 10001 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND p0 p2 (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 152 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive) to 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 231 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 7909 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 5) seen :4
Finished Best-First random walk after 4870 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 296 ms. (steps per millisecond=16 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND p0 p2 (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0), (F (NOT p0)), (F (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1) p2)), (F (AND (NOT p0) p2)), (F (AND (NOT p0) p1 p2)), (F (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 243 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive) to 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 263 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 228 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Support contains 8 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1456 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:31:05] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:31:11] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6379 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6385 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:31:11] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:31:28] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16830 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24679 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND p0 p2 (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 118 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive) to 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 241 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 7624 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 5) seen :4
Finished Best-First random walk after 4870 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 289 ms. (steps per millisecond=16 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND p0 p2 (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0), (F (NOT p0)), (F (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1) p2)), (F (AND (NOT p0) p2)), (F (AND (NOT p0) p1 p2)), (F (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 231 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive) to 5 states, 8 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 223 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 205 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 203 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Product exploration timeout after 33660 steps with 16635 reset in 10002 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 28170 steps with 12674 reset in 10002 ms.
Applying partial POR strategy [true, false, true, true, false]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 215 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))]
Support contains 8 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1339 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:31:59] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:32:14] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 15528 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 16873 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Support contains 8 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1136 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:32:16] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:32:22] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6250 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6262 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:32:22] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:32:39] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16923 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24327 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-00 finished in 148646 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(X(G((!p0&&X((!p0 U (X(!p1)||G(!p0))))))))'
Support contains 2 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Property had overlarge support with respect to TGBA, discarding it for now.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1190 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:32:42] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:32:48] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6081 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6084 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:32:48] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:33:04] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16690 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23974 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 104 ms :[true, p0, p0]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-01 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={0} source=0 dest: 0}], [{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=1 dest: 2}], [{ cond=p0, acceptance={} source=2 dest: 0}, { cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={} source=2 dest: 2}]], initial=1, aps=[p0:(AND (GEQ s2569 1) (GEQ s6215 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, complete, deterministic, no-univ-branch, unambiguous, semi-deterministic, stutter-sensitive, terminal, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null][false, false, false]]
Entered a terminal (fully accepting) state of product in 2351 steps with 0 reset in 1593 ms.
FORMULA HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-01 FALSE TECHNIQUES STUTTER_TEST
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-01 finished in 25822 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(X(G(p0)))'
Support contains 2 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1191 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:33:07] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:33:14] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6317 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6326 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:33:14] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:33:30] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16641 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24164 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 134 ms :[true, (NOT p0), (NOT p0)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-02 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={0} source=0 dest: 0}], [{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=1 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={} source=2 dest: 0}, { cond=p0, acceptance={} source=2 dest: 2}]], initial=1, aps=[p0:(OR (LT s2435 1) (LT s5189 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, complete, deterministic, no-univ-branch, unambiguous, semi-deterministic, stutter-sensitive, terminal, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null][false, false, false]]
Entered a terminal (fully accepting) state of product in 4487 steps with 0 reset in 3376 ms.
FORMULA HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-02 FALSE TECHNIQUES STUTTER_TEST
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-02 finished in 27734 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(X((F(p0)||(p1 U !p2))))'
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1008 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:33:35] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:33:42] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6753 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6753 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:33:42] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:33:58] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16564 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24346 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 170 ms :[(AND (NOT p0) p2), (AND (NOT p0) p2), (NOT p0)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-03 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 1}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p0) p2 p1), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 1}, { cond=(AND (NOT p0) p2 (NOT p1)), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 2}]], initial=0, aps=[p0:(OR (LT s2479 1) (LT s5422 1)), p2:(AND (GEQ s2612 1) (GEQ s5123 1)), p1:(AND (GEQ s2527 1) (GEQ s5470 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, deterministic, no-univ-branch, unambiguous, semi-deterministic, stutter-sensitive, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null][false, false, false]]
Product exploration timeout after 33960 steps with 16980 reset in 10003 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 31910 steps with 15955 reset in 10003 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND p0 (NOT p2) (NOT p1)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p0) p2 (NOT p1)))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p0) p2 p1)))]
False Knowledge obtained : []
Knowledge sufficient to adopt a stutter insensitive property.
Property proved to be true thanks to knowledge :(AND p0 (NOT p2) (NOT p1))
Knowledge based reduction with 3 factoid took 98 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 4 edges and 3 AP (stutter sensitive) to 1 states, 0 edges and 0 AP (stutter insensitive).
FORMULA HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-03 TRUE TECHNIQUES KNOWLEDGE
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-03 finished in 44891 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!((F(p0)&&X((p1||G(p2)))))'
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1007 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:34:20] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:34:26] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6203 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6210 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:34:26] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:34:27] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 752 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 7973 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 208 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (NOT p0), (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1)), true, (NOT p2)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-05 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 1}, { cond=true, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 1}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), acceptance={} source=2 dest: 3}, { cond=(AND (NOT p1) p2), acceptance={} source=2 dest: 4}], [{ cond=true, acceptance={0} source=3 dest: 3}], [{ cond=(NOT p2), acceptance={} source=4 dest: 3}, { cond=p2, acceptance={} source=4 dest: 4}]], initial=0, aps=[p0:(AND (GEQ s2608 1) (GEQ s3337 1)), p1:(AND (GEQ s2476 1) (GEQ s5230 1)), p2:(AND (GEQ s2658 1) (GEQ s3630 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, no-univ-branch, stutter-sensitive, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null, null, null][false, false, false, false, false]]
Entered a terminal (fully accepting) state of product in 1 steps with 0 reset in 3 ms.
FORMULA HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-05 FALSE TECHNIQUES STUTTER_TEST
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-05 finished in 8232 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!((X(p0) U (X(!p1) U (!p0&&X(!p1)))))'
Support contains 4 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 998 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:34:28] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:34:34] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6310 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6312 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:34:34] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:34:51] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16626 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23962 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 157 ms :[true, (OR p1 p0), (OR p0 p1), p1, p1]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-07 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={0} source=0 dest: 0}], [{ cond=p0, acceptance={} source=1 dest: 2}, { cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={} source=1 dest: 4}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p0) p1), acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 0}, { cond=p0, acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 2}, { cond=(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 3}], [{ cond=p1, acceptance={} source=3 dest: 0}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p0) p1), acceptance={} source=4 dest: 0}, { cond=(AND p0 p1), acceptance={} source=4 dest: 2}]], initial=1, aps=[p0:(AND (GEQ s2591 1) (GEQ s6234 1)), p1:(AND (GEQ s2582 1) (GEQ s3311 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, deterministic, no-univ-branch, unambiguous, semi-deterministic, stutter-sensitive, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null, null, null][false, false, false, false, false]]
Entered a terminal (fully accepting) state of product in 2135 steps with 1067 reset in 621 ms.
FORMULA HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-07 FALSE TECHNIQUES STUTTER_TEST
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-07 finished in 24794 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(G(F(((p1 U p2)&&p0))))'
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1080 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:34:53] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:34:59] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6545 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6551 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:34:59] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:35:00] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 769 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 8405 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 127 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-08 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1))), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 1}, { cond=(AND p0 (NOT p2) p1), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1))), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 1}, { cond=(AND p0 (NOT p2) p1), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1)), acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 1}, { cond=(AND (NOT p2) p1), acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 2}]], initial=0, aps=[p0:(AND (GEQ s2629 1) (GEQ s6034 1)), p2:(AND (GEQ s2553 1) (GEQ s5307 1)), p1:(AND (GEQ s2448 1) (GEQ s5202 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, no-univ-branch, stutter-invariant, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null][true, true, true]]
Product exploration timeout after 12860 steps with 0 reset in 10003 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 12370 steps with 1 reset in 10008 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2) (NOT p1)), (X (NOT (AND p0 (NOT p2) p1))), (X (OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1))))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1)))), (X (AND (NOT p2) p1)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p2) p1)))]
Knowledge based reduction with 3 factoid took 262 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 130 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 7880 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 4) seen :2
Incomplete Best-First random walk after 10001 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 567 ms. (steps per millisecond=17 ) properties (out of 2) seen :1
Finished Best-First random walk after 4870 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 280 ms. (steps per millisecond=17 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2) (NOT p1)), (X (NOT (AND p0 (NOT p2) p1))), (X (OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1))))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p1)))), (X (AND (NOT p2) p1)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p2) p1))), (F (AND p1 (NOT p2))), (F (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (NOT p0)))), (F (NOT (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))), (F (AND p1 (NOT p2) p0))]
Knowledge based reduction with 3 factoid took 442 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 151 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 146 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
[2023-03-22 00:35:31] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p2)
[2023-03-22 00:35:46] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1072 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:36:02] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:36:08] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6310 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6339 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:36:08] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:36:25] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16463 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23899 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (X (NOT (AND p1 (NOT p2) p0))), (X (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (NOT p0)))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND p1 (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 (NOT p2)))), (X (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))]
Knowledge based reduction with 3 factoid took 241 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 123 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 7884 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 4) seen :2
Incomplete Best-First random walk after 10001 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 593 ms. (steps per millisecond=16 ) properties (out of 2) seen :1
Finished Best-First random walk after 4870 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 344 ms. (steps per millisecond=14 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (X (NOT (AND p1 (NOT p2) p0))), (X (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (NOT p0)))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND p1 (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 (NOT p2)))), (X (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))), (F (AND p1 (NOT p2))), (F (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (NOT p0)))), (F (NOT (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))), (F (AND p1 (NOT p2) p0))]
Knowledge based reduction with 3 factoid took 351 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 7 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 163 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 134 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
[2023-03-22 00:36:35] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p2)
[2023-03-22 00:36:50] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 129 ms :[(OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (OR (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), (NOT p2)]
Product exploration timeout after 12350 steps with 0 reset in 10003 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 11990 steps with 0 reset in 10005 ms.
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1089 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:37:26] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:37:32] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6230 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6241 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:37:33] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:37:49] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16237 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23574 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-08 finished in 177842 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(F(G(((F(p2)||p1)&&p0))))'
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1290 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:37:51] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:37:57] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6054 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6059 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:37:57] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:38:14] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 17105 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24457 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 115 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-11 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=p0, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={0} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(AND (NOT p1) p0 (NOT p2)), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 1}], [{ cond=(AND p1 p0 (NOT p2)), acceptance={} source=1 dest: 1}, { cond=(OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 1}]], initial=0, aps=[p0:(AND (GEQ s2513 1) (GEQ s2999 1)), p1:(OR (LT s2496 1) (LT s6142 1)), p2:(AND (GEQ s2633 1) (GEQ s3848 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, no-univ-branch, stutter-invariant], stateDesc=[null, null][true, true]]
Product exploration timeout after 12560 steps with 0 reset in 10004 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 12410 steps with 0 reset in 10003 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) p1 (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p1) p0 (NOT p2))))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND p1 p0 (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 p0 (NOT p2)))), (X (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))), (X p0), (X (NOT p0))]
Knowledge based reduction with 2 factoid took 240 ms. Reduced automaton from 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 96 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Finished random walk after 9502 steps, including 2 resets, run visited all 4 properties in 7108 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) p1 (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p1) p0 (NOT p2))))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND p1 p0 (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 p0 (NOT p2)))), (X (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))), (X p0), (X (NOT p0)), (F (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))), (F p0), (F (AND p0 p1 (NOT p2))), (F (AND p0 (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Knowledge based reduction with 2 factoid took 318 ms. Reduced automaton from 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 75 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 70 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
[2023-03-22 00:38:42] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1218 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:38:59] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:39:05] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6309 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6339 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:39:05] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:39:22] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16775 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24338 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) p1 (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND p0 (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))), (X (AND p0 p1 (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND p0 p1 (NOT p2)))), (X p0), (X (NOT p0))]
Knowledge based reduction with 2 factoid took 227 ms. Reduced automaton from 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 83 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 7502 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 4) seen :3
Finished Best-First random walk after 4870 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 275 ms. (steps per millisecond=17 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) p1 (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND p0 (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))), (X (AND p0 p1 (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND p0 p1 (NOT p2)))), (X p0), (X (NOT p0)), (F (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))), (F p0), (F (AND p0 p1 (NOT p2))), (F (AND p0 (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Knowledge based reduction with 2 factoid took 312 ms. Reduced automaton from 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 2 states, 5 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 75 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 83 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
[2023-03-22 00:39:31] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 85 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2))), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)) (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
Product exploration timeout after 13220 steps with 0 reset in 10003 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 12620 steps with 0 reset in 10008 ms.
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1038 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:40:07] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:40:13] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 5860 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 5875 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:40:13] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:40:29] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16350 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23278 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-11 finished in 160440 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(F(G(p0)))'
Support contains 2 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1247 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:40:31] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:40:37] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6170 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6186 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:40:37] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:40:54] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16405 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23855 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 36 ms :[(NOT p0)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-13 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=p0, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={0} source=0 dest: 0}]], initial=0, aps=[p0:(AND (GEQ s2481 1) (GEQ s5424 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, complete, deterministic, no-univ-branch, unambiguous, semi-deterministic, stutter-invariant], stateDesc=[null][true]]
Product exploration timeout after 12570 steps with 0 reset in 10006 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 12280 steps with 0 reset in 10002 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(NOT p0)]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X p0), (X (NOT p0))]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 88 ms. Reduced automaton from 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive) to 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 35 ms :[(NOT p0)]
Finished random walk after 1275 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 846 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 )
Knowledge obtained : [(NOT p0)]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X p0), (X (NOT p0)), (F p0)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 164 ms. Reduced automaton from 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive) to 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 41 ms :[(NOT p0)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 30 ms :[(NOT p0)]
[2023-03-22 00:41:15] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
Support contains 2 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1080 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:41:32] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:41:38] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6332 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6351 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:41:38] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:41:55] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16624 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24083 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(NOT p0)]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X p0), (X (NOT p0))]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 146 ms. Reduced automaton from 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive) to 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 28 ms :[(NOT p0)]
Finished random walk after 2149 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 1 properties in 1537 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 )
Knowledge obtained : [(NOT p0)]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X p0), (X (NOT p0)), (F p0)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 112 ms. Reduced automaton from 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive) to 1 states, 2 edges and 1 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 34 ms :[(NOT p0)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 30 ms :[(NOT p0)]
[2023-03-22 00:41:57] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 36 ms :[(NOT p0)]
Product exploration timeout after 13290 steps with 0 reset in 10007 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 12800 steps with 0 reset in 10005 ms.
Support contains 2 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1027 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:42:33] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:42:39] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 5934 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 5943 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:42:39] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:42:55] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 15878 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 22853 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-13 finished in 145491 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(F(G((F(p0) U (G(p2)&&p1)))))'
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1030 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:42:57] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:43:03] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6235 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6236 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:43:03] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:43:04] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 756 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 8030 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 253 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-14 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 1}, { cond=(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 2}, { cond=(AND p1 p2), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 4}], [{ cond=(AND p1 p2 (NOT p0)), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 1}, { cond=(OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))), acceptance={0, 1} source=1 dest: 1}, { cond=(AND p1 p2 (NOT p0)), acceptance={1} source=1 dest: 3}], [{ cond=(OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))), acceptance={} source=2 dest: 1}, { cond=(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), acceptance={0, 1} source=2 dest: 2}, { cond=(AND p1 p2), acceptance={1} source=2 dest: 4}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), acceptance={0, 1} source=3 dest: 1}, { cond=(AND p2 (NOT p0)), acceptance={1} source=3 dest: 3}], [{ cond=(AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0)), acceptance={} source=4 dest: 1}, { cond=(NOT p2), acceptance={0, 1} source=4 dest: 2}, { cond=p2, acceptance={1} source=4 dest: 4}]], initial=0, aps=[p1:(AND (GEQ s2430 1) (GEQ s5373 1)), p0:(AND (GEQ s2661 1) (GEQ s3876 1)), p2:(AND (GEQ s2441 1) (GEQ s5846 1))], nbAcceptance=2, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, no-univ-branch, stutter-invariant], stateDesc=[null, null, null, null, null][true, true, true, true, true]]
Product exploration timeout after 12780 steps with 1 reset in 10002 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 13120 steps with 5 reset in 10002 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND p1 p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 p2 (NOT p0)))), (X (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0)))), (X (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))))), (X (NOT p2)), (X p2)]
Knowledge based reduction with 4 factoid took 378 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 239 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Incomplete random walk after 10000 steps, including 2 resets, run finished after 7887 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 ) properties (out of 7) seen :4
Finished Best-First random walk after 4870 steps, including 0 resets, run visited all 3 properties in 288 ms. (steps per millisecond=16 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND p1 p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 p2 (NOT p0)))), (X (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0)))), (X (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p1) (NOT p0)) (AND (NOT p2) (NOT p0))))), (X (NOT p2)), (X p2), (F (NOT (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (F (AND (NOT p0) p1 p2)), (F p2), (F (AND (NOT p0) p2)), (F (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))), (F (AND p1 p2)), (F (NOT (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))]
Knowledge based reduction with 4 factoid took 557 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 215 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 193 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
[2023-03-22 00:43:34] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p1)
[2023-03-22 00:43:49] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p2)
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1011 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:44:05] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:44:11] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 5946 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 5970 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:44:11] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:44:28] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16797 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23801 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p0) p1 p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 p2))), (X (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p2)), (X p2), (X (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))), (X (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))]
Knowledge based reduction with 4 factoid took 348 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 232 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Finished random walk after 9481 steps, including 2 resets, run visited all 7 properties in 7413 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p0) p1 p2))), (X (NOT (AND p1 p2))), (X (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p2)), (X p2), (X (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (X (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))), (X (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (X (NOT (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (F (NOT (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)))), (F (AND (NOT p0) p1 p2)), (F p2), (F (AND (NOT p0) p2)), (F (NOT (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))))), (F (AND p1 p2)), (F (NOT (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2))))]
Knowledge based reduction with 4 factoid took 532 ms. Reduced automaton from 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive) to 5 states, 15 edges and 3 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 202 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 304 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
[2023-03-22 00:44:37] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p1)
[2023-03-22 00:44:52] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p2)
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 237 ms :[(OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (OR (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1)) (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2))), (OR (NOT p1) (NOT p2)), (AND (NOT p0) (NOT p2)), (NOT p2)]
Product exploration timeout after 13940 steps with 6 reset in 10003 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 13620 steps with 5 reset in 10002 ms.
Support contains 6 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1342 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:45:29] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:45:35] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6522 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6526 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:45:35] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:45:52] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16820 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24690 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-14 finished in 177709 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(G((F(p0)&&F(p1))))'
Support contains 4 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1018 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:45:54] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:46:00] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6241 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6241 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:46:00] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:46:17] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16152 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 23423 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 143 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
Running random walk in product with property : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-15 automaton TGBA Formula[mat=[[{ cond=true, acceptance={} source=0 dest: 0}, { cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 1}, { cond=(NOT p1), acceptance={} source=0 dest: 2}], [{ cond=(NOT p0), acceptance={0} source=1 dest: 1}], [{ cond=(NOT p1), acceptance={0} source=2 dest: 2}]], initial=0, aps=[p0:(OR (LT s452 1) (LT s3935 1)), p1:(AND (GEQ s2600 1) (GEQ s3086 1))], nbAcceptance=1, properties=[trans-labels, explicit-labels, trans-acc, no-univ-branch, stutter-invariant, very-weak, weak, inherently-weak], stateDesc=[null, null, null][true, true, true]]
Product exploration timeout after 13050 steps with 2 reset in 10004 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 13170 steps with 3 reset in 10002 ms.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0), (X (NOT p1)), (X p1)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 119 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 132 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
Finished random walk after 3669 steps, including 1 resets, run visited all 2 properties in 2764 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0), (X (NOT p1)), (X p1), (F p0), (F p1)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 155 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 110 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 139 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
[2023-03-22 00:46:41] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
[2023-03-22 00:46:56] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p1)
Support contains 4 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1080 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:47:12] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:47:18] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 6347 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 6348 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:47:18] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:47:35] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 17058 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 24493 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0), (X (NOT p1)), (X p1)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 133 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 134 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
Finished random walk after 7481 steps, including 2 resets, run visited all 2 properties in 5561 ms. (steps per millisecond=1 )
Knowledge obtained : [(AND (NOT p0) (NOT p1))]
False Knowledge obtained : [(X (NOT p0)), (X p0), (X (NOT p1)), (X p1), (F p0), (F p1)]
Knowledge based reduction with 1 factoid took 177 ms. Reduced automaton from 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive) to 3 states, 5 edges and 2 AP (stutter insensitive).
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 128 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 111 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
[2023-03-22 00:47:42] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p0)
[2023-03-22 00:47:57] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
Could not prove EG (NOT p1)
Stuttering acceptance computed with spot in 117 ms :[(OR (NOT p0) (NOT p1)), (NOT p0), (NOT p1)]
Product exploration timeout after 13450 steps with 6 reset in 10006 ms.
Product exploration timeout after 13330 steps with 3 reset in 10006 ms.
Support contains 4 out of 7533 places. Attempting structural reductions.
Starting structural reductions in SI_LTL mode, iteration 0 : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Applied a total of 0 rules in 1045 ms. Remains 7533 /7533 variables (removed 0) and now considering 24300/24300 (removed 0) transitions.
[2023-03-22 00:48:33] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:48:34] [INFO ] Implicit Places using invariants in 866 ms returned []
Implicit Place search using SMT only with invariants took 868 ms to find 0 implicit places.
[2023-03-22 00:48:34] [INFO ] Invariant cache hit.
[2023-03-22 00:48:51] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 16699 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in SI_LTL mode , in 1 iterations and 18612 ms. Remains : 7533/7533 places, 24300/24300 transitions.
Treatment of property HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-15 finished in 178559 ms.
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(X((F(p0)||X((F(p1)&&G(p2))))))'
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(G(F(((p1 U p2)&&p0))))'
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(F(G(((F(p2)||p1)&&p0))))'
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(F(G(p0)))'
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(F(G((F(p0) U (G(p2)&&p1)))))'
Running Spot : '/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/itstools/plugins/' '--check=stutter' '--hoaf=tv' '-f' '!(G((F(p0)&&F(p1))))'
[2023-03-22 00:48:53] [INFO ] Flatten gal took : 812 ms
[2023-03-22 00:48:53] [INFO ] Export to MCC of 6 properties in file /home/mcc/execution/ took 2 ms.
[2023-03-22 00:48:53] [INFO ] Export to PNML in file /home/mcc/execution/ of net with 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs took 90 ms.
Total runtime 1157700 ms.
There are residual formulas that ITS could not solve within timeout
pnml2lts-mc model.pnml -s80% --procs=4 --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_0_ --buchi-type=spotba --strategy=ufscc --ltl-semantics=spin --state=tree
pnml2lts-mc model.pnml -s80% --procs=4 --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_1_ --buchi-type=spotba --strategy=ufscc --ltl-semantics=spin --state=tree
pnml2lts-mc model.pnml -s80% --procs=4 --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_2_ --buchi-type=spotba --strategy=ufscc --ltl-semantics=spin --state=tree
pnml2lts-mc model.pnml -s80% --procs=4 --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_3_ --buchi-type=spotba --strategy=ufscc --ltl-semantics=spin --state=tree
pnml2lts-mc model.pnml -s80% --procs=4 --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_4_ --buchi-type=spotba --strategy=ufscc --ltl-semantics=spin --state=tree
pnml2lts-mc model.pnml -s80% --procs=4 --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_5_ --buchi-type=spotba --strategy=ufscc --ltl-semantics=spin --state=tree
Could not compute solution for formula : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-00
Could not compute solution for formula : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-08
Could not compute solution for formula : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-11
Could not compute solution for formula : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-13
Could not compute solution for formula : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-14
Could not compute solution for formula : HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-15

BK_STOP 1679446248049

content from stderr:

+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ export PYTHONPATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs
+ PYTHONPATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs:
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs:
++ sed s/.jar//
++ perl -pe 's/.*\.//g'
++ ls /home/mcc/BenchKit/bin//../reducer/bin//../../itstools//itstools/plugins/
+ VERSION=202303021504
+ echo 'Running Version 202303021504'
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit/bin//../reducer/bin//../../itstools//itstools/its-tools -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination LTLFireability -timeout 360 -rebuildPNML
ltl formula name HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-00
ltl formula formula --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_0_
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc: Runtime environment could only preallocate 15 GB while requesting 240 GB.
pnml2lts-mc: Configure your system limits to exploit all memory.
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading model from model.pnml
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Edge label is id
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net has 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net Petri analyzed
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): There are no safe places
pnml2lts-mc( 3/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_0_
pnml2lts-mc( 1/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_0_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading Petri net took 2.620 real 0.900 user 0.920 sys
pnml2lts-mc( 2/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_0_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_0_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): buchi has 5 states
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Weak Buchi automaton detected, adding non-accepting as progress label.
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4), ** error **: area memory exhausted
*** segmentation fault ***

Please send information on how to reproduce this problem to:
along with all output preceding this message.
In addition, include the following information:
Package: ltsmin 3.1.0
Stack trace:
ltl formula name HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-08
ltl formula formula --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_1_
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc: Runtime environment could only preallocate 15 GB while requesting 240 GB.
pnml2lts-mc: Configure your system limits to exploit all memory.
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading model from model.pnml
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Edge label is id
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net has 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net Petri analyzed
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): There are no safe places
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading Petri net took 2.660 real 0.900 user 0.930 sys
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_1_
pnml2lts-mc( 3/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_1_
pnml2lts-mc( 2/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_1_
pnml2lts-mc( 1/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_1_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): buchi has 3 states
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Weak Buchi automaton detected, adding non-accepting as progress label.
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4), ** error **: area memory exhausted
*** segmentation fault ***

Please send information on how to reproduce this problem to:
along with all output preceding this message.
In addition, include the following information:
Package: ltsmin 3.1.0
Stack trace:
malloc_consolidate(): invalid chunk size
ltl formula name HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-11
ltl formula formula --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_2_
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc: Runtime environment could only preallocate 15 GB while requesting 240 GB.
pnml2lts-mc: Configure your system limits to exploit all memory.
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading model from model.pnml
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Edge label is id
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net has 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net Petri analyzed
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): There are no safe places
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading Petri net took 3.950 real 1.080 user 1.000 sys
pnml2lts-mc( 2/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_2_
pnml2lts-mc( 3/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_2_
pnml2lts-mc( 1/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_2_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_2_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): buchi has 4 states
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4), ** error **: area memory exhausted
double free or corruption (fasttop)
ltl formula name HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-13
ltl formula formula --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_3_
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc: Runtime environment could only preallocate 15 GB while requesting 240 GB.
pnml2lts-mc: Configure your system limits to exploit all memory.
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading model from model.pnml
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Edge label is id
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net has 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net Petri analyzed
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): There are no safe places
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading Petri net took 2.600 real 0.960 user 0.920 sys
pnml2lts-mc( 2/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_3_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_3_
pnml2lts-mc( 1/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_3_
pnml2lts-mc( 3/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_3_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): buchi has 2 states
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4), ** error **: area memory exhausted
double free or corruption (fasttop)
ltl formula name HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-14
ltl formula formula --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_4_
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc: Runtime environment could only preallocate 15 GB while requesting 240 GB.
pnml2lts-mc: Configure your system limits to exploit all memory.
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading model from model.pnml
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Edge label is id
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net has 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net Petri analyzed
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): There are no safe places
pnml2lts-mc( 1/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_4_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading Petri net took 3.350 real 0.860 user 0.980 sys
pnml2lts-mc( 3/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_4_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_4_
pnml2lts-mc( 2/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_4_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): buchi has 5 states
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4), ** error **: area memory exhausted
double free or corruption (fasttop)
ltl formula name HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10-LTLFireability-15
ltl formula formula --ltl=/tmp/2021/ltl_5_
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
pnml2lts-mc: Runtime environment could only preallocate 15 GB while requesting 240 GB.
pnml2lts-mc: Configure your system limits to exploit all memory.
pnml2lts-mc: =============================================================================
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading model from model.pnml
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Edge label is id
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
Warning: program compiled against libxml 210 using older 209
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net has 7533 places, 24300 transitions and 97200 arcs
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Petri net Petri analyzed
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): There are no safe places
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Loading Petri net took 2.580 real 0.900 user 0.900 sys
pnml2lts-mc( 1/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_5_
pnml2lts-mc( 3/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_5_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_5_
pnml2lts-mc( 2/ 4): LTL layer: formula: /tmp/2021/ltl_5_
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): buchi has 3 states
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4): Weak Buchi automaton detected, adding non-accepting as progress label.
pnml2lts-mc( 0/ 4), ** error **: area memory exhausted
*** segmentation fault ***

Please send information on how to reproduce this problem to:
along with all output preceding this message.
In addition, include the following information:
Package: ltsmin 3.1.0
Stack trace:
malloc_consolidate(): invalid chunk size

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10"
export BK_EXAMINATION="LTLFireability"
export BK_TOOL="ltsminxred"
export BK_BIN_PATH="/home/mcc/BenchKit/bin/"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-5348"
echo " Executing tool ltsminxred"
echo " Input is HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10, examination is LTLFireability"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r233-tall-167856418300068"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "preparation of the directory to be used:"

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10.tgz
mv HypertorusGrid-PT-d5k3p2b10 execution
cd execution
if [ "LTLFireability" = "ReachabilityDeadlock" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "QuasiLiveness" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "StableMarking" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "Liveness" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "OneSafe" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "StateSpace" ]; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
ls -lh

echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "LTLFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "LTLFireability" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "LTLFireability.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property LTLFireability.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "LTLFireability.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' LTLFireability.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ "LTLFireability" = "ReachabilityDeadlock" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "QuasiLiveness" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "StableMarking" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "Liveness" ] || [ "LTLFireability" = "OneSafe" ] ; then
echo "FORMULA_NAME LTLFireability"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;