Model Checking Contest 2019
9th edition, Prague, Czech Republic, April 7, 2019 (TOOLympics)
Execution of r212-smll-155381377600054
Last Updated
Apr 15, 2019

About the Execution of ITS-Tools for CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
5304.220 3600000.00 14190766.00 477.80 TTT???F???F??FTT normal

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Formatting '/data/fkordon/mcc2019-input.r212-smll-155381377600054.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=4294967296 backing_file='/data/fkordon/mcc2019-input.qcow2' encryption=off cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
Generated by BenchKit 2-3957
Executing tool itstools
Input is CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040, examination is ReachabilityFireability
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r212-smll-155381377600054

preparation of the directory to be used:
total 180K
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.1K Mar 26 06:38 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 19K Mar 26 06:38 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.7K Mar 26 06:30 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 14K Mar 26 06:30 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.7K Mar 26 06:26 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.4K Mar 26 06:26 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.2K Mar 26 06:26 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.3K Mar 26 06:26 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 1 Mar 25 21:32 NewModel
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.1K Mar 26 06:25 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 17K Mar 26 06:25 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 125 Mar 26 06:21 ReachabilityDeadlock.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 363 Mar 26 06:21 ReachabilityDeadlock.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.3K Mar 26 06:23 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 18K Mar 26 06:23 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.0K Mar 26 06:26 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K Mar 26 06:26 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 25 21:32 equiv_col

-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 13 Mar 25 21:32 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Mar 25 21:32 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 16K Mar 25 21:32 model.pnml

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of booleans

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-01
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-06
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-13
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
FORMULA_NAME CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1553861448228

Working with output stream class
Using solver Z3 to compute partial order matrices.
Built C files in :
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityFireability.prop, --nowitness], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityFireability.prop --nowitness
Loading property file ReachabilityFireability.prop.
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00 with value :((((((ScUnavailable>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1))&&(Wsr3Deployed>=1))&&((Wsr3Deployed>=1)&&(((ScWorking>=1)&&(WebAppRuntime>=1))&&(Bounder1>=1))))&&(SwContainer>=1))&&(((WSRuntime1>=1)&&(Wsr1NotDeployed>=1))&&((ContainerDown>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-01 with value :(((!((ServerContainer>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1)))||((!(((OsRunning>=1)&&(SwContainer>=1))&&(Bounder2>=1)))||((OsContainer>=1)||(SwContainer>=1))))||((ScWorking>=1)||((OsContainer>=1)&&(OsAvailable>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02 with value :(((!(((WSRuntime2>=1)&&(WSRuntime1>=1))&&(WsRuntime3>=1)))||(((Wsr2Deployed>=1)&&(ScWorking>=1))&&(((OsRunning>=1)&&(SwContainer>=1))&&(Bounder2>=1))))||(((((Wsr2NotDeployed>=1)&&(WSRuntime2>=1))&&((OsNotInstalled>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1)))||(!(((ScWorking>=1)&&(WebAppRuntime>=1))&&(Bounder1>=1))))||(!((ScWorking>=1)&&((OsNotInstalled>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))))))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03 with value :(!(((((WSRuntime2>=1)&&(WSRuntime1>=1))&&(WsRuntime3>=1))||((ContainerDown>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1)))||(!((ServerContainer>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1)))))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04 with value :((ContainerDown>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05 with value :(!((!((((ScWorking>=1)&&(WebAppRuntime>=1))&&(Bounder1>=1))||(Wsr1Started>=1)))||((ContainerDown>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-06 with value :((!((!((Wsr2NotDeployed>=1)&&(WSRuntime2>=1)))||((ScWorking>=1)||(Wsr2Deployed>=1))))&&((ScWorking>=1)&&((((WSRuntime2>=1)&&(WSRuntime1>=1))&&(WsRuntime3>=1))&&(!((WSRuntime1>=1)&&(Wsr1NotDeployed>=1))))))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07 with value :((ContainerDown>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08 with value :(((WebAppRuntime>=1)&&((!(((ScWorking>=1)&&(WebAppRuntime>=1))&&(Bounder1>=1)))||(((OsNotInstalled>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))&&(SwContainer>=1))))||((ScUnavailable>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1)))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09 with value :((OsNotInstalled>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10 with value :((((!(Wsr1Started>=1))||(!((ServerContainer>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1))))&&((((OsRunning>=1)&&(SwContainer>=1))&&(Bounder2>=1))&&(((ScUnavailable>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1))&&(Wsr3Started>=1))))&&(!(ScWorking>=1)))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11 with value :(!(((!((ServerContainer>=1)&&(ScStopped>=1)))||(!(Wsr1Deployed>=1)))||((((OsNotInstalled>=1)&&(Bounder2>=1))||((WSRuntime1>=1)&&(Wsr1NotDeployed>=1)))&&(((Container>=1)&&(ContainerUp>=1))||((ScStopped>=1)&&(ServerContainer>=1))))))
Read [invariant] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12 with value :((ScUnavailable>=1)&&(Bounder1>=1))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-13 with value :((!((Wsr2Deployed>=1)||(((OsContainer>=1)&&(OsAvailable>=1))||((ServerContainer>=1)&&(ScStopped>=1)))))&&((OsContainer>=1)&&(OsAvailable>=1)))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14 with value :((((WSRuntime2>=1)&&(WSRuntime1>=1))&&(WsRuntime3>=1))&&((Wsr2Started>=1)&&(Container>=1)))
Read [reachable] property : CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15 with value :(((Wsr2Started>=1)&&((!((WsRuntime3>=1)&&(Wsr3NotDeployed>=1)))&&(!((ScStopped>=1)&&(ServerContainer>=1)))))&&((((Container>=1)||((ServerContainer>=1)&&(ScStopped>=1)))&&(((Container>=1)&&(ContainerUp>=1))&&(SwContainer>=1)))||(((WebAppRuntime>=1)&&((ScStopped>=1)&&(ServerContainer>=1)))&&(Wsr2Started>=1))))
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-01 TRUE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT TAUTOLOGY
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-06 FALSE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT TAUTOLOGY
Presburger conditions satisfied. Using coverability to approximate state space in K-Induction.
// Phase 1: matrix 29 rows 27 cols
invariant :OsAvailable + OsRunning + OsNotInstalled = 40
invariant :Container + OsContainer + Bounder2 = 80
invariant :ContainerDown + ContainerUp = 40
invariant :WSRuntime2 + -1'Wsr2NotDeployed + -1'WsRuntime3 + Wsr3NotDeployed = 0
invariant :Wsr2Started + Wsr2Deployed + Wsr2NotDeployed = 80
invariant :-2'OsRunning + 2'SwContainer + ServerContainer + Bounder1 = 80
invariant :ScWorking + -1'WebAppRuntime + -1'WsRuntime3 + Wsr3NotDeployed = 80
invariant :WSRuntime1 + -1'Wsr1NotDeployed + -1'WsRuntime3 + Wsr3NotDeployed = 0
invariant :ScStopped + ScUnavailable + WebAppRuntime + WsRuntime3 + -1'Wsr3NotDeployed = -40
invariant :Wsr1Deployed + Wsr1NotDeployed + Wsr1Started = 80
invariant :Wsr3Deployed + Wsr3NotDeployed + Wsr3Started = 80
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-13 FALSE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT TAUTOLOGY
Presburger conditions satisfied. Using coverability to approximate state space in K-Induction.
// Phase 1: matrix 29 rows 27 cols
invariant :OsAvailable + OsRunning + OsNotInstalled = 40
invariant :Container + OsContainer + Bounder2 = 80
invariant :ContainerDown + ContainerUp = 40
invariant :WSRuntime2 + -1'Wsr2NotDeployed + -1'WsRuntime3 + Wsr3NotDeployed = 0
invariant :Wsr2Started + Wsr2Deployed + Wsr2NotDeployed = 80
invariant :-2'OsRunning + 2'SwContainer + ServerContainer + Bounder1 = 80
invariant :ScWorking + -1'WebAppRuntime + -1'WsRuntime3 + Wsr3NotDeployed = 80
invariant :WSRuntime1 + -1'Wsr1NotDeployed + -1'WsRuntime3 + Wsr3NotDeployed = 0
invariant :ScStopped + ScUnavailable + WebAppRuntime + WsRuntime3 + -1'Wsr3NotDeployed = -40
invariant :Wsr1Deployed + Wsr1NotDeployed + Wsr1Started = 80
invariant :Wsr3Deployed + Wsr3NotDeployed + Wsr3Started = 80
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02 TRUE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT K_INDUCTION(0)
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10 FALSE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT K_INDUCTION(0)
Running compilation step : CommandLine [args=[gcc, -c, -I/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//include, -I., -std=c99, -fPIC, -O2, model.c], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Compilation finished in 794 ms.
Running link step : CommandLine [args=[gcc, -shared, -o,, model.o], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Link finished in 55 ms.
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability00==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 205 ms.
Found Violation
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00 TRUE TECHNIQUES PARTIAL_ORDER EXPLICIT LTSMIN SAT_SMT
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14 TRUE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT BMC(9)
FORMULA CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15 TRUE TECHNIQUES SAT_SMT BMC(9)
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability04==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability04==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability05==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability05==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability07==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability07==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability08==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability08==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability09==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability09==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability11==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability11==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability12==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability12==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Retrying LTSmin with larger timeout 1800 s
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTS min runner thread failed on error :java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected exception when executing ltsmin :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]


content from stderr:

+ export BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
+ BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
++ pwd
+ export MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ [[ ReachabilityFireability = StateSpace ]]
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit// /home/mcc/execution ReachabilityFireability -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -smt
+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit//itstools/its-tools -data /home/mcc/execution/workspace -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination ReachabilityFireability -z3path /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3 -yices2path /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -smt -vmargs -Dosgi.locking=none -Declipse.stateSaveDelayInterval=-1 -Dosgi.configuration.area=/tmp/.eclipse -Xss8m -Xms40m -Xmx8192m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:50 PM start
INFO: Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, ReachabilityFireability, -z3path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3, -yices2path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices, -its, -ltsminpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/, -smt]
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:50 PM transformPNML
INFO: Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:50 PM loadFromXML
INFO: Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 39 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:50 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 27 places.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:50 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:50 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 13 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 33 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 13 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 3 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 12 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityFireability.prop : 2 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM checkProperties
INFO: Result for false tautology is UNSAT, invariant/never predicate is unrealizable CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-01
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM checkProperties
INFO: Result for false tautology is UNSAT, reachability predicate is unrealizable CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-06
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM computeAndDeclareInvariants
INFO: Computed 11 place invariants in 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM checkProperties
INFO: Result for false tautology is UNSAT, reachability predicate is unrealizable CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-13
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM checkProperties
INFO: Ran tautology test, simplified 3 / 16 in 339 ms.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 22 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 13 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM computeAndDeclareInvariants
INFO: Computed 11 place invariants in 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 3 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 23 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 11 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 11 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 6 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 8 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 8 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 8 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 12 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM init
INFO: Proved 27 variables to be positive in 273 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM computeAblingMatrix
INFO: Computing symmetric may disable matrix : 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of disable matrix completed :0/29 took 0 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 0(0/0)
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Complete disable matrix. took 1 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 0(0/0)
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM computeAblingMatrix
INFO: Computing symmetric may enable matrix : 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Complete enable matrix. took 0 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 0(0/0)
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 6 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 4 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM init
INFO: Proved 27 variables to be positive in 211 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 12 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 20 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(SAT) depth K=0 took 33 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved invariant CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02(TRUE) depth K=0 took 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 18 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=0 took 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-02(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 10 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=0 took 11 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 31 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=0 took 33 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 19 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=0 took 20 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 22 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=0 took 11 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=0 took 26 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 12 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 10 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-10(FALSE) depth K=0 took 33 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 13 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 7 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 9 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=0 took 28 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 46 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=0 took 63 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=0 took 29 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=0 took 13 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 81 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(SAT) depth K=1 took 67 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 63 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=1 took 87 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=1 took 14 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 95 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=1 took 71 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=1 took 18 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 87 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=1 took 54 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 83 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 72 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=1 took 121 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 41 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=1 took 32 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=1 took 19 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 106 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 50 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=1 took 137 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 56 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=1 took 190 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 234 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(SAT) depth K=2 took 112 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=2 took 109 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 187 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=2 took 116 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=2 took 83 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=2 took 38 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=2 took 58 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 258 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=2 took 30 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 331 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=2 took 330 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=2 took 137 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 207 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 201 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=2 took 269 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 232 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 263 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=2 took 625 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 319 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(SAT) depth K=3 took 308 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=3 took 159 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 329 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=3 took 141 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=3 took 55 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 250 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=3 took 190 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=3 took 255 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 366 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=3 took 77 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=3 took 336 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 407 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM computeCoEnablingMatrix
INFO: Computing symmetric co enabling matrix : 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=3 took 107 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(0/29) took 33 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 3(3/0)
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=3 took 115 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=3 took 143 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 452 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 488 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-00(SAT) depth K=4 took 707 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:57 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Finished co-enabling matrix. took 1055 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 90(90/0)
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:57 PM computeDoNotAccord
INFO: Computing Do-Not-Accords matrix : 29 transitions.
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 262 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Completed DNA matrix. took 564 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 60(0/60)
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM transform
INFO: Built C files in 6808ms conformant to PINS in folder :/home/mcc/execution
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 606 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=4 took 811 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=4 took 268 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 485 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=4 took 488 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:59 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:59 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=4 took 88 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:10:59 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 598 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:00 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:00 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=4 took 1227 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:00 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 1279 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:00 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:00 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=4 took 529 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:02 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 2155 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:03 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:03 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=4 took 2473 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:03 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 1203 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:04 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:04 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=4 took 766 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:06 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 2203 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:07 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:07 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=4 took 3557 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:08 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 2083 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:08 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:08 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=4 took 1010 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:09 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:09 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=5 took 1310 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:10 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 2632 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:10 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:10 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=5 took 991 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=5 took 1155 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 1735 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=5 took 712 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 1595 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:16 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 2327 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:19 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:19 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=5 took 7153 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:20 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:20 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=5 took 612 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:20 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 4271 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=5 took 1279 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:22 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:22 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=5 took 989 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:23 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 2857 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:24 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:24 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=5 took 1324 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:26 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:26 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=5 took 2200 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:27 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 4345 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:30 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 2601 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:33 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 2814 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=6 took 8728 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:35 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 2211 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:38 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:38 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=6 took 3629 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 4300 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 1972 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:42 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:42 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=6 took 3613 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:43 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:43 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=6 took 771 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 3600 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=6 took 3915 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 2163 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:50 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:50 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=6 took 3163 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:52 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=6 took 2297 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 5497 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:11:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 2734 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:01 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 5984 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=6 took 12503 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:06 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=7 took 4971 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:06 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:06 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=6 took 1954 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:10 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:10 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=6 took 3116 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:11 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 4497 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 3098 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:23 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 8798 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:24 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:24 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=7 took 14580 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:27 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 4335 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:31 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:31 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=7 took 6714 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:34 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 7112 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:42 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 7629 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:48 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:48 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=7 took 17284 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:50 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:50 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=7 took 1868 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 11765 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 3727 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:59 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:12:59 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=7 took 8617 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:03 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:03 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=7 took 4257 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:05 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 7530 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:06 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:06 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=7 took 2762 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:15 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:15 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=7 took 9581 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:17 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(UNSAT) depth K=8 took 11917 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(SAT) depth K=7 took 5269 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:23 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 5872 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:30 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 7904 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:36 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 5815 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(SAT) depth K=7 took 16817 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 4772 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:48 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 6959 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:13:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 4384 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:03 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 10209 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=9 took 8983 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:24 PM runBMC
INFO: Result is SAT, found a trace to state matching reachability predicate CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:24 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-14(TRUE) depth K=9 took 12195 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:31 PM runBMC
INFO: Result is SAT, found a trace to state matching reachability predicate CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:31 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-15(TRUE) depth K=9 took 7399 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:42 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 10670 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:48 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 5701 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 5920 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:14:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=8 took 76538 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:03 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 9821 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=8 took 11237 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=8 took 6712 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 11149 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:17 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:17 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=8 took 4741 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:22 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 7502 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:34 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 12311 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=10 took 11429 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:49 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:49 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=8 took 32555 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:15:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 9816 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:02 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:02 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=8 took 12599 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:05 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 9064 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 9669 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:32 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 18213 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:34 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:34 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=8 took 32333 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=8 took 12821 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:16:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 14501 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:02 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 15055 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:03 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:03 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=9 took 15611 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:09 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:09 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=9 took 6252 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:27 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 24928 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=9 took 28515 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:37 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=11 took 10390 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=9 took 10176 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:17:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 19954 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:18:09 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 11447 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:18:33 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 24337 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:18:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 12875 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:04 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 18304 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:16 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 11339 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:20 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:20 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=9 took 92718 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:28 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:28 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=9 took 7352 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 24558 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:54 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=9 took 26521 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:19:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=12 took 16606 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:20:00 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:20:00 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=9 took 6250 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:20:15 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 17796 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:20:37 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 21994 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:20:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 18366 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:10 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 14958 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:13 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:13 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=10 took 73044 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:34 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 23601 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:49 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:49 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=10 took 35906 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 19932 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:21:55 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=10 took 5599 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:22:15 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:22:15 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=10 took 20513 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:22:22 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 28331 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:22:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=13 took 24550 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:22:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:22:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=10 took 35928 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:23:04 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:23:04 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=10 took 12622 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:23:11 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 24780 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:23:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 27467 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:24:07 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 28006 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:24:31 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:24:31 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=10 took 87240 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:24:38 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 31371 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:24:39 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:24:39 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=10 took 7974 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:25:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 34292 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:25:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 28267 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:26:11 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 30501 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:26:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=14 took 28008 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:26:41 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:26:41 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=11 took 122295 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:27:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:27:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=11 took 39150 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:27:28 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 49130 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:27:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 28031 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:28:01 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:28:01 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=11 took 40534 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:28:19 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 22611 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:28:49 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 30457 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:29:32 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 42344 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:29:45 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:29:45 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=11 took 103981 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:30:02 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 30760 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:30:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 38823 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:31:17 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=15 took 35912 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:31:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 36567 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:32:06 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:32:06 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=11 took 141045 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:32:37 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 43287 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:32:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:32:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=11 took 33955 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:33:07 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:33:07 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=11 took 27250 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:33:13 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 35740 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:33:18 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:33:18 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=11 took 10139 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:33:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 33964 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:34:36 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 49305 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:35:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 35718 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:36:08 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 56092 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:36:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=16 took 35681 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:36:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 12:36:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=12 took 220451 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:37:35 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 51962 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:38:25 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 49623 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:39:06 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 40569 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:39:31 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04
Mar 29, 2019 12:39:31 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(SAT) depth K=12 took 152587 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:39:49 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 43070 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:40:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 52533 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:41:32 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 50368 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:42:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 68328 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:43:17 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=17 took 37429 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:44:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 56316 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:44:38 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05
Mar 29, 2019 12:44:38 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(SAT) depth K=12 took 307308 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:44:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 38628 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:45:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 54160 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:46:22 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07
Mar 29, 2019 12:46:22 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(SAT) depth K=12 took 104440 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:46:30 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 43965 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:47:30 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 59650 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:48:33 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 62422 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:49:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 73634 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:49:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08
Mar 29, 2019 12:49:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(SAT) depth K=12 took 215697 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:50:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=18 took 54977 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:51:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 62848 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:52:50 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 66474 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:53:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 63735 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:54:42 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 47336 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:54:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09
Mar 29, 2019 12:54:53 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(SAT) depth K=12 took 294797 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:55:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 57927 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:56:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11
Mar 29, 2019 12:56:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(SAT) depth K=12 took 78461 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:56:25 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12
Mar 29, 2019 12:56:25 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(SAT) depth K=12 took 13720 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:56:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 60836 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:58:34 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 113234 ms
Mar 29, 2019 12:59:31 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=19 took 57521 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:00:36 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 64467 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:01:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 69352 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:03:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 87614 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:04:37 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 84077 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:05:59 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 82399 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:07:18 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-09(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 78757 ms
pins2lts-mc, 0.000: Registering PINS so language module
pins2lts-mc( 6/ 8), 0.016: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 6/ 8), 0.016: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 6/ 8), 0.017: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 7/ 8), 0.004: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.004: Loading model from ./
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.004: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 0.017: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 1/ 8), 0.004: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 1/ 8), 0.004: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 1/ 8), 0.004: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 0.004: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 0.004: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 3/ 8), 0.004: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 3/ 8), 0.005: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 0.018: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 0.005: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 3/ 8), 0.005: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 0.018: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 7/ 8), 0.005: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 7/ 8), 0.005: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.004: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 5/ 8), 0.004: library has no initializer
pins2lts-mc( 5/ 8), 0.005: loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.005: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.005: Initializing POR dependencies: labels 45, guards 29
pins2lts-mc( 5/ 8), 0.005: completed loading model GAL
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.006: Forcing use of the an ignoring proviso (closed-set)
pins2lts-mc( 5/ 8), 0.032: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 1/ 8), 0.032: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.032: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 3/ 8), 0.032: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 7/ 8), 0.032: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 0.032: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 0.046: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 6/ 8), 0.046: "CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true" is not a file, parsing as formula...
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: There are 45 state labels and 1 edge labels
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: State length is 27, there are 29 groups
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: Running bfs using 8 cores
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: Using a non-indexing tree table with 2^27 elements
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: Successor permutation: none
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: Visible groups: 0 / 29, labels: 1 / 45
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: POR cycle proviso: closed-set
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.033: Global bits: 0, count bits: 0, local bits: 0
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.078: ~6 levels ~960 states ~6840 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.110: ~7 levels ~1920 states ~14416 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 0.173: ~3 levels ~3840 states ~32696 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 0.277: ~9 levels ~7680 states ~68200 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 0.438: ~6 levels ~15360 states ~147192 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 0.776: ~8 levels ~30720 states ~314728 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 1.469: ~7 levels ~61440 states ~672152 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 2.696: ~8 levels ~122880 states ~1429520 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 4/ 8), 4.537: ~10 levels ~245760 states ~2941144 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 3/ 8), 8.150: ~10 levels ~491520 states ~6433480 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 3/ 8), 14.707: ~11 levels ~983040 states ~13200192 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 27.049: ~14 levels ~1966080 states ~26164064 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 52.825: ~15 levels ~3932160 states ~54805624 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 110.098: ~17 levels ~7864320 states ~113850520 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 224.584: ~18 levels ~15728640 states ~232495376 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 480.201: ~19 levels ~31457280 states ~483135496 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 2/ 8), 1030.019: ~21 levels ~62914560 states ~1003103856 transitions
pins2lts-mc( 6/ 8), 1584.520: Error: tree roots table full! Change -s/--ratio.
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567:
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: mean standard work distribution: 4.4% (states) 2.5% (transitions)
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567:
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Explored 85385975 states 1408095459 transitions, fanout: 16.491
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Total exploration time 1584.530 sec (1584.480 sec minimum, 1584.501 sec on average)
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: States per second: 53887, Transitions per second: 888652
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Ignoring proviso: 47374646
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567:
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Queue width: 8B, total height: 50414178, memory: 384.63MB
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Tree memory: 1049.4MB, 8.2 B/state, compr.: 7.5%
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Tree fill ratio (roots/leafs): 99.0%/9.0%
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Stored 29 string chucks using 0MB
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Total memory used for chunk indexing: 0MB
pins2lts-mc( 0/ 8), 1584.567: Est. total memory use: 1434.1MB (~1408.6MB paged-in)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected exception when executing ltsmin :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, CloudOpsManagementPT00080by00040ReachabilityFireability03==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Mar 29, 2019 1:07:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-11(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 26641 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:08:13 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-12(UNSAT) depth K=20 took 28737 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:08:27 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesCloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03
Mar 29, 2019 1:08:27 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(SAT) depth K=13 took 721639 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:08:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-03(UNSAT) depth K=21 took 32043 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:09:18 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-04(UNSAT) depth K=21 took 32669 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:09:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-05(UNSAT) depth K=21 took 33058 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:10:21 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-07(UNSAT) depth K=21 took 30395 ms
Mar 29, 2019 1:10:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040-ReachabilityFireability-08(UNSAT) depth K=21 took 26206 ms

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040"
export BK_EXAMINATION="ReachabilityFireability"
export BK_TOOL="itstools"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-3957"
echo " Executing tool itstools"
echo " Input is CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040, examination is ReachabilityFireability"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r212-smll-155381377600054"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "preparation of the directory to be used:"

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040.tgz
mv CloudOpsManagement-PT-00080by00040 execution
cd execution
if [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "GlobalProperties" ] ; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
if [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
ls -lh

echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "ReachabilityFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "ReachabilityFireability" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "ReachabilityFireability.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property ReachabilityFireability.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "ReachabilityFireability.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' ReachabilityFireability.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;