Model Checking Contest 2019
9th edition, Prague, Czech Republic, April 7, 2019 (TOOLympics)
Execution of r198-smll-155272319500368
Last Updated
Apr 15, 2019

About the Execution of ITS-Tools.M for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
15919.230 3600000.00 10276494.00 10228.70 ?FF?F??FT?FT?FTF normal

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Formatting '/data/fkordon/mcc2019-input.r198-smll-155272319500368.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=4294967296 backing_file='/data/fkordon/mcc2019-input.qcow2' encryption=off cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
Generated by BenchKit 2-3957
Executing tool itstoolsm
Input is PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06, examination is ReachabilityCardinality
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r198-smll-155272319500368

preparation of the directory to be used:
total 15M
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8.6K Feb 12 09:28 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 32K Feb 12 09:28 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 15K Feb 8 09:55 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 54K Feb 8 09:55 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K Mar 10 17:31 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.9K Mar 10 17:31 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 109 Feb 24 15:05 GlobalProperties.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 347 Feb 24 15:05 GlobalProperties.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.6K Feb 5 00:38 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 18K Feb 5 00:38 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 28K Feb 4 22:39 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 89K Feb 4 22:39 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.5K Feb 4 12:54 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 24K Feb 4 12:54 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.4K Feb 1 08:25 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 27K Feb 1 08:25 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.5K Feb 4 22:24 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.2K Feb 4 22:24 UpperBounds.xml

-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5 Jan 29 09:34 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 10 Jan 29 09:34 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Jan 29 09:34 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 15M Mar 10 17:31 model.pnml

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of booleans

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1553958566455

Working with output stream class
Using solver Z3 to compute partial order matrices.
Built C files in :
Running compilation step : CommandLine [args=[gcc, -c, -I/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//include, -I., -std=c99, -fPIC, -O2, model.c], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running greatSPN : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn//bin/pinvar, /home/mcc/execution/gspn], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Presburger conditions satisfied. Using coverability to approximate state space in K-Induction.
Normalized transition count is 2394
// Phase 1: matrix 2394 rows 632 cols
invariant :IdleTasks_4 + AwakeTasks_4 + -1'Idle_4 = 0
invariant :P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + QueueJobB_6_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + FetchJobE_6_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -10'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + -10'Check_Sources_E_3 + Insert_Source_E_3 + P_2579_6_2 + -1'P_1119_6_3 + EnablePollingE_4 + -10'ProcessingEvt_2 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + P_2579_3_6 + AbourtToModifySrc_2 + cSources + RunE_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + P_1725_4 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + DisablePollingE_2_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + DisablePollingB_4_6 + Idle_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + P_2579_2_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -10'Check_Sources_E_4 + QueueJobB_5_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_3 + -10'P_1155_6 + P_2321_4 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + 11'BlockedTasks + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'DataOnSrc_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'P_1119_2_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'P_1119_5_3 + P_1617_1 + FetchJobE_4_4 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_4_6 + -10'ProcessingEvt_5 + CreatedJobs_2_6 + P_1724_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + -10'Check_Sources_B_2 + DisablePollingB_5_6 + RunE_1 + -10'Check_Sources_B_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'P_1119_1_3 + -1'P_1119_6_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_3 + Insert_Source_E_5 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'P_1119_2_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_6 + ModifiedSrc_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + Perform_Work_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_4 + -1'P_1119_3_5 + DisablePollingE_1_6 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -10'ProcessingEvt_4 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + RunB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + P_2579_5_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + Perform_Work_E_5 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_5 + DisablePollingB_2_6 + Idle_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_6 + -10'Check_Sources_E_5 + -10'P_1155_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + -10'P_1155_5 + CreatedJobs_0_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + DisablePollingE_4_6 + -1'P_1119_1_4 + -10'Check_Sources_B_4 + P_2579_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -1'P_1119_5_1 + P_2579_6_6 + -10'Check_Sources_E_6 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_6 + P_2579_2_2 + DisablePollingE_3_6 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'P_1119_4_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -1'DataOnSrc_3 + RunB_3 + RunE_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + CreatedJobs_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingB_3_6 + -10'P_1155_4 + -1'P_1119_2_3 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + AbourtToModifySrc_6 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + CreatedJobs_1_6 + -10'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'P_1119_3_4 + -10'Check_Sources_B_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_6 + -1'P_1119_6_5 + -10'ProcessingEvt_6 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + P_2579_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + -10'ProcessingEvt_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + FetchJobE_2_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_5 + QueueJobB_2_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -10'P_1155_3 + -1'P_1119_3_1 + EnablePollingE_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + P_2321_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'P_1119_4_4 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + RunB_2 + RunE_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1617_6 + Idle_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + EnablePollingE_2 + -10'P_1155_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + DisablePollingB_6_6 + RunE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingB_1_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'P_1119_5_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_5_6 + DisablePollingE_6_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -10'Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'P_1119_2_1 + RunB_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + P_2579_1_6 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_2_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + P_1712_4 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'DataOnSrc_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + P_2579_4_2 + ModifiedSrc_6 + Idle_4 + RunE_4 + Insert_Source_E_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'P_1119_4_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'P_1119_5_4 + QueueJobB_4_4 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + EnablePollingE_5 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + Perform_Work_E_4 + P_2321_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -10'ProcessingEvt_3 + EnablePollingB_2 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + -10'Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + P_2579_5_2 + -1'P_1119_4_5 + FetchJobE_5_4 + -1'JobCnt + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + Idle_3 + -1'P_1119_1_1 + -1'P_1119_1_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + RunB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'P_1119_6_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'P_1119_3_3 + -1'PlaceSources_5 = 11
invariant :3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + 3'QueueJobB_2_0 + 4'P_1159_3 + -3'FetchJobE_6_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + 12'Check_Sources_B_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + 3'QueueJobB_3_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + 12'Check_Sources_E_3 + -3'P_2579_6_2 + 3'QueueJobB_5_3 + 3'P_1119_6_3 + 12'ProcessingEvt_2 + -3'DisablePollingE_4_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -3'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -3'P_2579_3_6 + -3'AbourtToModifySrc_2 + 3'P_1113_5 + 3'P_1160_4 + 3'QueueJobE_4 + -3'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -3'P_1725_4 + 3'P_1160_6 + -3'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -3'DisablePollingE_2_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_1 + 12'nyo_6 + -3'DisablePollingB_4_6 + -3'FetchJobE_3_4 + -3'P_2579_2_6 + 3'P_1095 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + 12'Check_Sources_E_4 + 3'CreatedJobs_3_3 + 3'QueueJobB_3_0 + 12'P_1155_6 + 4'P_1159_2 + -3'CreatedJobs_1_2 + -12'BlockedTasks + 3'QueueJobB_3_2 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + 3'QueueJobB_5_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -3'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + 3'P_1119_2_5 + 3'P_1119_5_3 + 12'nyo_5 + -3'FetchJobE_4_4 + -3'P_2579_4_6 + 12'ProcessingEvt_5 + -3'CreatedJobs_2_6 + -3'P_1724_4 + 3'P_1113_4 + 4'P_1159_5 + 3'P_2318_2 + 6'P_1158_5 + -3'DisablePollingE_6_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_3 + 3'P_1160_5 + 12'Check_Sources_B_2 + -3'DisablePollingB_5_6 + 12'Check_Sources_B_3 + 3'P_1119_1_3 + 3'P_1119_6_1 + 3'QueueJobB_4_2 + 3'CreatedJobs_4_3 + -3'DisablePollingB_1_2 + 3'P_1119_2_4 + -3'Insert_Source_B_4_6 + -3'ModifiedSrc_2 + 3'CreatedJobs_4_4 + 3'P_1119_3_5 + -3'DisablePollingE_1_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + 12'ProcessingEvt_4 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + 3'QueueJobB_2_2 + -3'DisablePollingB_6_2 + 12'nyo_4 + -3'P_2579_5_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -3'CreatedJobs_0_2 + 3'P_2318_1 + 3'QueueJobB_3_3 + -3'DisablePollingB_2_6 + 4'P_1159_4 + -3'Insert_Source_B_3_6 + 12'Check_Sources_E_5 + 3'QueueJobB_6_3 + 12'P_1155_1 + 12'P_1155_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_4 + -3'CreatedJobs_0_6 + 3'CreatedJobs_3_4 + -3'DataOnSrc_2 + 3'QueueJobB_4_3 + 3'P_2318_4 + -3'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -3'DisablePollingE_4_6 + 3'P_1119_1_4 + 12'Check_Sources_B_4 + -3'P_2579_1_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -3'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + 3'P_1119_5_1 + -3'P_2579_6_6 + 12'Check_Sources_E_6 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + 9'P_1093 + -3'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -3'Insert_Source_B_6_6 + -3'P_2579_2_2 + -3'DisablePollingE_3_6 + -3'FetchJobE_1_4 + 3'P_1119_4_1 + 3'QueueJobB_4_0 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -3'CreatedJobs_2_2 + 6'P_1158_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_6 + 3'P_1113_1 + -3'DisablePollingB_3_6 + 12'P_1155_4 + 3'P_1119_2_3 + 3'AvailableJobId_3 + -3'AbourtToModifySrc_6 + 12'nyo_3 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -3'CreatedJobs_1_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_5 + 12'Check_Sources_B_5 + 3'P_1119_3_4 + 12'Check_Sources_B_6 + 3'P_2318_3 + -3'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + -3'Insert_Source_B_5_6 + 3'P_1119_6_5 + 3'QueueJobB_1_2 + 6'P_1158_6 + 12'ProcessingEvt_6 + 3'QueueJobB_5_0 + -3'DisablePollingB_3_2 + 6'P_1158_4 + -3'P_2579_3_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_1 + 4'P_1159_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + -3'FetchJobE_2_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + 3'CreatedJobs_3_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + 12'P_1155_3 + 3'P_1119_3_1 + 3'QueueJobE_1 + 12'nyo_2 + -3'Insert_Source_B_1_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + 3'P_1119_4_4 + -3'DisablePollingE_1_2 + 3'P_1113_2 + 3'QueueJobB_2_3 + 3'P_2318_6 + 3'QueueJobB_6_1 + -3'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + 12'P_1155_2 + -3'DisablePollingB_6_6 + 3'QueueJobB_5_1 + -3'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -3'DisablePollingB_1_6 + 3'QueueJobB_6_0 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + -3'DisablePollingB_2_2 + 3'P_1119_5_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -3'DisablePollingE_5_6 + -3'DisablePollingE_6_6 + 12'Check_Sources_E_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + 3'P_1113_3 + 3'P_1119_2_1 + 6'P_1158_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + 3'QueueJobB_1_1 + -3'P_2579_1_6 + 12'nyo_1 + 3'QueueJobB_6_2 + 4'P_1159_1 + -3'Insert_Source_B_2_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -3'P_1712_4 + -3'DisablePollingE_2_2 + 3'CreatedJobs_4_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -3'P_2579_4_2 + -3'ModifiedSrc_6 + 3'P_1160_1 + 3'P_1119_4_3 + 3'QueueJobE_2 + -3'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + 3'P_1119_5_4 + 3'QueueJobE_6 + -3'DisablePollingB_5_2 + 3'P_1160_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + 3'QueueJobB_2_1 + -3'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -3'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + 3'CreatedJobs_4_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + 12'ProcessingEvt_3 + 6'P_1158_2 + -3'DisablePollingE_3_2 + 12'Check_Sources_E_2 + 3'QueueJobB_1_0 + 3'QueueJobB_4_1 + 3'P_1113_6 + P_1097 + -3'P_2579_5_2 + 3'P_2318_5 + 3'P_1119_4_5 + -3'FetchJobE_5_4 + 3'QueueJobE_5 + -3'DataOnSrc_6 + 3'P_1119_1_1 + 3'QueueJobE_3 + 3'P_1119_1_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -3'DisablePollingB_4_2 + 3'CreatedJobs_3_1 + 3'P_1119_6_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_2 + 3'P_1119_3_3 + 3'QueueJobB_1_3 + 3'P_1160_3 = -3
invariant :CreatedJobs_1_5 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + CreatedJobs_1_6 + CreatedJobs_1_4 + AvailableJobId_1 + CreatedJobs_1_1 + CreatedJobs_1_3 = 1
invariant :P_2321_3 + P_2579_4_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_3 + QueueJobB_6_4 + P_2579_3_3 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + FetchJobE_6_4 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + Insert_Source_E_3 + P_2579_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_5 + P_2579_5_1 + DisablePollingE_5_5 + EnablePollingE_4 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + DisablePollingB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_1_5 + P_2579_3_6 + FetchJobE_6_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + RunE_6 + Insert_Source_B_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + FetchJobE_1_0 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + DisablePollingB_2_5 + P_1725_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + P_2579_2_3 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + DisablePollingE_2_6 + DisablePollingB_1_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + DisablePollingE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + P_2579_5_4 + DisablePollingB_4_6 + Idle_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + P_2579_2_6 + QueueJobB_5_4 + QueueJobB_3_0 + P_2321_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + BlockedTasks + QueueJobB_3_2 + QueueJobB_5_2 + P_2579_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + Insert_Source_E_4 + DisablePollingB_1_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + FetchJobE_1_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_6_1 + FetchJobE_4_4 + P_2579_3_5 + DisablePollingB_2_4 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_4_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + DisablePollingE_2_5 + P_2579_1_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_5 + P_2579_2_4 + DisablePollingB_5_6 + RunE_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'P_1724_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + QueueJobB_4_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + DisablePollingB_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_6 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + Perform_Work_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingE_1_6 + P_1617_5 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + QueueJobB_2_2 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + RunB_4 + FetchJobE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + P_2579_5_6 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + 2'P_1712_0 + Perform_Work_E_5 + DisablePollingB_3_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + DisablePollingE_1_3 + FetchJobE_5_0 + EnablePollingB_5 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + DisablePollingB_2_6 + Idle_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_6 + P_2579_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_5 + DisablePollingE_5_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + DisablePollingB_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + DisablePollingE_5_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + P_1712_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + DisablePollingE_4_6 + P_2579_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_4 + P_2579_6_6 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_6 + P_2579_1_1 + P_2579_2_2 + DisablePollingE_3_6 + EnablePollingB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + FetchJobE_1_4 + QueueJobB_4_0 + Insert_Source_B_3_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + FetchJobE_6_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_4_2 + RunB_3 + RunE_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + P_2579_5_5 + DisablePollingB_2_3 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + 2'P_1712_2 + DisablePollingE_3_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + DisablePollingE_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + P_2579_2_5 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingB_3_6 + DisablePollingB_5_4 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_4_3 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + P_1725_0 + Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_6 + QueueJobB_1_2 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + P_2579_1_4 + QueueJobB_5_0 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + P_2579_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + P_2579_4_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + FetchJobE_5_2 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + QueueJobB_2_4 + -1'cPollingAbort + DisablePollingB_5_5 + EnablePollingE_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -2'P_1724_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_5 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + DisablePollingB_3_3 + P_2321_1 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_3 + RunB_2 + RunE_2 + DisablePollingB_4_4 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1617_6 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + Idle_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + P_2579_6_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + EnablePollingE_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + DisablePollingB_6_6 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + RunE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingB_1_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + P_2321_6 + QueueJobB_6_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + -2'AvailableJobId_1 + FetchJobE_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_5_6 + DisablePollingE_4_4 + DisablePollingE_6_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + P_2579_6_4 + DisablePollingE_3_4 + RunB_1 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_3 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + P_2579_1_6 + P_2579_5_3 + DisablePollingB_6_5 + QueueJobB_6_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_2_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + 2'P_1712_4 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + DisablePollingB_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + P_2579_4_2 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + Idle_4 + P_1726 + P_1725_2 + RunE_4 + Insert_Source_E_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_4 + QueueJobB_4_4 + DisablePollingE_3_5 + DisablePollingE_2_4 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + DisablePollingB_4_5 + P_2579_4_3 + EnablePollingE_5 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'P_1716 + Perform_Work_E_4 + DisablePollingB_5_3 + P_2321_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_4 + P_2579_6_5 + P_2579_1_5 + EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + QueueJobB_1_0 + P_2579_2_1 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + P_2579_5_2 + FetchJobE_5_4 + -1'JobCnt + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + DisablePollingB_3_5 + Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_5 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_4 + RunB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + DisablePollingE_4_5 + DisablePollingE_1_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + DisablePollingE_6_5 = 2
invariant :PlaceSources_4 + -1'DataOnSrc_4 = 0
invariant :QueueJobB_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + FetchJobE_2_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + P_1724_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + QueueJobB_3_3 + FetchJobE_1_3 + QueueJobB_6_3 + QueueJobB_4_3 + P_1712_3 + AvailableJobId_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + QueueJobB_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + FetchJobE_5_3 + FetchJobE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + FetchJobE_4_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + FetchJobE_3_3 + QueueJobB_1_3 + P_1725_3 = 1
invariant :-1'P_2321_3 + -1'P_2579_4_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_3 + -1'QueueJobB_6_4 + -1'P_2579_3_3 + -1'QueueJobB_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_5 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_5 + -1'P_2579_3_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'RunE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'FetchJobE_1_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_5 + -2'P_1725_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'P_2579_2_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + -1'P_2579_5_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_6 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_4 + -1'P_2579_2_6 + -1'QueueJobB_5_4 + -1'QueueJobB_3_0 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'BlockedTasks + -1'QueueJobB_3_2 + -1'QueueJobB_5_2 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'FetchJobE_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_4 + -1'P_2579_3_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_4_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_5 + -1'P_2579_1_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_5 + -1'P_2579_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_6 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + P_1724_3 + -1'QueueJobB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_6 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'FetchJobE_3_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'P_1712_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_3 + -1'FetchJobE_5_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_6 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_6 + -1'P_2579_3_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_6 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_4 + -1'P_2579_6_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_6 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_6 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'FetchJobE_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + MarkerRead + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_4_2 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'P_2579_5_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'P_1712_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + -1'P_2579_2_5 + P_1727 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_4 + AvailableJobId_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -2'P_1725_0 + -1'Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_6 + -1'QueueJobB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'P_2579_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_5_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + -1'FetchJobE_2_4 + -1'P_2579_4_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'FetchJobE_5_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -1'QueueJobB_2_4 + cPollingAbort + -1'DisablePollingB_5_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + P_1724_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_3 + -1'P_2321_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_3 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'P_2579_6_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'QueueJobB_1_4 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_6 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_6 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'QueueJobB_6_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + AvailableJobId_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'P_2579_6_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_4 + -1'RunB_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_3 + -1'P_2579_1_6 + -1'P_2579_5_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_5 + -1'QueueJobB_6_2 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'P_1712_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'Idle_4 + -2'P_1725_2 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_4 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_5 + -1'P_2579_4_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + P_1716 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_3 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_4 + -1'P_2579_6_5 + -1'P_2579_1_5 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_0 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_4 + JobCnt + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_5 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_4 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'P_1725_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_5 = -2
invariant :-1'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + CanInjectEvent + BlockedTasks + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + -1'Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 = 1
invariant :AbourtToModifySrc_3 + AbourtToModifySrc_2 + AbourtToModifySrc_1 + AbourtToModifySrc_6 + cPollingAbort + AbourtToModifySrc_5 + AbourtToModifySrc_4 = 1
invariant :IdleTasks_5 + Idle_2 + IdleTasks_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + cIdleTasks + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'AwakeTasks_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'AwakeTasks_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'AwakeTasks_1 + Idle_4 + Idle_3 + -1'AwakeTasks_2 = 6
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + QueueJobB_6_4 + FetchJobE_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + P_1725_4 + AvailableJobId_4 + FetchJobE_3_4 + QueueJobB_5_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + P_1724_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + FetchJobE_1_4 + FetchJobE_2_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + QueueJobB_2_4 + QueueJobB_1_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + P_1712_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + QueueJobB_4_4 + QueueJobB_3_4 + FetchJobE_5_4 = 1
invariant :PlaceSources_3 + -1'DataOnSrc_3 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_3 + -1'P_2579_4_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_3 + -1'QueueJobB_6_4 + -1'P_2579_3_3 + -1'QueueJobB_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_5 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_5 + -1'P_2579_3_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'RunE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'FetchJobE_1_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_5 + -1'P_1725_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'P_2579_2_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_3 + -1'P_2579_5_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_6 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_4 + -1'P_2579_2_6 + -1'QueueJobB_5_4 + -1'QueueJobB_3_0 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'BlockedTasks + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_4 + -1'P_2579_3_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_4_6 + -1'P_1724_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_5 + -1'P_2579_1_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_5 + -1'P_2579_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_6 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_6 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -1'P_1712_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_3 + -1'FetchJobE_5_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_6 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_6 + -1'P_2579_3_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_6 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_4 + -1'P_2579_6_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + AvailableJobId_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_6 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_6 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'P_2579_5_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + -1'P_2579_2_5 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_4 + AvailableJobId_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -1'P_1725_0 + -1'Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'P_2579_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_5_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_2_4 + -1'P_2579_4_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -1'QueueJobB_2_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + cPollingAbort + -1'DisablePollingB_5_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_3 + -1'P_2321_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_3 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'P_1724_0 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'P_2579_6_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'QueueJobB_1_4 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_6 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_6 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'QueueJobB_6_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + AvailableJobId_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'P_2579_6_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_4 + -1'RunB_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_3 + -1'P_2579_1_6 + -1'P_2579_5_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_5 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'P_1712_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_4 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_5 + -1'P_2579_4_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_3 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_4 + -1'P_2579_6_5 + -1'P_2579_1_5 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_0 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_4 + JobCnt + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_5 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_4 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_5 = -2
invariant :P_1119_6_6 + P_2579_3_6 + DisablePollingE_2_6 + DisablePollingB_4_6 + P_2579_2_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_3 + P_1119_4_6 + P_1119_3_6 + P_2579_4_6 + CreatedJobs_2_6 + DisablePollingB_5_6 + Insert_Source_B_4_6 + DisablePollingE_1_6 + P_2579_5_6 + DisablePollingB_2_6 + Insert_Source_B_3_6 + CreatedJobs_0_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_4 + DisablePollingE_4_6 + P_2579_6_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_2 + P_1119_2_6 + Insert_Source_B_6_6 + DisablePollingE_3_6 + P_1119_1_6 + DisablePollingB_3_6 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + AbourtToModifySrc_6 + CreatedJobs_1_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_5 + Insert_Source_B_1_6 + DisablePollingB_6_6 + DisablePollingB_1_6 + CreatedJobs_4_6 + DisablePollingE_5_6 + DisablePollingE_6_6 + P_2579_1_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_6 + ModifiedSrc_6 + P_1119_5_6 + DataOnSrc_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_1 = 0
invariant :IsMonitoring + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'BlockedTasks + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 = 0
invariant :ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + cIsMonitoring + BlockedTasks + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 = 1
invariant :IdleTasks_3 + AwakeTasks_3 + -1'Idle_3 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_4 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_4 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_4 + -1'P_2318_4 = 0
invariant :PlaceSources_2 + -1'DataOnSrc_2 = 0
invariant :PlaceSources_6 + -1'DataOnSrc_6 = 0
invariant :AwakeTasks_6 + IdleTasks_6 + -1'Idle_6 = 0
invariant :P_1717 + MarkerRead + P_1716 = 1
invariant :DataOnSrc_5 + -1'PlaceSources_5 = 0
invariant :P_2321_3 + P_2579_4_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_3 + P_2579_3_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + FetchJobE_6_4 + Insert_Source_E_3 + P_2579_6_2 + -1'QueueJobB_5_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_5 + P_2579_5_1 + DisablePollingE_5_5 + EnablePollingE_4 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + DisablePollingB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_1_5 + P_2579_3_6 + FetchJobE_6_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + RunE_6 + Insert_Source_B_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + FetchJobE_1_0 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + DisablePollingB_2_5 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + P_2579_2_3 + FetchJobE_6_1 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + DisablePollingE_2_6 + DisablePollingB_1_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + FetchJobB_1 + DisablePollingE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + P_2579_5_4 + DisablePollingB_4_6 + Idle_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + P_2579_2_6 + P_2321_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + BlockedTasks + P_2579_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + Insert_Source_E_4 + DisablePollingB_1_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + FetchJobE_1_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_6_1 + FetchJobE_4_4 + P_2579_3_5 + DisablePollingB_2_4 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_4_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + DisablePollingE_2_5 + P_2579_1_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_5 + P_2579_2_4 + DisablePollingB_5_6 + RunE_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'P_1724_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + DisablePollingB_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_6 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + Perform_Work_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingE_1_6 + P_1617_5 + FetchJobE_2_2 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + RunB_4 + FetchJobE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + P_2579_5_6 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'QueueJobB_3_3 + DisablePollingB_3_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + DisablePollingE_1_3 + FetchJobE_5_0 + EnablePollingB_5 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + DisablePollingB_2_6 + Idle_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_6 + -1'QueueJobB_6_3 + P_2579_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_5 + DisablePollingE_5_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + FetchJobB_6 + Insert_Source_E_6 + DisablePollingB_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + DisablePollingE_5_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'P_1712_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + DisablePollingE_4_6 + P_2579_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_4 + P_2579_6_6 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_6 + P_2579_1_1 + P_2579_2_2 + DisablePollingE_3_6 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + FetchJobE_1_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + FetchJobE_6_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_4_2 + RunB_3 + RunE_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + P_2579_5_5 + DisablePollingB_2_3 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + DisablePollingE_3_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + DisablePollingE_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + P_2579_2_5 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingB_3_6 + DisablePollingB_5_4 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_4_3 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_6 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + P_2579_1_4 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + P_2579_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + P_2579_4_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + FetchJobE_5_2 + -1'cPollingAbort + DisablePollingB_5_5 + EnablePollingE_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_5 + FetchJobB_4 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + DisablePollingB_3_3 + P_2321_1 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_5_3 + RunB_2 + RunE_2 + DisablePollingB_4_4 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1617_6 + Idle_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + P_2579_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + DisablePollingB_6_6 + RunE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingB_1_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + P_2321_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + FetchJobE_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_5_6 + DisablePollingE_4_4 + DisablePollingE_6_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + FetchJobB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + P_2579_6_4 + DisablePollingE_3_4 + RunB_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_3 + P_2579_1_6 + P_2579_5_3 + DisablePollingB_6_5 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_2_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + DisablePollingB_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + P_2579_4_2 + FetchJobE_4_1 + Idle_4 + RunE_4 + Insert_Source_E_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + FetchJobB_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_4 + DisablePollingE_3_5 + DisablePollingE_2_4 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + DisablePollingB_4_5 + P_2579_4_3 + EnablePollingE_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + Perform_Work_E_4 + DisablePollingB_5_3 + P_2321_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_4 + P_2579_6_5 + P_2579_1_5 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + P_2579_2_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + P_2579_5_2 + FetchJobE_5_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + FetchJobB_3 + DisablePollingB_3_5 + Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_5 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_4 + RunB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + DisablePollingE_4_5 + DisablePollingE_1_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_3 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'P_1725_3 + DisablePollingE_6_5 = 4
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + QueueJobB_3_1 + FetchJobE_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + P_1712_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + FetchJobE_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + FetchJobE_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + P_1724_1 + QueueJobB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + FetchJobE_3_1 + P_1725_1 + AvailableJobId_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + QueueJobB_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + QueueJobB_2_1 + FetchJobE_5_1 + QueueJobB_4_1 = 1
invariant :P_2579_5_1 + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_3 + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + P_2579_4_1 + P_2579_6_1 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + P_1119_6_1 + CreatedJobs_0_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + P_1119_5_1 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + P_2579_1_1 + P_1119_4_1 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_6 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + CreatedJobs_2_1 + P_1119_3_1 + -1'cPollingAbort + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_5 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + P_1119_2_1 + CreatedJobs_1_1 + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_4 + DataOnSrc_1 + P_2579_3_1 + CreatedJobs_4_1 + ModifiedSrc_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + P_2579_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + P_1119_1_1 + CreatedJobs_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 = 0
invariant :cBlockedTasks + BlockedTasks = 10
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + QueueJobB_3_1 + P_1725_4 + FetchJobE_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -1'P_1712_0 + FetchJobE_2_1 + MarkerWrite + -1'P_1712_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'MarkerRead + -1'P_1712_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + P_1725_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + P_1724_1 + QueueJobB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + FetchJobE_3_1 + 2'P_1725_1 + AvailableJobId_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'P_1712_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + P_1725_2 + QueueJobB_2_1 + FetchJobE_5_1 + QueueJobB_4_1 + P_1725_3 = 1
invariant :-1'P_2321_3 + -1'P_2579_4_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_4 + -1'QueueJobB_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_5 + P_1119_6_3 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + AbourtToModifySrc_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_5 + -1'P_2579_3_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'RunE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'FetchJobE_1_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_5 + -1'P_1725_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'P_2579_5_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_6 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_4 + -1'P_2579_2_6 + -1'QueueJobB_5_4 + CreatedJobs_3_3 + -1'QueueJobB_3_0 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'BlockedTasks + ModifiedSrc_3 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + P_1119_5_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_4 + -1'P_2579_3_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_4_6 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_6 + -1'P_1724_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_5 + -1'P_2579_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_6 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + P_1119_1_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + CreatedJobs_4_3 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_6 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -1'P_1712_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'FetchJobE_5_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_6 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_6 + -1'P_2579_3_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_6 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_4 + -1'P_2579_6_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_6 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_6 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + DataOnSrc_3 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_2 + -1'P_2579_5_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + -1'P_2579_2_5 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_4 + P_1119_2_3 + AvailableJobId_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -1'P_1725_0 + -1'Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'P_2579_1_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_2_4 + -1'P_2579_4_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -1'QueueJobB_2_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + cPollingAbort + -1'DisablePollingB_5_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'P_2321_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'P_1724_0 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + CreatedJobs_0_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'QueueJobB_1_4 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_6 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_6 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'QueueJobB_6_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + AvailableJobId_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'P_2579_6_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_4 + -1'RunB_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -1'P_2579_1_6 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_5 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_5 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'P_1712_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + P_1119_4_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_4 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_5 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + CreatedJobs_1_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_4 + -1'P_2579_6_5 + -1'P_2579_1_5 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_0 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_4 + JobCnt + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_5 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_0 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_5 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_4 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_5 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + P_1119_3_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_5 = -2
invariant :-1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -1'P_1725_4 + -1'FetchJobE_3_4 + -1'QueueJobB_5_4 + -1'FetchJobE_4_4 + -1'P_1724_4 + CreatedJobs_4_3 + CreatedJobs_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -1'FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'FetchJobE_2_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -1'QueueJobB_2_4 + CreatedJobs_4_2 + -1'QueueJobB_1_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + CreatedJobs_4_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -1'P_1712_4 + CreatedJobs_4_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_4 + CreatedJobs_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_3_4 + -1'FetchJobE_5_4 = 0
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + QueueJobB_6_4 + FetchJobE_6_4 + P_2579_6_2 + P_1119_1_2 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + AbourtToModifySrc_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + P_1725_4 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + P_1119_2_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + QueueJobB_5_4 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + FetchJobE_4_4 + P_1724_4 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_3 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ModifiedSrc_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_4 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + DataOnSrc_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + P_2579_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + CreatedJobs_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + P_2579_2_2 + FetchJobE_1_4 + CreatedJobs_2_2 + P_1119_5_2 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + P_2579_3_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + QueueJobB_2_4 + P_1119_6_2 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_6 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + P_1712_4 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_5 + P_2579_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + QueueJobB_4_4 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + P_1119_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + P_2579_5_2 + FetchJobE_5_4 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + P_1119_4_2 = 1
invariant :P_2579_4_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_3_4 + DisablePollingB_1_4 + P_2579_5_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_2 + DataOnSrc_4 + DisablePollingB_2_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_4 + P_2579_2_4 + P_1119_2_4 + CreatedJobs_4_4 + DisablePollingB_3_4 + P_2579_3_4 + DisablePollingB_6_4 + CreatedJobs_3_4 + DisablePollingE_5_4 + P_1119_1_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_4 + DisablePollingE_6_4 + DisablePollingB_5_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_6 + CreatedJobs_2_4 + P_1119_3_4 + ModifiedSrc_4 + P_2579_1_4 + P_1119_4_4 + DisablePollingB_4_4 + -1'AvailableJobId_1 + DisablePollingE_4_4 + P_2579_6_4 + DisablePollingE_3_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_1 + CreatedJobs_0_4 + AbourtToModifySrc_4 + P_1119_5_4 + Insert_Source_B_6_4 + DisablePollingE_2_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_3 + Insert_Source_B_4_4 + Insert_Source_B_5_4 + P_1119_6_4 + DisablePollingE_1_4 = 0
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + FetchJobE_6_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + FetchJobE_1_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + QueueJobB_3_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + P_1712_0 + FetchJobE_5_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + QueueJobB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + P_1725_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + QueueJobB_5_0 + AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_1724_0 + QueueJobB_6_0 + FetchJobE_2_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + QueueJobB_1_0 + FetchJobE_4_0 = 1
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_1 + -1'P_2318_1 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_1 + -1'P_2321_1 = 0
invariant :-1'Idle_1 + IdleTasks_1 + AwakeTasks_1 = 0
invariant :-1'Idle_2 + -1'IdleTasks_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + AwakeTasks_5 + -1'cIdleTasks + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + AwakeTasks_3 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + AwakeTasks_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + AwakeTasks_1 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'Idle_3 + AwakeTasks_2 = -6
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskB_5 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_5 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'P_2318_5 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_3 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_3 + -1'P_2318_3 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_3 = 0
invariant :PlaceSources_1 + -1'DataOnSrc_1 = 0
invariant :P_2321_3 + P_2579_4_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_3 + QueueJobB_6_4 + P_2579_3_3 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + FetchJobE_6_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_3 + P_2579_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_5 + P_2579_5_1 + DisablePollingE_5_5 + EnablePollingE_4 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + DisablePollingB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_1_5 + P_2579_3_6 + FetchJobE_6_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + RunE_6 + Insert_Source_B_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + FetchJobE_1_0 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + DisablePollingB_2_5 + P_1725_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + P_2579_2_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + DisablePollingE_2_6 + DisablePollingB_1_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + DisablePollingE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + P_2579_5_4 + DisablePollingB_4_6 + Idle_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + P_2579_2_6 + QueueJobB_5_4 + QueueJobB_3_0 + P_2321_4 + BlockedTasks + QueueJobB_3_2 + QueueJobB_5_2 + P_2579_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + Insert_Source_E_4 + DisablePollingB_1_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + FetchJobE_1_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_6_1 + FetchJobE_4_4 + P_2579_3_5 + DisablePollingB_2_4 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_4_6 + P_1724_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + DisablePollingE_2_5 + P_2579_1_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_5 + P_2579_2_4 + DisablePollingB_5_6 + RunE_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + QueueJobB_4_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + DisablePollingB_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_6 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + Perform_Work_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingE_1_6 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + QueueJobB_2_2 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + RunB_4 + FetchJobE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + P_2579_5_6 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + P_1712_0 + Perform_Work_E_5 + DisablePollingB_3_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + DisablePollingE_1_3 + FetchJobE_5_0 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_5 + DisablePollingB_2_6 + Idle_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_6 + P_2579_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_5 + DisablePollingE_5_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + DisablePollingB_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + DisablePollingE_5_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + DisablePollingE_4_6 + P_2579_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + P_1724_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_4 + P_2579_6_6 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_6 + P_2579_1_1 + P_2579_2_2 + DisablePollingE_3_6 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_4 + QueueJobB_4_0 + Insert_Source_B_3_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + FetchJobE_6_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_4_2 + RunB_3 + RunE_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + P_2579_5_5 + DisablePollingB_2_3 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1712_2 + DisablePollingE_3_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + DisablePollingE_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + P_2579_2_5 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingB_3_6 + DisablePollingB_5_4 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_4_3 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + P_1725_0 + Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_6 + QueueJobB_1_2 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + P_2579_1_4 + QueueJobB_5_0 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + P_2579_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + P_2579_4_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + FetchJobE_5_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + QueueJobB_2_4 + -1'cPollingAbort + DisablePollingB_5_5 + EnablePollingE_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_5 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + DisablePollingB_3_3 + P_2321_1 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_3 + RunB_2 + RunE_2 + DisablePollingB_4_4 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1617_6 + P_1724_0 + Idle_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + P_2579_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + EnablePollingE_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + DisablePollingB_6_6 + RunE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingB_1_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + P_2321_6 + QueueJobB_6_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'AvailableJobId_1 + FetchJobE_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_5_6 + DisablePollingE_4_4 + DisablePollingE_6_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + P_2579_6_4 + DisablePollingE_3_4 + RunB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_3 + P_2579_1_6 + P_2579_5_3 + DisablePollingB_6_5 + QueueJobB_6_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_2_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + P_1712_4 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + DisablePollingB_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + P_2579_4_2 + Idle_4 + P_1725_2 + RunE_4 + Insert_Source_E_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_4 + QueueJobB_4_4 + DisablePollingE_3_5 + DisablePollingE_2_4 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + DisablePollingB_4_5 + P_2579_4_3 + EnablePollingE_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + Perform_Work_E_4 + DisablePollingB_5_3 + P_2321_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_4 + P_2579_6_5 + P_2579_1_5 + EnablePollingB_2 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + QueueJobB_1_0 + P_2579_2_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + P_2579_5_2 + FetchJobE_5_4 + -1'JobCnt + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + DisablePollingB_3_5 + Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_5 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_4 + RunB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + DisablePollingE_4_5 + DisablePollingE_1_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + DisablePollingE_6_5 = 3
invariant :-1'P_2579_4_4 + -1'P_2579_3_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'P_2579_3_6 + -1'RunE_6 + -1'P_2579_2_3 + -1'P_2579_5_4 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_2_6 + -1'Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'P_2579_3_5 + -1'P_2579_4_6 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'P_2579_1_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'P_2579_2_4 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'P_2579_5_6 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'P_2579_3_4 + -1'Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'P_2579_6_6 + -1'Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'P_2579_5_5 + -1'P_2579_2_5 + -1'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'P_2579_1_4 + ORB_Lock + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'P_2579_4_5 + cPollingAbort + Abort_Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'P_2579_6_3 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'P_2579_6_4 + -1'RunB_1 + -1'P_2579_1_6 + -1'P_2579_5_3 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'P_2579_4_3 + -1'P_2579_6_5 + -1'P_2579_1_5 + -1'Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'RunB_6 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_3 = -4
invariant :CreatedJobs_3_3 + CreatedJobs_3_6 + CreatedJobs_3_4 + CreatedJobs_3_2 + AvailableJobId_3 + CreatedJobs_3_5 + CreatedJobs_3_1 = 1
invariant :NoSigAbort + SigAbort = 1
invariant :-1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -1'QueueJobB_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -1'FetchJobE_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'FetchJobE_1_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -1'QueueJobB_3_0 + CreatedJobs_0_5 + CreatedJobs_0_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + -1'P_1712_0 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_0 + CreatedJobs_0_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + -1'QueueJobB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + -1'P_1725_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + -1'QueueJobB_5_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + -1'P_1724_0 + CreatedJobs_0_3 + -1'QueueJobB_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_2_0 + CreatedJobs_0_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_0 + -1'FetchJobE_4_0 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2318_2 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_2 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_2 + -1'P_2321_2 = 0
invariant :Abort_Check_Sources_B_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_5 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_6 + cPollingAbort + Abort_Check_Sources_B_5 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_6 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_3 = 1
invariant :-1'Idle_2 + IdleTasks_2 + AwakeTasks_2 = 0
invariant :PollingAbort + cPollingAbort = 1
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_6 + -1'P_2318_6 + -1'P_2321_6 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_6 = 0
invariant :P_2321_3 + P_2579_4_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_3 + QueueJobB_6_4 + P_2579_3_3 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + FetchJobE_6_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_3 + P_2579_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_5 + CreatedJobs_2_3 + P_2579_5_1 + DisablePollingE_5_5 + EnablePollingE_4 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + DisablePollingB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_1_5 + P_2579_3_6 + FetchJobE_6_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + RunE_6 + Insert_Source_B_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + FetchJobE_1_0 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + DisablePollingB_2_5 + P_1725_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + P_2579_2_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + DisablePollingE_2_6 + DisablePollingB_1_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + DisablePollingE_6_3 + P_2579_5_4 + DisablePollingB_4_6 + Idle_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + P_2579_2_6 + QueueJobB_5_4 + QueueJobB_3_0 + P_2321_4 + BlockedTasks + P_2579_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + Insert_Source_E_4 + DisablePollingB_1_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_6_1 + FetchJobE_4_4 + P_2579_3_5 + DisablePollingB_2_4 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_4_6 + CreatedJobs_2_6 + P_1724_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + DisablePollingE_2_5 + P_2579_1_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_4 + Insert_Source_B_3_5 + P_2579_2_4 + DisablePollingB_5_6 + RunE_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + DisablePollingB_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_6 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + Perform_Work_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingE_1_6 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + RunB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + P_2579_5_6 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + P_1712_0 + Perform_Work_E_5 + DisablePollingB_3_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + DisablePollingE_1_3 + FetchJobE_5_0 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_5 + DisablePollingB_2_6 + Idle_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_6 + P_2579_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_5 + DisablePollingE_5_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + DisablePollingB_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + DisablePollingE_5_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + DisablePollingE_4_6 + P_2579_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_4 + P_2579_6_6 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_6_6 + P_2579_1_1 + P_2579_2_2 + DisablePollingE_3_6 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_4 + QueueJobB_4_0 + Insert_Source_B_3_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + RunB_3 + RunE_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + CreatedJobs_2_2 + P_2579_5_5 + DisablePollingB_2_3 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + DisablePollingE_3_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + DisablePollingE_6_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + P_2579_2_5 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingB_3_6 + DisablePollingB_5_4 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_4_3 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + CreatedJobs_2_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + P_1725_0 + Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_6 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + P_2579_1_4 + CreatedJobs_2_1 + QueueJobB_5_0 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + P_2579_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + FetchJobE_2_4 + P_2579_4_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + QueueJobB_2_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -1'cPollingAbort + DisablePollingB_5_5 + EnablePollingE_3 + Insert_Source_B_1_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_5 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + DisablePollingB_3_3 + P_2321_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_3 + RunB_2 + RunE_2 + DisablePollingB_4_4 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1617_6 + P_1724_0 + Idle_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + P_2579_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + EnablePollingE_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + DisablePollingB_6_6 + RunE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingB_1_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + P_2321_6 + QueueJobB_6_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'AvailableJobId_1 + FetchJobE_2_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + DisablePollingE_5_6 + DisablePollingE_4_4 + DisablePollingE_6_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + P_2579_6_4 + DisablePollingE_3_4 + RunB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_3 + P_2579_1_6 + P_2579_5_3 + DisablePollingB_6_5 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_2_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + P_1712_4 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + DisablePollingB_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + P_2579_4_2 + Idle_4 + RunE_4 + Insert_Source_E_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_4 + QueueJobB_4_4 + DisablePollingE_3_5 + DisablePollingE_2_4 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + DisablePollingB_4_5 + P_2579_4_3 + EnablePollingE_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + Perform_Work_E_4 + DisablePollingB_5_3 + P_2321_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_4 + P_2579_6_5 + P_2579_1_5 + EnablePollingB_2 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + QueueJobB_1_0 + P_2579_2_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + P_2579_5_2 + FetchJobE_5_4 + -1'JobCnt + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + DisablePollingB_3_5 + Idle_3 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + CreatedJobs_2_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + Insert_Source_B_5_5 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_4 + RunB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + DisablePollingE_4_5 + DisablePollingE_1_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + DisablePollingE_6_5 = 3
invariant :cJobCnt + JobCnt = 10
invariant :-4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -4'QueueJobB_2_0 + -4'P_1159_3 + 4'FetchJobE_6_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -12'Check_Sources_B_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -4'QueueJobB_3_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + -12'Check_Sources_E_3 + 4'P_2579_6_2 + -4'QueueJobB_5_3 + -4'P_1119_6_3 + -12'ProcessingEvt_2 + 4'DisablePollingE_4_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + 4'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + 4'P_2579_3_6 + 4'AbourtToModifySrc_2 + -4'P_1113_5 + -3'P_1160_4 + -4'QueueJobE_4 + 4'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + 4'P_1725_4 + -3'P_1160_6 + 4'DisablePollingE_5_2 + 4'DisablePollingE_2_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_1 + -12'nyo_6 + 4'DisablePollingB_4_6 + 4'FetchJobE_3_4 + 4'P_2579_2_6 + -2'P_1095 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -12'Check_Sources_E_4 + -4'CreatedJobs_3_3 + -4'QueueJobB_3_0 + -12'P_1155_6 + -4'P_1159_2 + 4'CreatedJobs_1_2 + 12'BlockedTasks + -4'QueueJobB_3_2 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + -4'QueueJobB_5_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + 4'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -4'P_1119_2_5 + -4'P_1119_5_3 + -12'nyo_5 + 4'FetchJobE_4_4 + 4'P_2579_4_6 + -12'ProcessingEvt_5 + 4'CreatedJobs_2_6 + 4'P_1724_4 + -4'P_1113_4 + -4'P_1159_5 + -4'P_2318_2 + -6'P_1158_5 + 4'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_3 + -3'P_1160_5 + -12'Check_Sources_B_2 + 4'DisablePollingB_5_6 + -12'Check_Sources_B_3 + -4'P_1119_1_3 + -4'P_1119_6_1 + -4'QueueJobB_4_2 + -4'CreatedJobs_4_3 + 4'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -4'P_1119_2_4 + 4'Insert_Source_B_4_6 + 4'ModifiedSrc_2 + -4'CreatedJobs_4_4 + -4'P_1119_3_5 + 4'DisablePollingE_1_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -12'ProcessingEvt_4 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + -4'QueueJobB_2_2 + 4'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -12'nyo_4 + 4'P_2579_5_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + 4'CreatedJobs_0_2 + -4'P_2318_1 + -4'QueueJobB_3_3 + 4'DisablePollingB_2_6 + -4'P_1159_4 + 4'Insert_Source_B_3_6 + -12'Check_Sources_E_5 + -4'QueueJobB_6_3 + -12'P_1155_1 + -12'P_1155_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_4 + 4'CreatedJobs_0_6 + -4'CreatedJobs_3_4 + 4'DataOnSrc_2 + -4'QueueJobB_4_3 + -4'P_2318_4 + 4'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + 4'DisablePollingE_4_6 + -4'P_1119_1_4 + -12'Check_Sources_B_4 + 4'P_2579_1_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + 4'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -4'P_1119_5_1 + 4'P_2579_6_6 + -12'Check_Sources_E_6 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + -8'P_1093 + 4'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + 4'Insert_Source_B_6_6 + 4'P_2579_2_2 + 4'DisablePollingE_3_6 + 4'FetchJobE_1_4 + -4'P_1119_4_1 + -4'QueueJobB_4_0 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + 4'CreatedJobs_2_2 + -6'P_1158_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_6 + -4'P_1113_1 + 4'DisablePollingB_3_6 + -12'P_1155_4 + -4'P_1119_2_3 + -4'AvailableJobId_3 + 4'AbourtToModifySrc_6 + -12'nyo_3 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + 4'CreatedJobs_1_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_5 + -12'Check_Sources_B_5 + -4'P_1119_3_4 + -12'Check_Sources_B_6 + -4'P_2318_3 + 4'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + 4'Insert_Source_B_5_6 + -4'P_1119_6_5 + -4'QueueJobB_1_2 + -6'P_1158_6 + -12'ProcessingEvt_6 + -4'QueueJobB_5_0 + 4'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -6'P_1158_4 + 4'P_2579_3_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_1 + -4'P_1159_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + 4'FetchJobE_2_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -4'CreatedJobs_3_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -12'P_1155_3 + -4'P_1119_3_1 + -4'QueueJobE_1 + -12'nyo_2 + 4'Insert_Source_B_1_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -4'P_1119_4_4 + 4'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -4'P_1113_2 + -4'QueueJobB_2_3 + -4'P_2318_6 + -4'QueueJobB_6_1 + 4'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -12'P_1155_2 + P_1099 + 4'DisablePollingB_6_6 + -4'QueueJobB_5_1 + 4'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + 4'DisablePollingB_1_6 + -4'QueueJobB_6_0 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + 4'DisablePollingB_2_2 + -4'P_1119_5_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + 4'DisablePollingE_5_6 + 4'DisablePollingE_6_6 + -12'Check_Sources_E_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -4'P_1113_3 + -4'P_1119_2_1 + -6'P_1158_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -4'QueueJobB_1_1 + 4'P_2579_1_6 + -12'nyo_1 + -4'QueueJobB_6_2 + -4'P_1159_1 + 4'Insert_Source_B_2_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + 4'P_1712_4 + 4'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -4'CreatedJobs_4_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + 4'P_2579_4_2 + 4'ModifiedSrc_6 + -3'P_1160_1 + -4'P_1119_4_3 + -4'QueueJobE_2 + 4'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -4'P_1119_5_4 + -4'QueueJobE_6 + 4'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -3'P_1160_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + -4'QueueJobB_2_1 + 4'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + 4'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -4'CreatedJobs_4_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -12'ProcessingEvt_3 + -6'P_1158_2 + 4'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -12'Check_Sources_E_2 + -4'QueueJobB_1_0 + -4'QueueJobB_4_1 + -4'P_1113_6 + 4'P_2579_5_2 + -4'P_2318_5 + -4'P_1119_4_5 + 4'FetchJobE_5_4 + -4'QueueJobE_5 + 4'DataOnSrc_6 + -4'P_1119_1_1 + -4'QueueJobE_3 + -4'P_1119_1_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + 4'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -4'CreatedJobs_3_1 + -4'P_1119_6_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_2 + -4'P_1119_3_3 + -4'QueueJobB_1_3 + -3'P_1160_3 = 4
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + CreatedJobs_1_5 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + Insert_Source_B_6_5 + DisablePollingE_5_5 + DisablePollingE_1_5 + FetchJobE_6_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + FetchJobE_1_0 + DisablePollingB_2_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + QueueJobB_3_0 + P_1119_2_5 + P_2579_3_5 + DisablePollingE_2_5 + Insert_Source_B_3_5 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_1 + DisablePollingB_1_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + P_1119_3_5 + P_1712_0 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_2 + FetchJobE_5_0 + Insert_Source_B_4_5 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + ModifiedSrc_5 + QueueJobB_4_0 + P_2579_5_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + P_2579_2_5 + P_1725_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + P_1119_6_5 + QueueJobB_5_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2579_4_5 + CreatedJobs_3_5 + DisablePollingB_5_5 + Insert_Source_B_2_5 + AbourtToModifySrc_5 + P_1724_0 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_3 + QueueJobB_6_0 + FetchJobE_2_0 + P_1119_5_5 + DisablePollingB_6_5 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_4 + Insert_Source_B_1_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + CreatedJobs_4_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + DisablePollingE_3_5 + DisablePollingB_4_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + P_2579_6_5 + P_2579_1_5 + QueueJobB_1_0 + P_1119_4_5 + DisablePollingB_3_5 + FetchJobE_4_0 + CreatedJobs_2_5 + P_1119_1_5 + Insert_Source_B_5_5 + DisablePollingE_4_5 + PlaceSources_5 + DisablePollingE_6_5 = 1
P-invariant computation with GreatSPN timed out. Skipping.
Running greatSPN : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn//bin/RGMEDD2, /home/mcc/execution/gspn, -META, -varord-only], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Run of greatSPN captured in /home/mcc/execution/outPut.txt
Using order generated by GreatSPN with heuristic : META
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityCardinality.prop, --nowitness, --load-order, /home/mcc/execution/model.ord], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityCardinality.prop --nowitness --load-order /home/mcc/execution/model.ord
Successfully loaded order from file /home/mcc/execution/model.ord
Loading property file ReachabilityCardinality.prop.
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00 with value :(!((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((FetchJobE_6_4+FetchJobE_6_0)+FetchJobE_3_0)+FetchJobE_1_0)+FetchJobE_6_1)+FetchJobE_3_4)+FetchJobE_2_3)+FetchJobE_1_2)+FetchJobE_4_4)+FetchJobE_2_2)+FetchJobE_3_2)+FetchJobE_5_0)+FetchJobE_2_1)+FetchJobE_1_3)+FetchJobE_1_1)+FetchJobE_1_4)+FetchJobE_6_2)+FetchJobE_4_2)+FetchJobE_2_4)+FetchJobE_5_2)+FetchJobE_3_1)+FetchJobE_2_0)+FetchJobE_5_3)+FetchJobE_6_3)+FetchJobE_4_1)+FetchJobE_5_1)+FetchJobE_4_3)+FetchJobE_5_4)+FetchJobE_4_0)+FetchJobE_3_3)>=1)||((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3)>=1))||((P_1093>=3)||((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=1))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01 with value :(P_1717>=3)
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02 with value :(((((((P_1159_3+P_1159_2)+P_1159_5)+P_1159_4)+P_1159_6)+P_1159_1)>=1)&&((((((Insert_Source_E_3+Insert_Source_E_4)+Insert_Source_E_5)+Insert_Source_E_6)+Insert_Source_E_2)+Insert_Source_E_1)>=2))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03 with value :(((!((((((EnablePollingE_4+EnablePollingE_6)+EnablePollingE_1)+EnablePollingE_3)+EnablePollingE_2)+EnablePollingE_5)<=P_1093))||((cSources>=2)||(SigAbort<=(((((AwakeTasks_6+AwakeTasks_5)+AwakeTasks_3)+AwakeTasks_4)+AwakeTasks_1)+AwakeTasks_2))))||(MarkerWrite>=3))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04 with value :((((((NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6)>=2)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05 with value :((((((IdleTasks_5+IdleTasks_6)+IdleTasks_4)+IdleTasks_3)+IdleTasks_2)+IdleTasks_1)>=3)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06 with value :(((!((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)<=(((((NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1)))||(((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=3)||((((((NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5)<=IsMonitoring)))&&((cJobCnt<=MarkerWrite)||(!((((((Insert_Source_E_3+Insert_Source_E_4)+Insert_Source_E_5)+Insert_Source_E_6)+Insert_Source_E_2)+Insert_Source_E_1)>=2))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07 with value :((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=3)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08 with value :(!(((QueueJobB_2_0<=Insert_Source_B_5_3)&&(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3>=3))&&(!(QueueJobE_5<=P_1095))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09 with value :(!((EnablePollingE_5<=DisablePollingB_4_1)||(ModifiedSrc_3>=1)))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10 with value :((DisablePollingB_2_4>=3)&&((P_2579_4_5<=DisablePollingB_5_4)&&((EnablePollingE_3>=1)&&(RunE_2>=3))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11 with value :((!((P_1712_4<=P_1716)&&(ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3>=1)))||(P_1160_6<=AwakeTasks_3))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12 with value :(!(((CreatedJobs_2_3<=CreatedJobs_1_4)&&(RunB_1>=1))&&((Check_Sources_E_5>=3)||(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3<=Insert_Source_E_5))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13 with value :((P_1725_2>=3)&&(Perform_Work_E_4<=CreatedJobs_4_4))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14 with value :(((!(DisablePollingB_6_5>=3))||(!(P_2579_1_1<=NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2)))||(P_1119_4_1>=1))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15 with value :(!(((P_1119_3_2<=cBlockedTasks)||(NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6>=1))||((Idle_5<=NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1)||(P_1119_6_2<=P_1724_2))))
WARNING : LTS min runner thread failed on error :java.lang.RuntimeException: Compilation or link of executable timed Subprocess running CommandLine [args=[gcc, -c, -I/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//include, -I., -std=c99, -fPIC, -O2, model.c], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution] killed by timeout after 400 SECONDS
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityCardinality.prop, --nowitness], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityCardinality.prop --nowitness
Loading property file ReachabilityCardinality.prop.
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00 with value :(!((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((FetchJobE_6_4+FetchJobE_6_0)+FetchJobE_3_0)+FetchJobE_1_0)+FetchJobE_6_1)+FetchJobE_3_4)+FetchJobE_2_3)+FetchJobE_1_2)+FetchJobE_4_4)+FetchJobE_2_2)+FetchJobE_3_2)+FetchJobE_5_0)+FetchJobE_2_1)+FetchJobE_1_3)+FetchJobE_1_1)+FetchJobE_1_4)+FetchJobE_6_2)+FetchJobE_4_2)+FetchJobE_2_4)+FetchJobE_5_2)+FetchJobE_3_1)+FetchJobE_2_0)+FetchJobE_5_3)+FetchJobE_6_3)+FetchJobE_4_1)+FetchJobE_5_1)+FetchJobE_4_3)+FetchJobE_5_4)+FetchJobE_4_0)+FetchJobE_3_3)>=1)||((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3)>=1))||((P_1093>=3)||((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03 with value :(((!((((((EnablePollingE_4+EnablePollingE_6)+EnablePollingE_1)+EnablePollingE_3)+EnablePollingE_2)+EnablePollingE_5)<=P_1093))||((cSources>=2)||(SigAbort<=(((((AwakeTasks_6+AwakeTasks_5)+AwakeTasks_3)+AwakeTasks_4)+AwakeTasks_1)+AwakeTasks_2))))||(MarkerWrite>=3))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04 with value :((((((NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6)>=2)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05 with value :((((((IdleTasks_5+IdleTasks_6)+IdleTasks_4)+IdleTasks_3)+IdleTasks_2)+IdleTasks_1)>=3)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06 with value :(((!((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)<=(((((NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1)))||(((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=3)||((((((NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5)<=IsMonitoring)))&&((cJobCnt<=MarkerWrite)||(!((((((Insert_Source_E_3+Insert_Source_E_4)+Insert_Source_E_5)+Insert_Source_E_6)+Insert_Source_E_2)+Insert_Source_E_1)>=2))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07 with value :((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=3)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08 with value :(!(((QueueJobB_2_0<=Insert_Source_B_5_3)&&(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3>=3))&&(!(QueueJobE_5<=P_1095))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09 with value :(!((EnablePollingE_5<=DisablePollingB_4_1)||(ModifiedSrc_3>=1)))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10 with value :((DisablePollingB_2_4>=3)&&((P_2579_4_5<=DisablePollingB_5_4)&&((EnablePollingE_3>=1)&&(RunE_2>=3))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11 with value :((!((P_1712_4<=P_1716)&&(ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3>=1)))||(P_1160_6<=AwakeTasks_3))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12 with value :(!(((CreatedJobs_2_3<=CreatedJobs_1_4)&&(RunB_1>=1))&&((Check_Sources_E_5>=3)||(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3<=Insert_Source_E_5))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13 with value :((P_1725_2>=3)&&(Perform_Work_E_4<=CreatedJobs_4_4))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14 with value :(((!(DisablePollingB_6_5>=3))||(!(P_2579_1_1<=NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2)))||(P_1119_4_1>=1))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15 with value :(!(((P_1119_3_2<=cBlockedTasks)||(NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6>=1))||((Idle_5<=NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1)||(P_1119_6_2<=P_1724_2))))
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityCardinality.prop, --nowitness], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityCardinality.prop --nowitness
Loading property file ReachabilityCardinality.prop.
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00 with value :(!((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((FetchJobE_6_4+FetchJobE_6_0)+FetchJobE_3_0)+FetchJobE_1_0)+FetchJobE_6_1)+FetchJobE_3_4)+FetchJobE_2_3)+FetchJobE_1_2)+FetchJobE_4_4)+FetchJobE_2_2)+FetchJobE_3_2)+FetchJobE_5_0)+FetchJobE_2_1)+FetchJobE_1_3)+FetchJobE_1_1)+FetchJobE_1_4)+FetchJobE_6_2)+FetchJobE_4_2)+FetchJobE_2_4)+FetchJobE_5_2)+FetchJobE_3_1)+FetchJobE_2_0)+FetchJobE_5_3)+FetchJobE_6_3)+FetchJobE_4_1)+FetchJobE_5_1)+FetchJobE_4_3)+FetchJobE_5_4)+FetchJobE_4_0)+FetchJobE_3_3)>=1)||((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3)>=1))||((P_1093>=3)||((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03 with value :(((!((((((EnablePollingE_4+EnablePollingE_6)+EnablePollingE_1)+EnablePollingE_3)+EnablePollingE_2)+EnablePollingE_5)<=P_1093))||((cSources>=2)||(SigAbort<=(((((AwakeTasks_6+AwakeTasks_5)+AwakeTasks_3)+AwakeTasks_4)+AwakeTasks_1)+AwakeTasks_2))))||(MarkerWrite>=3))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05 with value :((((((IdleTasks_5+IdleTasks_6)+IdleTasks_4)+IdleTasks_3)+IdleTasks_2)+IdleTasks_1)>=3)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06 with value :(((!((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)<=(((((NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6)+NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1)))||(((((((FetchJobB_1+FetchJobB_6)+FetchJobB_4)+FetchJobB_5)+FetchJobB_2)+FetchJobB_3)>=3)||((((((NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5)<=IsMonitoring)))&&((cJobCnt<=MarkerWrite)||(!((((((Insert_Source_E_3+Insert_Source_E_4)+Insert_Source_E_5)+Insert_Source_E_6)+Insert_Source_E_2)+Insert_Source_E_1)>=2))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09 with value :(!((EnablePollingE_5<=DisablePollingB_4_1)||(ModifiedSrc_3>=1)))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12 with value :(!(((CreatedJobs_2_3<=CreatedJobs_1_4)&&(RunB_1>=1))&&((Check_Sources_E_5>=3)||(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3<=Insert_Source_E_5))))


content from stderr:

+ export BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
+ BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
++ pwd
+ export MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ [[ ReachabilityCardinality = StateSpace ]]
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit// /home/mcc/execution ReachabilityCardinality -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -greatspnpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn/ -order META -manyOrder -smt
+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit//itstools/its-tools -data /home/mcc/execution/workspace -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination ReachabilityCardinality -z3path /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3 -yices2path /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -greatspnpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn/ -order META -manyOrder -smt -vmargs -Dosgi.locking=none -Declipse.stateSaveDelayInterval=-1 -Dosgi.configuration.area=/tmp/.eclipse -Xss8m -Xms40m -Xmx8192m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:28 PM start
INFO: Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, ReachabilityCardinality, -z3path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3, -yices2path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices, -its, -ltsminpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/, -greatspnpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn/, -order, META, -manyOrder, -smt]
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:28 PM transformPNML
INFO: Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:29 PM loadFromXML
INFO: Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 669 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:29 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 632 places.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:30 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 10500 transitions.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:33 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 2976 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:37 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 10500 transitions.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:37 PM transform
INFO: Too many transitions (10500) to apply POR reductions. Disabling POR matrices.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:38 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 3953 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:38 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 3240 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:39 PM transform
INFO: Built C files in 4863ms conformant to PINS in folder :/home/mcc/execution
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:39 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 10500 transitions.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:41 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 10500 transitions.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:41 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 632 places.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:41 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 10500 transitions.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:46 PM checkProperties
INFO: Ran tautology test, simplified 0 / 16 in 8880 ms.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 21 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 22 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 13 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 13 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 15 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 1 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 1 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 1 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 1 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 0 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 0 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 0 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 0 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 0 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 118 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 2 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 3 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 4 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 13 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 9 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 9 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 9 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 7 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 10 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:48 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 10500 transitions.
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:55 PM computeAndDeclareInvariants
INFO: Computed 54 place invariants in 1306 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 7585 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 1651 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 512 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:09:57 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 588 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:01 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 3083 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:01 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 590 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:03 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 2158 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:04 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 711 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:06 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 2148 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:07 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 713 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:12 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 385 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:12 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityCardinality.prop : 1 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:22 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 15367 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:24 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 1438 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:24 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 358 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:26 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 1524 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 13055 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 724 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:10:46 PM init
INFO: Proved 632 variables to be positive in 52605 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:12:19 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 99441 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:13:05 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 46422 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:13:20 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 14667 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:14:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 52075 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:14:35 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 22746 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:14:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 21426 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:15:28 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 32213 ms
java.lang.RuntimeException: Compilation or link of executable timed Subprocess running CommandLine [args=[gcc, -c, -I/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//include, -I., -std=c99, -fPIC, -O2, model.c], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution] killed by timeout after 400 SECONDS
Mar 30, 2019 3:17:02 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 93058 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:17:32 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 30955 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:18:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 78960 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:19:19 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 27688 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:19:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 20803 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:19:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 10698 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:19:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00
Mar 30, 2019 3:19:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00(SAT) depth K=0 took 550579 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:20:09 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 18655 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:20:19 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01
Mar 30, 2019 3:20:19 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01
Mar 30, 2019 3:20:19 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-01(FALSE) depth K=0 took 22765 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:21:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 90517 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:21:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02
Mar 30, 2019 3:21:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02
Mar 30, 2019 3:21:51 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-02(FALSE) depth K=0 took 91467 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:22:21 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 40993 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:23:17 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03
Mar 30, 2019 3:23:17 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03(SAT) depth K=0 took 85849 ms
ITS-tools command line returned an error code 137
Mar 30, 2019 3:24:07 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 2138 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:24:07 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 118 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:24:07 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityCardinality.prop : 2 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:25:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04
Mar 30, 2019 3:25:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04
Mar 30, 2019 3:25:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04(FALSE) depth K=0 took 114395 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:25:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 172771 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:27:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05
Mar 30, 2019 3:27:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05(SAT) depth K=0 took 148509 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:29:23 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 249508 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:30:16 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06
Mar 30, 2019 3:30:16 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06(SAT) depth K=0 took 156608 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:31:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07
Mar 30, 2019 3:31:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07
Mar 30, 2019 3:31:37 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07(FALSE) depth K=0 took 81351 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:32:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved invariant PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08
Mar 30, 2019 3:32:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08
Mar 30, 2019 3:32:05 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08(TRUE) depth K=0 took 27384 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:32:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 195393 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:33:23 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09
Mar 30, 2019 3:33:23 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09(SAT) depth K=0 took 78175 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:33:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10
Mar 30, 2019 3:33:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10
Mar 30, 2019 3:33:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10(FALSE) depth K=0 took 24300 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:34:01 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved invariant PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11
Mar 30, 2019 3:34:01 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11
Mar 30, 2019 3:34:01 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11(TRUE) depth K=0 took 13883 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:14 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:14 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12(SAT) depth K=0 took 72399 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:36 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:36 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:36 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13(FALSE) depth K=0 took 22196 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved invariant PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14
Mar 30, 2019 3:35:57 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14(TRUE) depth K=0 took 20825 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:36:28 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15
Mar 30, 2019 3:36:28 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15
Mar 30, 2019 3:36:28 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15(FALSE) depth K=0 took 31172 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:37:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 315492 ms
ITS-tools command line returned an error code 137
Mar 30, 2019 3:37:59 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 1886 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:37:59 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 100 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:37:59 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityCardinality.prop : 4 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:40:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 178042 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:44:11 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 198402 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:49:19 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 308428 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:51:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 146142 ms
ITS-tools command line returned an error code 137
Mar 30, 2019 3:54:33 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 167584 ms
Mar 30, 2019 3:57:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 187194 ms
Mar 30, 2019 4:00:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 193343 ms
Mar 30, 2019 4:03:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 172502 ms
Mar 30, 2019 4:06:25 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 159443 ms
Mar 30, 2019 4:09:02 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 156330 ms

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06"
export BK_EXAMINATION="ReachabilityCardinality"
export BK_TOOL="itstoolsm"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-3957"
echo " Executing tool itstoolsm"
echo " Input is PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06, examination is ReachabilityCardinality"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r198-smll-155272319500368"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "preparation of the directory to be used:"

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06.tgz
mv PolyORBLF-PT-S06J04T06 execution
cd execution
if [ "ReachabilityCardinality" = "GlobalProperties" ] ; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
if [ "ReachabilityCardinality" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
ls -lh

echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "ReachabilityCardinality" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "ReachabilityCardinality" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "ReachabilityCardinality.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property ReachabilityCardinality.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "ReachabilityCardinality.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' ReachabilityCardinality.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;