About the Execution of LoLa+red for GPPP-PT-C0100N0000000100
Execution Summary | |||||
Max Memory Used (MB) |
Time wait (ms) | CPU Usage (ms) | I/O Wait (ms) | Computed Result | Execution Status |
178.367 | 3351.00 | 4165.00 | 340.80 | T | normal |
Execution Chart
We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).
Trace from the execution
Formatting '/data/fkordon/mcc2023-input.r181-tall-167838868900531.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=4294967296 backing_file=/data/fkordon/mcc2023-input.qcow2 cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
Generated by BenchKit 2-5348
Executing tool lolaxred
Input is GPPP-PT-C0100N0000000100, examination is ReachabilityDeadlock
Time confinement is 1800 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r181-tall-167838868900531
preparation of the directory to be used:
total 460K
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.8K Feb 26 10:43 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 74K Feb 26 10:43 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.7K Feb 26 10:41 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 30K Feb 26 10:41 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.2K Jan 29 11:40 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.4K Feb 25 16:10 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 22K Feb 25 16:10 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.8K Feb 25 16:10 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 17K Feb 25 16:10 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 12K Feb 26 10:44 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 128K Feb 26 10:44 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 12K Feb 26 10:44 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 76K Feb 26 10:44 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 1.7K Feb 25 16:10 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.8K Feb 25 16:10 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 5 18:22 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 17 Mar 5 18:22 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 5 18:22 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 1 Mar 5 18:22 large_marking
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 21K Mar 5 18:22 model.pnml
content from stdout:
=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)
The expected result is a vector of booleans
FORMULA_NAME ReachabilityDeadlock
=== Now, execution of the tool begins
BK_START 1678545280592
bash -c /home/mcc/BenchKit/BenchKit_head.sh 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n "BK_STOP " ; date -u +%s%3N
Invoking MCC driver with
Applying reductions before tool lola
Invoking reducer
Running Version 202303021504
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, ReachabilityDeadlock, -timeout, 180, -rebuildPNML]
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 30 ms
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Transformed 33 places.
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Transformed 22 transitions.
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Parsed PT model containing 33 places and 22 transitions and 83 arcs in 97 ms.
Parsed 1 properties from file /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityDeadlock.xml in 2 ms.
Working with output stream class java.io.PrintStream
Built sparse matrix representations for Structural reductions in 4 ms.24184KB memory used
Starting structural reductions in DEADLOCK mode, iteration 0 : 33/33 places, 22/22 transitions.
Graph (trivial) has 4 edges and 33 vertex of which 2 / 33 are part of one of the 1 SCC in 3 ms
Free SCC test removed 1 places
Ensure Unique test removed 1 transitions
Reduce isomorphic transitions removed 1 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Drop transitions removed 1 transitions
Trivial Post-agglo rules discarded 1 transitions
Performed 1 trivial Post agglomeration. Transition count delta: 1
Iterating post reduction 0 with 1 rules applied. Total rules applied 2 place count 32 transition count 20
Reduce places removed 1 places and 0 transitions.
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Iterating post reduction 1 with 1 rules applied. Total rules applied 3 place count 31 transition count 20
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Performed 1 Pre agglomeration using Quasi-Persistent + Divergent Free condition..
Pre-agglomeration after 2 with 1 Pre rules applied. Total rules applied 3 place count 31 transition count 19
Deduced a syphon composed of 1 places in 0 ms
Reduce places removed 1 places and 0 transitions.
Iterating global reduction 2 with 2 rules applied. Total rules applied 5 place count 30 transition count 19
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Performed 2 Post agglomeration using F-continuation condition.Transition count delta: 2
Deduced a syphon composed of 2 places in 0 ms
Reduce places removed 3 places and 0 transitions.
Iterating global reduction 2 with 5 rules applied. Total rules applied 10 place count 27 transition count 17
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Performed 1 Post agglomeration using F-continuation condition.Transition count delta: 1
Deduced a syphon composed of 1 places in 0 ms
Reduce places removed 2 places and 0 transitions.
Iterating global reduction 2 with 3 rules applied. Total rules applied 13 place count 25 transition count 16
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Performed 1 Post agglomeration using F-continuation condition.Transition count delta: 1
Deduced a syphon composed of 1 places in 0 ms
Reduce places removed 1 places and 0 transitions.
Iterating global reduction 2 with 2 rules applied. Total rules applied 15 place count 24 transition count 15
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Computed a total of 0 stabilizing places and 0 stable transitions
Applied a total of 15 rules in 40 ms. Remains 24 /33 variables (removed 9) and now considering 15/22 (removed 7) transitions.
// Phase 1: matrix 15 rows 24 cols
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Computed 10 place invariants in 8 ms
[2023-03-11 14:34:42] [INFO ] Dead Transitions using invariants and state equation in 173 ms found 0 transitions.
Finished structural reductions in DEADLOCK mode , in 1 iterations and 241 ms. Remains : 24/33 places, 15/22 transitions.
Finished random walk after 1260 steps, including 0 resets, run found a deadlock after 7 ms. (steps per millisecond=180 )
Total runtime 387 ms.
ITS solved all properties within timeout
BK_STOP 1678545283943
content from stderr:
+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ export PYTHONPATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs
+ PYTHONPATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs:
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/pylibs:
++ sed s/.jar//
++ perl -pe 's/.*\.//g'
++ ls /home/mcc/BenchKit/bin//../reducer/bin//../../itstools//itstools/plugins/fr.lip6.move.gal.application.pnmcc_1.0.0.202303021504.jar
+ VERSION=202303021504
+ echo 'Running Version 202303021504'
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit/bin//../reducer/bin//../../itstools//itstools/its-tools -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination ReachabilityDeadlock -timeout 180 -rebuildPNML
Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM
This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.
set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="GPPP-PT-C0100N0000000100"
export BK_EXAMINATION="ReachabilityDeadlock"
export BK_TOOL="lolaxred"
export BK_BIN_PATH="/home/mcc/BenchKit/bin/"
# this is specific to your benchmark or test
export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"
# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution
# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-5348"
echo " Executing tool lolaxred"
echo " Input is GPPP-PT-C0100N0000000100, examination is ReachabilityDeadlock"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r181-tall-167838868900531"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "preparation of the directory to be used:"
tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/GPPP-PT-C0100N0000000100.tgz
mv GPPP-PT-C0100N0000000100 execution
cd execution
if [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "ReachabilityDeadlock" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "UpperBounds" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "QuasiLiveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "StableMarking" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "Liveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "OneSafe" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "StateSpace" ]; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
ls -lh
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "ReachabilityDeadlock.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property ReachabilityDeadlock.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "ReachabilityDeadlock.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "ReachabilityDeadlock" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "QuasiLiveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "StableMarking" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "Liveness" ] || [ "ReachabilityDeadlock" = "OneSafe" ] ; then
echo "FORMULA_NAME ReachabilityDeadlock"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/BenchKit_head.sh 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;