Model Checking Contest 2019
9th edition, Prague, Czech Republic, April 7, 2019 (TOOLympics)
Execution of r198-smll-155272319400260
Last Updated
Apr 15, 2019

About the Execution of ITS-Tools.M for PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
11317.030 3600000.00 14384471.00 131.20 TFFTFF?FTFT??F?T normal

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Formatting '/data/fkordon/mcc2019-input.r198-smll-155272319400260.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=4294967296 backing_file='/data/fkordon/mcc2019-input.qcow2' encryption=off cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
Generated by BenchKit 2-3957
Executing tool itstoolsm
Input is PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08, examination is ReachabilityCardinality
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r198-smll-155272319400260

preparation of the directory to be used:
total 1.5M
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.2K Feb 12 09:17 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 25K Feb 12 09:17 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.5K Feb 8 09:33 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 41K Feb 8 09:33 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K Mar 10 17:31 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.9K Mar 10 17:31 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 109 Feb 24 15:05 GlobalProperties.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 347 Feb 24 15:05 GlobalProperties.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.9K Feb 5 00:34 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 19K Feb 5 00:34 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.8K Feb 4 22:38 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 19K Feb 4 22:38 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 12K Feb 4 12:44 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 35K Feb 4 12:44 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.0K Feb 1 08:07 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 34K Feb 1 08:07 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K Feb 4 22:23 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8.3K Feb 4 22:23 UpperBounds.xml

-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5 Jan 29 09:34 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 10 Jan 29 09:34 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 Jan 29 09:34 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 1.2M Mar 10 17:31 model.pnml

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of booleans

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1553808218432

Working with output stream class
Using solver Z3 to compute partial order matrices.
Built C files in :
Running greatSPN : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn//bin/pinvar, /home/mcc/execution/gspn], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Presburger conditions satisfied. Using coverability to approximate state space in K-Induction.
Normalized transition count is 1098
// Phase 1: matrix 1098 rows 614 cols
invariant :-1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + -1'Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + CanInjectEvent + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + -1'Check_Sources_B_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + IsMonitoring + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + -1'Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 = 1
invariant :CreatedJobs_4_1 + CreatedJobs_4_2 + AvailableJobId_4 = 1
invariant :P_2321_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -10'ProcessingEvt_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + -10'Check_Sources_B_4 + cSources + Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_1119_6_2 + -10'P_1155_3 + -1'P_1119_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + -10'Check_Sources_B_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + EnablePollingB_4 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -10'Check_Sources_E_6 + -10'ProcessingEvt_6 + -1'P_1119_4_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -10'P_1155_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + P_2321_2 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + EnablePollingE_6 + -10'Check_Sources_B_7 + Idle_5 + -10'Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'P_1119_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2321_7 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + -1'P_1119_1_2 + -1'P_1119_2_1 + -10'ProcessingEvt_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + EnablePollingE_7 + -10'P_1155_5 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'P_1119_8_2 + -10'Check_Sources_E_4 + Insert_Source_E_6 + -10'Check_Sources_B_6 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + RunE_2 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_7 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + Perform_Work_E_3 + -10'Check_Sources_B_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + -10'Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'JobCnt + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + RunE_8 + -1'P_1119_7_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + RunE_3 + -1'P_1119_1_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + -10'ProcessingEvt_4 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + P_1617_7 + EnablePollingB_6 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -10'Check_Sources_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + P_1617_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'P_1119_2_2 + -10'ProcessingEvt_5 + -1'P_1119_7_1 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + -10'P_1155_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + Insert_Source_E_7 + -10'Check_Sources_B_8 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -10'ProcessingEvt_2 + -10'Check_Sources_E_1 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + -1'P_1119_8_1 + -10'P_1155_7 + Insert_Source_E_3 + 11'IsMonitoring + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + EnablePollingB_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + P_1617_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -10'P_1155_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + RunE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -10'ProcessingEvt_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -1'DataOnSrc_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -10'ProcessingEvt_8 + P_1617_2 + -10'P_1155_6 + Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -10'Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'P_1119_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + Idle_7 + -1'P_1119_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + -10'P_1155_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Idle_8 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + -10'Check_Sources_B_5 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'DataOnSrc_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + P_1617_8 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -10'Check_Sources_B_2 + -10'Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -1'P_1119_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'P_1119_3_2 = 16
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_5_3 + FetchJobE_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + FetchJobE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + FetchJobE_3_3 + QueueJobB_3_3 + QueueJobB_6_3 + QueueJobB_4_3 + FetchJobE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + FetchJobE_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + QueueJobB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + P_1725_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + QueueJobB_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + QueueJobB_7_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + FetchJobE_7_3 + P_1712_3 + FetchJobE_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + FetchJobE_2_3 + P_1724_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + AvailableJobId_3 + QueueJobB_1_3 = 1
invariant :P_1712_0 + QueueJobB_1_0 + QueueJobB_8_0 + P_1725_0 + FetchJobE_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + FetchJobE_7_0 + P_1724_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + FetchJobE_8_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + FetchJobE_2_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + QueueJobB_3_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + FetchJobE_1_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + AvailableJobId_0 + QueueJobB_5_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + QueueJobB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + FetchJobE_4_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + FetchJobE_5_0 + QueueJobB_7_0 + QueueJobB_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 = 1
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_7 + -1'P_2321_7 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_7 + -1'P_2318_7 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'RunE_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'RunE_8 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'Check_Sources_E_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_8 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'P_2579_8_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'RunE_6 + ORB_Lock + -1'RunB_3 + -1'P_2579_7_2 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'RunE_7 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'Idle_7 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'PollingAbort + Abort_Check_Sources_B_8 = -7
invariant :PlaceSources_1 + -1'DataOnSrc_1 = 0
invariant :P_2321_1 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + FetchJobE_8_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + FetchJobB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + FetchJobB_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + FetchJobE_6_0 + EnablePollingB_4 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + FetchJobE_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + FetchJobE_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + FetchJobE_7_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + FetchJobE_4_3 + P_2579_4_1 + FetchJobE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + RunE_2 + FetchJobE_8_0 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + FetchJobE_3_3 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + FetchJobB_8 + EnablePollingB_5 + FetchJobE_2_0 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + Insert_Source_E_5 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + FetchJobB_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + FetchJobE_6_3 + RunE_8 + FetchJobE_5_4 + P_2579_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + RunE_3 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + FetchJobE_8_4 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_0 + FetchJobE_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + FetchJobB_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + FetchJobE_5_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + FetchJobE_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + Insert_Source_E_7 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + FetchJobE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + P_2579_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + FetchJobE_3_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + FetchJobB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + FetchJobB_1 + FetchJobE_1_2 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + FetchJobE_7_3 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + FetchJobE_8_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + FetchJobE_2_3 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_5_0 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + FetchJobE_1_4 + P_1617_8 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + FetchJobE_7_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + FetchJobB_7 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + DisablePollingE_8_1 = 8
invariant :-1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'IdleTasks_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + AwakeTasks_4 + -1'Idle_4 + AwakeTasks_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'IdleTasks_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'IdleTasks_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + AwakeTasks_8 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'IdleTasks_7 + -1'cIdleTasks + AwakeTasks_2 = -8
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_4 + -1'P_2318_4 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_4 + -1'P_2321_4 = 0
invariant :cJobCnt + JobCnt = 10
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskB_3 + -1'P_2318_3 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_3 + -1'P_2321_3 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2318_2 + -1'P_2321_2 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_2 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_2 = 0
invariant :CreatedJobs_3_2 + CreatedJobs_3_1 + AvailableJobId_3 = 1
invariant :PlaceSources_2 + -1'DataOnSrc_2 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_1 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_1 + -1'P_2318_1 = 0
invariant :AwakeTasks_1 + IdleTasks_1 + -1'Idle_1 = 0
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_6 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_6 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'P_2318_6 = 0
invariant :-1'Idle_2 + IdleTasks_2 + AwakeTasks_2 = 0
invariant :P_1726 + MarkerWrite + P_1727 = 1
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + -2'P_1712_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'QueueJobB_4_4 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'QueueJobB_8_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'FetchJobE_8_2 + -1'FetchJobE_2_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_7 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'P_1725_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + -1'FetchJobE_5_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_4 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'QueueJobB_5_2 + -1'QueueJobB_7_2 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'P_2321_8 + -1'FetchJobE_7_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'FetchJobE_6_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + P_1716 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_2 + -1'P_2321_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -1'FetchJobE_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'QueueJobB_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_1617_5 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'FetchJobE_8_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_8 + -1'QueueJobB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'FetchJobE_2_0 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'QueueJobB_3_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_4 + JobCnt + -2'P_1712_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'RunE_8 + -1'FetchJobE_5_4 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'P_1725_4 + -1'QueueJobB_2_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_1 + -1'FetchJobE_8_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'P_1617_7 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_0 + -1'FetchJobE_3_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + -1'QueueJobB_6_4 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_7_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_7 + -1'QueueJobB_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'FetchJobE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'QueueJobB_5_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_7 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'IsMonitoring + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_8 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'QueueJobB_2_2 + -1'P_1725_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + -1'P_2579_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'RunE_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_4 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + -1'FetchJobE_1_2 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_2 + -1'P_2579_7_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_2 + -1'QueueJobB_8_2 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'P_1712_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -2'P_1712_2 + -1'P_1725_1 + MarkerWrite + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'RunE_7 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_4 + -1'P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -1'Idle_7 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_0 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_2 + -1'QueueJobB_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_7_0 + -1'P_1617_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + -1'FetchJobE_7_2 + -1'QueueJobB_6_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + P_1724_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + AvailableJobId_3 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'PollingAbort + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_1 + -2'P_1712_1 + P_1727 = -6
invariant :SigAbort + NoSigAbort = 1
invariant :P_2321_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1724_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + QueueJobB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_4_1 + CreatedJobs_2_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + RunE_2 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'JobCnt + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + RunE_8 + P_2579_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + RunE_3 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + -1'AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + Insert_Source_E_7 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + QueueJobB_3_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + P_2579_8_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + QueueJobB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1725_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + QueueJobB_6_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + P_1617_8 + QueueJobB_8_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + CreatedJobs_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'AvailableJobId_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 = 5
invariant :-1'P_2318_8 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_8 + -1'P_2321_8 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_8 = 0
invariant :-4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -4'QueueJobB_1_0 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + -4'QueueJobB_4_4 + -4'QueueJobB_8_0 + -4'P_1159_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -4'QueueJobB_7_1 + -12'Check_Sources_B_4 + -4'P_1113_2 + -4'QueueJobB_5_3 + -4'P_1119_6_2 + -12'P_1155_3 + -4'QueueJobE_8 + -4'P_1119_3_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_7 + -12'Check_Sources_B_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -12'nyo_3 + -3'P_1160_2 + -3'P_1160_4 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -4'P_2318_2 + -4'P_2318_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -6'P_1158_1 + -12'Check_Sources_E_6 + -12'ProcessingEvt_6 + -4'P_1119_4_1 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + -6'P_1158_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -4'QueueJobB_3_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -12'P_1155_4 + -4'QueueJobB_1_1 + -4'P_1159_2 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + -4'QueueJobB_5_2 + -4'QueueJobB_7_2 + -12'Check_Sources_B_7 + -4'P_1113_3 + -12'Check_Sources_E_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -4'P_1119_5_2 + -2'P_1095 + -4'QueueJobE_5 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -12'nyo_2 + -4'P_1159_5 + -6'P_1158_7 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_6 + -3'P_1160_3 + -4'P_1119_1_2 + -4'P_1119_2_1 + -4'QueueJobB_6_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_7 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + -12'P_1155_5 + -4'P_1113_4 + -4'P_1119_8_2 + -12'Check_Sources_E_4 + -12'Check_Sources_B_6 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -4'P_2318_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + -4'QueueJobB_4_2 + -12'nyo_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_5 + -4'QueueJobB_3_3 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + -4'P_1159_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -4'QueueJobB_6_3 + -4'QueueJobB_3_0 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -12'Check_Sources_B_1 + -4'P_1113_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_3 + -4'QueueJobB_5_4 + -12'Check_Sources_E_3 + -4'QueueJobB_4_3 + -4'P_2318_4 + -4'P_1119_7_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + -4'QueueJobE_6 + -4'QueueJobB_2_0 + -4'P_1119_1_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + -12'ProcessingEvt_4 + -4'P_1113_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -4'P_2318_3 + -3'P_1160_8 + -4'QueueJobB_2_1 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_4 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + -6'P_1158_5 + -4'P_1113_7 + -12'Check_Sources_E_2 + -4'QueueJobB_6_4 + -4'P_1119_2_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_5 + -4'P_1119_7_1 + -4'QueueJobE_3 + -12'nyo_7 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -12'P_1155_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -4'QueueJobB_7_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + -4'QueueJobB_3_2 + -12'Check_Sources_B_8 + -4'QueueJobE_4 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + -6'P_1158_8 + -4'QueueJobB_3_1 + -6'P_1158_6 + -12'ProcessingEvt_2 + -12'Check_Sources_E_1 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + -4'P_1159_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -4'QueueJobB_5_0 + -4'QueueJobB_8_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -3'P_1160_7 + -4'P_1119_8_1 + -12'nyo_6 + -12'P_1155_7 + -4'QueueJobE_2 + 12'IsMonitoring + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -4'P_1113_8 + -4'QueueJobB_2_3 + -4'P_1113_1 + -4'QueueJobB_2_2 + -12'P_1155_1 + -4'QueueJobB_7_3 + -4'P_1159_7 + -4'QueueJobB_1_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -4'QueueJobB_8_4 + -4'QueueJobB_4_1 + -12'ProcessingEvt_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -4'QueueJobB_4_0 + -4'P_2318_5 + -4'P_2318_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -12'nyo_1 + -3'P_1160_6 + -6'P_1158_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -4'QueueJobB_5_1 + -12'ProcessingEvt_8 + -12'nyo_5 + -4'QueueJobB_8_2 + -12'P_1155_6 + -4'P_1159_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -4'QueueJobE_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -4'P_1159_8 + -8'P_1093 + -12'Check_Sources_E_8 + -4'P_1119_4_2 + -4'QueueJobB_2_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_1099 + -4'P_1119_5_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -12'P_1155_2 + -4'QueueJobB_6_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -6'P_1158_4 + -4'QueueJobB_1_4 + -12'Check_Sources_B_5 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -4'QueueJobB_7_0 + -4'QueueJobB_8_1 + -12'nyo_4 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + -4'P_2318_7 + -4'QueueJobB_6_0 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -12'Check_Sources_B_2 + -3'P_1160_5 + -12'Check_Sources_E_7 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 + -4'P_1119_6_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -4'QueueJobE_7 + -4'P_1119_3_2 + -4'QueueJobB_1_3 + -3'P_1160_1 = 0
invariant :-1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + cBlockedTasks + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + IsMonitoring + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 = 10
invariant :cIsMonitoring + IsMonitoring = 1
invariant :CreatedJobs_0_1 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + AvailableJobId_0 = 1
invariant :AwakeTasks_7 + -1'Idle_7 + IdleTasks_7 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_5 + -1'P_2318_5 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_5 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_5 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_7 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1119_6_2 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'P_1724_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'P_2321_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + P_1119_5_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_1 + -1'P_2321_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + P_1119_1_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + P_1119_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_8 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + JobCnt + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'RunE_8 + P_1119_7_2 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_1 + ModifiedSrc_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -1'P_1617_7 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + P_1119_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + AvailableJobId_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_7 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'IsMonitoring + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_8 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'RunE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + P_1119_4_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'RunE_7 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + -1'P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + -1'Idle_7 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'Perform_Work_E_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + DataOnSrc_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'P_1617_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + CreatedJobs_4_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + AvailableJobId_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + P_1119_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_1 + -1'P_1712_1 = -5
invariant :cPollingAbort + PollingAbort = 1
invariant :Insert_Source_B_1_1 + QueueJobB_7_1 + P_2579_3_1 + P_1119_3_1 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1724_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + P_1119_4_1 + QueueJobB_1_1 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2579_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + P_2579_4_1 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + P_1119_2_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + FetchJobE_1_1 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + ModifiedSrc_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + P_2579_5_1 + P_1119_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_2 + P_2579_6_1 + QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_2 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + FetchJobE_2_1 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + P_1119_7_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + QueueJobB_3_1 + P_2579_7_1 + FetchJobE_3_1 + P_1119_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + QueueJobB_4_1 + CreatedJobs_3_1 + DataOnSrc_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + P_2579_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1725_1 + P_2579_1_1 + AbourtToModifySrc_1 + P_1119_5_1 + QueueJobB_6_1 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + FetchJobE_8_1 + QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_2 + CreatedJobs_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_4 + P_1119_6_1 + FetchJobE_7_1 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 = -1
invariant :Abort_Check_Sources_B_7 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_8 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_7 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_6 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_5 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_5 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'PollingAbort + Abort_Check_Sources_B_8 = 0
invariant :P_2321_1 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + FetchJobE_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1724_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + FetchJobE_5_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + QueueJobB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + EnablePollingE_6 + QueueJobB_5_2 + QueueJobB_7_2 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_4_1 + FetchJobE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + QueueJobB_6_2 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + RunE_2 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + QueueJobB_4_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'JobCnt + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + RunE_8 + P_2579_5_1 + RunE_3 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_3_2 + QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + -1'AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + Insert_Source_E_7 + QueueJobB_3_2 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + QueueJobB_3_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + FetchJobE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + QueueJobB_2_2 + P_1725_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + P_2579_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + QueueJobB_1_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + QueueJobB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + FetchJobE_1_2 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + QueueJobB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1712_2 + P_1725_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + P_1724_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + QueueJobB_6_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + P_1617_8 + QueueJobB_8_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + FetchJobE_7_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'AvailableJobId_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 = 5
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_7 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'P_1724_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'P_2321_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_2 + -1'P_2321_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_8 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + JobCnt + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'RunE_8 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -1'P_1617_7 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + AvailableJobId_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_7 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'IsMonitoring + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_8 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'P_2579_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'RunE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'P_2579_7_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_2 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'RunE_7 + AvailableJobId_2 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + -1'P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + -1'Idle_7 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'P_1617_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + AvailableJobId_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + AvailableJobId_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'PollingAbort + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_1 + -1'P_1712_1 = -4
invariant :ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + BlockedTasks + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'IsMonitoring + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 = 0
invariant :AwakeTasks_3 + IdleTasks_3 + -1'Idle_3 = 0
invariant :-1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -1'P_1724_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + CreatedJobs_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'P_1712_1 = 0
invariant :3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + 3'QueueJobB_1_0 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + 3'QueueJobB_4_4 + 3'QueueJobB_8_0 + 4'P_1159_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + 3'QueueJobB_7_1 + 12'Check_Sources_B_4 + 3'P_1113_2 + 3'QueueJobB_5_3 + 3'P_1119_6_2 + 12'P_1155_3 + 3'QueueJobE_8 + 3'P_1119_3_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_7 + 12'Check_Sources_B_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + 12'nyo_3 + 3'P_1160_2 + 3'P_1160_4 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + 3'P_2318_2 + 3'P_2318_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + 6'P_1158_1 + 12'Check_Sources_E_6 + 12'ProcessingEvt_6 + 3'P_1119_4_1 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + 6'P_1158_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + 3'QueueJobB_3_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + 12'P_1155_4 + 3'QueueJobB_1_1 + 4'P_1159_2 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + 3'QueueJobB_5_2 + 3'QueueJobB_7_2 + 12'Check_Sources_B_7 + 3'P_1113_3 + 12'Check_Sources_E_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + 3'P_1119_5_2 + 3'P_1095 + 3'QueueJobE_5 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + 12'nyo_2 + 4'P_1159_5 + 6'P_1158_7 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_6 + 3'P_1160_3 + 3'P_1119_1_2 + 3'P_1119_2_1 + 3'QueueJobB_6_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_7 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + 12'P_1155_5 + 3'P_1113_4 + 3'P_1119_8_2 + 12'Check_Sources_E_4 + 12'Check_Sources_B_6 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + 3'P_2318_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + 3'QueueJobB_4_2 + 12'nyo_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_5 + 3'QueueJobB_3_3 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + 4'P_1159_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + 3'QueueJobB_6_3 + 3'QueueJobB_3_0 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + 12'Check_Sources_B_1 + 3'P_1113_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_3 + 3'QueueJobB_5_4 + 12'Check_Sources_E_3 + 3'QueueJobB_4_3 + 3'P_2318_4 + 3'P_1119_7_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + 3'QueueJobE_6 + 3'QueueJobB_2_0 + 3'P_1119_1_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + 12'ProcessingEvt_4 + 3'P_1113_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + 3'P_2318_3 + 3'P_1160_8 + 3'QueueJobB_2_1 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_4 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + 6'P_1158_5 + 3'P_1113_7 + 12'Check_Sources_E_2 + 3'QueueJobB_6_4 + 3'P_1119_2_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_5 + 3'P_1119_7_1 + 3'QueueJobE_3 + 12'nyo_7 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + 12'P_1155_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + 3'QueueJobB_7_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + 3'QueueJobB_3_2 + 12'Check_Sources_B_8 + 3'QueueJobE_4 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + 6'P_1158_8 + 3'QueueJobB_3_1 + 6'P_1158_6 + 12'ProcessingEvt_2 + 12'Check_Sources_E_1 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + 4'P_1159_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + 3'QueueJobB_5_0 + 3'QueueJobB_8_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + 3'P_1160_7 + 3'P_1119_8_1 + 12'nyo_6 + 12'P_1155_7 + 3'QueueJobE_2 + -12'IsMonitoring + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + 3'P_1113_8 + 3'QueueJobB_2_3 + 3'P_1113_1 + 3'QueueJobB_2_2 + 12'P_1155_1 + 3'QueueJobB_7_3 + 4'P_1159_7 + 3'QueueJobB_1_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + 3'QueueJobB_8_4 + 3'QueueJobB_4_1 + 12'ProcessingEvt_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + 3'QueueJobB_4_0 + 3'P_2318_5 + 3'P_2318_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + 12'nyo_1 + 3'P_1160_6 + 6'P_1158_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + 3'QueueJobB_5_1 + 12'ProcessingEvt_8 + 12'nyo_5 + 3'QueueJobB_8_2 + 12'P_1155_6 + 4'P_1159_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + 3'QueueJobE_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + 4'P_1159_8 + 9'P_1093 + 12'Check_Sources_E_8 + 3'P_1119_4_2 + 3'QueueJobB_2_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + 3'P_1119_5_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + 12'P_1155_2 + 3'QueueJobB_6_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + 6'P_1158_4 + 3'QueueJobB_1_4 + 12'Check_Sources_B_5 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + 3'QueueJobB_7_0 + 3'QueueJobB_8_1 + 12'nyo_4 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + P_1097 + 3'P_2318_7 + 3'QueueJobB_6_0 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + 12'Check_Sources_B_2 + 3'P_1160_5 + 12'Check_Sources_E_7 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 + 3'P_1119_6_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + 3'QueueJobE_7 + 3'P_1119_3_2 + 3'QueueJobB_1_3 + 3'P_1160_1 = 0
invariant :ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + IdleTasks_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'AwakeTasks_4 + IdleTasks_6 + Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + IdleTasks_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + IdleTasks_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'AwakeTasks_8 + Idle_8 + IdleTasks_7 + cIdleTasks + -1'AwakeTasks_2 = 8
invariant :AbourtToModifySrc_2 + AbourtToModifySrc_1 + -1'PollingAbort = 0
invariant :IdleTasks_4 + AwakeTasks_4 + -1'Idle_4 = 0
invariant :QueueJobB_7_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + P_1724_1 + QueueJobB_1_1 + FetchJobE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + FetchJobE_1_1 + FetchJobE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + QueueJobB_2_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + FetchJobE_2_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + QueueJobB_3_1 + FetchJobE_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + AvailableJobId_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + QueueJobB_4_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1725_1 + QueueJobB_6_1 + FetchJobE_8_1 + QueueJobB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + FetchJobE_7_1 + P_1712_1 = 1
invariant :IdleTasks_8 + AwakeTasks_8 + -1'Idle_8 = 0
invariant :-1'Idle_5 + AwakeTasks_5 + IdleTasks_5 = 0
invariant :QueueJobB_4_4 + FetchJobE_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + QueueJobB_3_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + FetchJobE_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + QueueJobB_5_4 + P_1712_4 + FetchJobE_5_4 + P_1725_4 + FetchJobE_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + QueueJobB_6_4 + FetchJobE_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_4 + QueueJobB_7_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + P_1724_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + QueueJobB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + QueueJobB_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + QueueJobB_1_4 + FetchJobE_1_4 + AvailableJobId_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 = 1
invariant :P_2321_1 + P_1712_0 + QueueJobB_1_0 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + QueueJobB_4_4 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + QueueJobB_8_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + FetchJobE_8_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + -1'QueueJobB_5_3 + Insert_Source_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + 2'P_1725_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + FetchJobE_6_0 + EnablePollingB_4 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'FetchJobE_1_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + FetchJobE_5_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + QueueJobB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + EnablePollingE_6 + QueueJobB_5_2 + QueueJobB_7_2 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + FetchJobE_7_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_3 + P_2579_4_1 + FetchJobE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + QueueJobB_6_2 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + RunE_2 + FetchJobE_8_0 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + QueueJobB_4_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_3 + -1'QueueJobB_3_3 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + P_1717 + EnablePollingB_5 + FetchJobE_2_0 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'QueueJobB_6_3 + QueueJobB_3_0 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + QueueJobB_5_4 + -1'JobCnt + P_1712_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_3 + RunE_8 + FetchJobE_5_4 + P_2579_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + RunE_3 + 2'P_1725_4 + QueueJobB_2_0 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + FetchJobE_8_4 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_0 + FetchJobE_3_2 + QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_5_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + QueueJobB_6_4 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + FetchJobE_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + QueueJobB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + Insert_Source_E_7 + QueueJobB_3_2 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + QueueJobB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + FetchJobE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + QueueJobB_5_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'QueueJobB_8_3 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + -1'QueueJobB_2_3 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + QueueJobB_2_2 + 2'P_1725_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + P_2579_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'QueueJobB_7_3 + Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + QueueJobB_1_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + QueueJobB_8_4 + P_2321_4 + QueueJobB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + QueueJobB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + FetchJobE_1_2 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + QueueJobB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + -1'FetchJobE_7_3 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'P_1712_3 + -1'FetchJobE_8_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1712_2 + 2'P_1725_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + QueueJobB_2_4 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + QueueJobB_6_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'FetchJobE_2_3 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_5_0 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + FetchJobE_1_4 + QueueJobB_7_0 + P_1617_8 + QueueJobB_8_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + FetchJobE_7_2 + QueueJobB_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -2'P_1724_3 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -2'AvailableJobId_3 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'QueueJobB_1_3 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 + -1'P_1727 = 6
invariant :P_1712_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_5_3 + MarkerRead + -1'P_1725_0 + FetchJobE_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + FetchJobE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + FetchJobE_3_3 + QueueJobB_3_3 + QueueJobB_6_3 + P_1712_4 + QueueJobB_4_3 + FetchJobE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + -1'P_1725_4 + FetchJobE_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + QueueJobB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + QueueJobB_2_3 + -1'P_1725_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + QueueJobB_7_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + FetchJobE_7_3 + 2'P_1712_3 + FetchJobE_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + P_1712_2 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'MarkerWrite + FetchJobE_2_3 + P_1724_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + AvailableJobId_3 + QueueJobB_1_3 + P_1712_1 = 1
Presburger conditions satisfied. Using coverability to approximate state space in K-Induction.
Normalized transition count is 1098
// Phase 1: matrix 1098 rows 614 cols
invariant :-1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + -1'Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + CanInjectEvent + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + -1'Check_Sources_B_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + IsMonitoring + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + -1'Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 = 1
invariant :CreatedJobs_4_1 + CreatedJobs_4_2 + AvailableJobId_4 = 1
invariant :P_2321_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -10'ProcessingEvt_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + -10'Check_Sources_B_4 + cSources + Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_1119_6_2 + -10'P_1155_3 + -1'P_1119_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + -10'Check_Sources_B_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + EnablePollingB_4 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -10'Check_Sources_E_6 + -10'ProcessingEvt_6 + -1'P_1119_4_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -10'P_1155_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + P_2321_2 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + EnablePollingE_6 + -10'Check_Sources_B_7 + Idle_5 + -10'Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'P_1119_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2321_7 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + -1'P_1119_1_2 + -1'P_1119_2_1 + -10'ProcessingEvt_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + EnablePollingE_7 + -10'P_1155_5 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'P_1119_8_2 + -10'Check_Sources_E_4 + Insert_Source_E_6 + -10'Check_Sources_B_6 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + RunE_2 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_7 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + Perform_Work_E_3 + -10'Check_Sources_B_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + -10'Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'JobCnt + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + RunE_8 + -1'P_1119_7_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + RunE_3 + -1'P_1119_1_1 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + -10'ProcessingEvt_4 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + P_1617_7 + EnablePollingB_6 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -10'Check_Sources_E_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + P_1617_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'P_1119_2_2 + -10'ProcessingEvt_5 + -1'P_1119_7_1 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + -10'P_1155_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + Insert_Source_E_7 + -10'Check_Sources_B_8 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -10'ProcessingEvt_2 + -10'Check_Sources_E_1 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + -1'P_1119_8_1 + -10'P_1155_7 + Insert_Source_E_3 + 11'IsMonitoring + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + EnablePollingB_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + P_1617_6 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -10'P_1155_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + RunE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -10'ProcessingEvt_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -1'DataOnSrc_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -10'ProcessingEvt_8 + P_1617_2 + -10'P_1155_6 + Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -10'Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'P_1119_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + Idle_7 + -1'P_1119_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + -10'P_1155_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Idle_8 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + -10'Check_Sources_B_5 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'DataOnSrc_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + P_1617_8 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + -10'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -10'Check_Sources_B_2 + -10'Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -10'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + -10'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -1'P_1119_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'P_1119_3_2 = 16
invariant :NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_5_3 + FetchJobE_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + FetchJobE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + FetchJobE_3_3 + QueueJobB_3_3 + QueueJobB_6_3 + QueueJobB_4_3 + FetchJobE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + FetchJobE_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + QueueJobB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + P_1725_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + QueueJobB_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + QueueJobB_7_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + FetchJobE_7_3 + P_1712_3 + FetchJobE_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + FetchJobE_2_3 + P_1724_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + AvailableJobId_3 + QueueJobB_1_3 = 1
invariant :P_1712_0 + QueueJobB_1_0 + QueueJobB_8_0 + P_1725_0 + FetchJobE_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + FetchJobE_7_0 + P_1724_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + FetchJobE_8_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + FetchJobE_2_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + QueueJobB_3_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + QueueJobB_2_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + FetchJobE_1_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + AvailableJobId_0 + QueueJobB_5_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + FetchJobE_3_0 + QueueJobB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + FetchJobE_4_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + FetchJobE_5_0 + QueueJobB_7_0 + QueueJobB_6_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 = 1
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_7 + -1'P_2321_7 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_7 + -1'P_2318_7 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'RunE_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'Check_Sources_B_3 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'Check_Sources_B_7 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_4 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_1 + -1'RunE_8 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'Check_Sources_E_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_8 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'P_2579_8_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'RunE_6 + ORB_Lock + -1'RunB_3 + -1'P_2579_7_2 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'RunE_7 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'Idle_7 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'Check_Sources_B_5 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + -1'Check_Sources_B_2 + -1'Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'PollingAbort + Abort_Check_Sources_B_8 = -7
invariant :PlaceSources_1 + -1'DataOnSrc_1 = 0
invariant :P_2321_1 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + FetchJobE_8_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + FetchJobB_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + FetchJobB_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + FetchJobE_6_0 + EnablePollingB_4 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + FetchJobE_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + FetchJobE_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + FetchJobE_7_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + FetchJobE_4_3 + P_2579_4_1 + FetchJobE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + RunE_2 + FetchJobE_8_0 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + FetchJobE_3_3 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + FetchJobB_8 + EnablePollingB_5 + FetchJobE_2_0 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + Insert_Source_E_5 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + FetchJobB_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + FetchJobE_6_3 + RunE_8 + FetchJobE_5_4 + P_2579_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + RunE_3 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + FetchJobE_8_4 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_0 + FetchJobE_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + FetchJobB_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + FetchJobE_5_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + FetchJobE_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + Insert_Source_E_7 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + FetchJobE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + P_2579_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + FetchJobE_3_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + FetchJobB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + FetchJobB_1 + FetchJobE_1_2 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + FetchJobE_7_3 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + FetchJobE_8_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + FetchJobE_2_3 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_5_0 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + FetchJobE_1_4 + P_1617_8 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + FetchJobE_7_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + FetchJobB_7 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + DisablePollingE_8_1 = 8
invariant :-1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'IdleTasks_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + AwakeTasks_4 + -1'Idle_4 + AwakeTasks_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'IdleTasks_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'IdleTasks_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + AwakeTasks_8 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'IdleTasks_7 + -1'cIdleTasks + AwakeTasks_2 = -8
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_4 + -1'P_2318_4 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_4 + -1'P_2321_4 = 0
invariant :cJobCnt + JobCnt = 10
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskB_3 + -1'P_2318_3 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_3 + -1'P_2321_3 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2318_2 + -1'P_2321_2 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_2 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_2 = 0
invariant :CreatedJobs_3_2 + CreatedJobs_3_1 + AvailableJobId_3 = 1
invariant :PlaceSources_2 + -1'DataOnSrc_2 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_1 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_1 + -1'P_2318_1 = 0
invariant :AwakeTasks_1 + IdleTasks_1 + -1'Idle_1 = 0
invariant :TryAllocateOneTaskE_6 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_6 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'P_2318_6 = 0
invariant :-1'Idle_2 + IdleTasks_2 + AwakeTasks_2 = 0
invariant :P_1726 + MarkerWrite + P_1727 = 1
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + -2'P_1712_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'QueueJobB_4_4 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'QueueJobB_8_0 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'FetchJobE_8_2 + -1'FetchJobE_2_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_7 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'P_1725_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + -1'FetchJobE_5_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_4 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'QueueJobB_5_2 + -1'QueueJobB_7_2 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'P_2321_8 + -1'FetchJobE_7_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'FetchJobE_6_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + P_1716 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_2 + -1'P_2321_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + -1'FetchJobE_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'QueueJobB_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_1617_5 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'FetchJobE_8_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_8 + -1'QueueJobB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'FetchJobE_2_0 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'QueueJobB_3_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_4 + JobCnt + -2'P_1712_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'RunE_8 + -1'FetchJobE_5_4 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'P_1725_4 + -1'QueueJobB_2_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_1 + -1'FetchJobE_8_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'P_1617_7 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_0 + -1'FetchJobE_3_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + -1'QueueJobB_6_4 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_7_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_7 + -1'QueueJobB_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'FetchJobE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'QueueJobB_5_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_7 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'IsMonitoring + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_8 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'QueueJobB_2_2 + -1'P_1725_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + -1'P_2579_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'RunE_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_4 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + -1'FetchJobE_1_2 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_2 + -1'P_2579_7_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_2 + -1'QueueJobB_8_2 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'P_1712_3 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -2'P_1712_2 + -1'P_1725_1 + MarkerWrite + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'RunE_7 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_4 + -1'P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + -1'Idle_7 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_5_0 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_2 + -1'QueueJobB_1_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_1_4 + -1'QueueJobB_7_0 + -1'P_1617_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + -1'FetchJobE_7_2 + -1'QueueJobB_6_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + P_1724_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + AvailableJobId_3 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'PollingAbort + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_1 + -2'P_1712_1 + P_1727 = -6
invariant :SigAbort + NoSigAbort = 1
invariant :P_2321_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1724_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + QueueJobB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + EnablePollingE_6 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_4_1 + CreatedJobs_2_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + RunE_2 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'JobCnt + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + RunE_8 + P_2579_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + RunE_3 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + -1'AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + Insert_Source_E_7 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + QueueJobB_3_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + P_2579_8_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + QueueJobB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1725_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + QueueJobB_6_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + P_1617_8 + QueueJobB_8_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + CreatedJobs_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'AvailableJobId_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 = 5
invariant :-1'P_2318_8 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_8 + -1'P_2321_8 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_8 = 0
invariant :-4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -4'QueueJobB_1_0 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + -4'QueueJobB_4_4 + -4'QueueJobB_8_0 + -4'P_1159_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -4'QueueJobB_7_1 + -12'Check_Sources_B_4 + -4'P_1113_2 + -4'QueueJobB_5_3 + -4'P_1119_6_2 + -12'P_1155_3 + -4'QueueJobE_8 + -4'P_1119_3_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_7 + -12'Check_Sources_B_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -12'nyo_3 + -3'P_1160_2 + -3'P_1160_4 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -4'P_2318_2 + -4'P_2318_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -6'P_1158_1 + -12'Check_Sources_E_6 + -12'ProcessingEvt_6 + -4'P_1119_4_1 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + -6'P_1158_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + -4'QueueJobB_3_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -12'P_1155_4 + -4'QueueJobB_1_1 + -4'P_1159_2 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + -4'QueueJobB_5_2 + -4'QueueJobB_7_2 + -12'Check_Sources_B_7 + -4'P_1113_3 + -12'Check_Sources_E_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -4'P_1119_5_2 + -2'P_1095 + -4'QueueJobE_5 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -12'nyo_2 + -4'P_1159_5 + -6'P_1158_7 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_6 + -3'P_1160_3 + -4'P_1119_1_2 + -4'P_1119_2_1 + -4'QueueJobB_6_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_7 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + -12'P_1155_5 + -4'P_1113_4 + -4'P_1119_8_2 + -12'Check_Sources_E_4 + -12'Check_Sources_B_6 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + -4'P_2318_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + -4'QueueJobB_4_2 + -12'nyo_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_5 + -4'QueueJobB_3_3 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + -4'P_1159_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -4'QueueJobB_6_3 + -4'QueueJobB_3_0 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -12'Check_Sources_B_1 + -4'P_1113_5 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_3 + -4'QueueJobB_5_4 + -12'Check_Sources_E_3 + -4'QueueJobB_4_3 + -4'P_2318_4 + -4'P_1119_7_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + -4'QueueJobE_6 + -4'QueueJobB_2_0 + -4'P_1119_1_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + -12'ProcessingEvt_4 + -4'P_1113_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -4'P_2318_3 + -3'P_1160_8 + -4'QueueJobB_2_1 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_4 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + -6'P_1158_5 + -4'P_1113_7 + -12'Check_Sources_E_2 + -4'QueueJobB_6_4 + -4'P_1119_2_2 + -12'ProcessingEvt_5 + -4'P_1119_7_1 + -4'QueueJobE_3 + -12'nyo_7 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -12'P_1155_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -4'QueueJobB_7_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + -4'QueueJobB_3_2 + -12'Check_Sources_B_8 + -4'QueueJobE_4 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + -6'P_1158_8 + -4'QueueJobB_3_1 + -6'P_1158_6 + -12'ProcessingEvt_2 + -12'Check_Sources_E_1 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + -4'P_1159_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -4'QueueJobB_5_0 + -4'QueueJobB_8_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -3'P_1160_7 + -4'P_1119_8_1 + -12'nyo_6 + -12'P_1155_7 + -4'QueueJobE_2 + 12'IsMonitoring + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -4'P_1113_8 + -4'QueueJobB_2_3 + -4'P_1113_1 + -4'QueueJobB_2_2 + -12'P_1155_1 + -4'QueueJobB_7_3 + -4'P_1159_7 + -4'QueueJobB_1_2 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -4'QueueJobB_8_4 + -4'QueueJobB_4_1 + -12'ProcessingEvt_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -4'QueueJobB_4_0 + -4'P_2318_5 + -4'P_2318_6 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -12'nyo_1 + -3'P_1160_6 + -6'P_1158_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -4'QueueJobB_5_1 + -12'ProcessingEvt_8 + -12'nyo_5 + -4'QueueJobB_8_2 + -12'P_1155_6 + -4'P_1159_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -4'QueueJobE_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -4'P_1159_8 + -8'P_1093 + -12'Check_Sources_E_8 + -4'P_1119_4_2 + -4'QueueJobB_2_4 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_1099 + -4'P_1119_5_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -12'P_1155_2 + -4'QueueJobB_6_1 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + -6'P_1158_4 + -4'QueueJobB_1_4 + -12'Check_Sources_B_5 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -4'QueueJobB_7_0 + -4'QueueJobB_8_1 + -12'nyo_4 + -12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + -4'P_2318_7 + -4'QueueJobB_6_0 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -12'Check_Sources_B_2 + -3'P_1160_5 + -12'Check_Sources_E_7 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -12'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + -12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 + -4'P_1119_6_1 + -4'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -4'QueueJobE_7 + -4'P_1119_3_2 + -4'QueueJobB_1_3 + -3'P_1160_1 = 0
invariant :-1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + cBlockedTasks + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + IsMonitoring + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 = 10
invariant :cIsMonitoring + IsMonitoring = 1
invariant :CreatedJobs_0_1 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + AvailableJobId_0 = 1
invariant :AwakeTasks_7 + -1'Idle_7 + IdleTasks_7 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_5 + -1'P_2318_5 + TryAllocateOneTaskB_5 + TryAllocateOneTaskE_5 = 0
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_7 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + P_1119_6_2 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'P_1724_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'P_2321_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + P_1119_5_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_1 + -1'P_2321_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + P_1119_1_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + P_1119_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_8 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + JobCnt + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'RunE_8 + P_1119_7_2 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_1 + ModifiedSrc_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -1'P_1617_7 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + CreatedJobs_0_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + P_1119_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + AvailableJobId_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_7 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'IsMonitoring + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_8 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'RunE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'CreatedJobs_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + P_1119_4_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'RunE_7 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'AbourtToModifySrc_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + -1'P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + -1'Idle_7 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'Perform_Work_E_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + DataOnSrc_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'P_1617_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + CreatedJobs_4_2 + -1'CreatedJobs_2_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + AvailableJobId_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + P_1119_3_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_1 + -1'P_1712_1 = -5
invariant :cPollingAbort + PollingAbort = 1
invariant :Insert_Source_B_1_1 + QueueJobB_7_1 + P_2579_3_1 + P_1119_3_1 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1724_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + P_1119_4_1 + QueueJobB_1_1 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2579_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + P_2579_4_1 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + P_1119_2_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + FetchJobE_1_1 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + ModifiedSrc_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + P_2579_5_1 + P_1119_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_1_2 + P_2579_6_1 + QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_0_2 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + FetchJobE_2_1 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + P_1119_7_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + QueueJobB_3_1 + P_2579_7_1 + FetchJobE_3_1 + P_1119_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + DisablePollingB_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + QueueJobB_4_1 + CreatedJobs_3_1 + DataOnSrc_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + P_2579_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1725_1 + P_2579_1_1 + AbourtToModifySrc_1 + P_1119_5_1 + QueueJobB_6_1 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + FetchJobE_8_1 + QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'CreatedJobs_4_2 + CreatedJobs_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_4 + P_1119_6_1 + FetchJobE_7_1 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 = -1
invariant :Abort_Check_Sources_B_7 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_8 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_3 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_7 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_6 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_1 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_4 + Abort_Check_Sources_E_5 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_2 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_5 + Abort_Check_Sources_B_6 + -1'PollingAbort + Abort_Check_Sources_B_8 = 0
invariant :P_2321_1 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + FetchJobE_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + Insert_Source_E_2 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + EnablePollingB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + P_1724_1 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + FetchJobE_5_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + QueueJobB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + EnablePollingE_6 + QueueJobB_5_2 + QueueJobB_7_2 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + P_2579_4_1 + FetchJobE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + QueueJobB_6_2 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + RunE_2 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + QueueJobB_4_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + EnablePollingB_5 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'JobCnt + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + RunE_8 + P_2579_5_1 + RunE_3 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_3_2 + QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + -1'AvailableJobId_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + Insert_Source_E_7 + QueueJobB_3_2 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + QueueJobB_3_1 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + FetchJobE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + QueueJobB_2_2 + P_1725_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + P_2579_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_1 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + QueueJobB_1_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + P_2321_4 + QueueJobB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + FetchJobE_1_2 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + QueueJobB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1712_2 + P_1725_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + P_1724_2 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + QueueJobB_6_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + P_1617_8 + QueueJobB_8_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + FetchJobE_7_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -1'AvailableJobId_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -1'AvailableJobId_3 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 = 5
invariant :-1'P_2321_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_1 + -1'P_2579_5_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + -1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_7 + -1'P_2579_2_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_2 + -1'P_2579_3_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_6 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + -1'RunE_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_1_2 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + -1'RunE_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_4_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + -1'P_2579_4_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'P_1724_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'P_2321_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_6 + -1'P_2579_2_1 + -1'Idle_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + -1'P_2321_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + -1'P_1617_1 + -1'P_2579_4_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_2 + -1'EnablePollingB_3 + -1'P_2579_3_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_2 + -1'P_2321_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_7 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_6 + -1'Idle_6 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + -1'P_1617_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + -1'RunE_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_8 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_8 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + -1'RunB_6 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_5 + -1'RunB_7 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + -1'Insert_Source_B_8_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + JobCnt + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'RunE_8 + -1'P_2579_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + -1'RunE_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_7_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_3 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + -1'Insert_Source_E_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + -1'P_1617_7 + -1'P_2579_6_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_6 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_1 + -1'Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'RunB_5 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + -1'Idle_4 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + -1'P_1617_4 + -1'DisablePollingE_3_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_1 + -1'P_2321_6 + AvailableJobId_0 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_4 + -1'Insert_Source_E_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_2 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + -1'P_2579_7_1 + -1'Perform_Work_E_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + -1'EnablePollingE_2 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_7 + -1'P_2321_5 + -1'DisablePollingB_7_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_2 + -1'IsMonitoring + -1'DisablePollingB_1_1 + -1'EnablePollingB_8 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + -1'DisablePollingE_5_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_8 + -1'RunE_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_1 + -1'RunB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_6 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'P_2579_8_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'Idle_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + -1'RunE_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + -1'DisablePollingE_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + -1'P_2321_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + -1'Perform_Work_E_4 + -1'EnablePollingE_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + -1'RunB_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_5 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + -1'Insert_Source_B_6_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'P_2579_7_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_8_2 + -1'P_1617_2 + -1'Insert_Source_B_5_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + -1'DisablePollingE_6_2 + -1'DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + -1'Idle_2 + -1'P_2579_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'RunE_7 + AvailableJobId_2 + -1'P_2579_1_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_4_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + -1'P_2321_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + -1'Idle_7 + -1'DisablePollingB_6_2 + -1'P_2579_6_2 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + -1'EnablePollingE_4 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'Idle_8 + -1'DisablePollingB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskB_6 + -1'Insert_Source_B_2_2 + -1'Perform_Work_E_7 + -1'EnablePollingB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + -1'DisablePollingE_7_2 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + -1'P_1617_8 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'P_1617_3 + -1'EnablePollingB_1 + -1'P_2579_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -1'DisablePollingB_5_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + -1'Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + AvailableJobId_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + -1'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + -1'RunB_2 + -1'Insert_Source_E_1 + -1'Insert_Source_B_3_2 + -1'RunB_8 + -1'RunB_1 + AvailableJobId_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'PollingAbort + -1'NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'DisablePollingE_8_1 + -1'P_1712_1 = -4
invariant :ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + BlockedTasks + ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + -1'IsMonitoring + ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 = 0
invariant :AwakeTasks_3 + IdleTasks_3 + -1'Idle_3 = 0
invariant :-1'QueueJobB_7_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + -1'P_1724_1 + -1'QueueJobB_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_6_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + CreatedJobs_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_1_1 + -1'FetchJobE_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + CreatedJobs_1_2 + -1'QueueJobB_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_1 + -1'FetchJobE_2_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_3_1 + -1'FetchJobE_3_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_4_1 + -1'QueueJobB_5_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'QueueJobB_6_1 + -1'FetchJobE_8_1 + -1'QueueJobB_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + -1'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + -1'FetchJobE_7_1 + -1'P_1712_1 = 0
invariant :3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_2 + 3'QueueJobB_1_0 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6 + 3'QueueJobB_4_4 + 3'QueueJobB_8_0 + 4'P_1159_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + 3'QueueJobB_7_1 + 12'Check_Sources_B_4 + 3'P_1113_2 + 3'QueueJobB_5_3 + 3'P_1119_6_2 + 12'P_1155_3 + 3'QueueJobE_8 + 3'P_1119_3_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_7 + 12'Check_Sources_B_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + 12'nyo_3 + 3'P_1160_2 + 3'P_1160_4 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_8 + 3'P_2318_2 + 3'P_2318_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_0 + 6'P_1158_1 + 12'Check_Sources_E_6 + 12'ProcessingEvt_6 + 3'P_1119_4_1 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5 + 6'P_1158_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_2 + 3'QueueJobB_3_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_0 + 12'P_1155_4 + 3'QueueJobB_1_1 + 4'P_1159_2 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_5 + 3'QueueJobB_5_2 + 3'QueueJobB_7_2 + 12'Check_Sources_B_7 + 3'P_1113_3 + 12'Check_Sources_E_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + 3'P_1119_5_2 + 3'P_1095 + 3'QueueJobE_5 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_2 + 12'nyo_2 + 4'P_1159_5 + 6'P_1158_7 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_6 + 3'P_1160_3 + 3'P_1119_1_2 + 3'P_1119_2_1 + 3'QueueJobB_6_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_7 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + 12'P_1155_5 + 3'P_1113_4 + 3'P_1119_8_2 + 12'Check_Sources_E_4 + 12'Check_Sources_B_6 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4 + 3'P_2318_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_2 + 3'QueueJobB_4_2 + 12'nyo_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_5 + 3'QueueJobB_3_3 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3 + 4'P_1159_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + 3'QueueJobB_6_3 + 3'QueueJobB_3_0 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_0 + 12'Check_Sources_B_1 + 3'P_1113_5 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_3 + 3'QueueJobB_5_4 + 12'Check_Sources_E_3 + 3'QueueJobB_4_3 + 3'P_2318_4 + 3'P_1119_7_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_2 + 3'QueueJobE_6 + 3'QueueJobB_2_0 + 3'P_1119_1_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_7 + 12'ProcessingEvt_4 + 3'P_1113_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_0 + 3'P_2318_3 + 3'P_1160_8 + 3'QueueJobB_2_1 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedE_4 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_6 + 6'P_1158_5 + 3'P_1113_7 + 12'Check_Sources_E_2 + 3'QueueJobB_6_4 + 3'P_1119_2_2 + 12'ProcessingEvt_5 + 3'P_1119_7_1 + 3'QueueJobE_3 + 12'nyo_7 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_4 + 12'P_1155_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + 3'QueueJobB_7_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8 + 3'QueueJobB_3_2 + 12'Check_Sources_B_8 + 3'QueueJobE_4 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_1 + 6'P_1158_8 + 3'QueueJobB_3_1 + 6'P_1158_6 + 12'ProcessingEvt_2 + 12'Check_Sources_E_1 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_3 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1 + 4'P_1159_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + 3'QueueJobB_5_0 + 3'QueueJobB_8_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0 + 3'P_1160_7 + 3'P_1119_8_1 + 12'nyo_6 + 12'P_1155_7 + 3'QueueJobE_2 + -12'IsMonitoring + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_8 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + 3'P_1113_8 + 3'QueueJobB_2_3 + 3'P_1113_1 + 3'QueueJobB_2_2 + 12'P_1155_1 + 3'QueueJobB_7_3 + 4'P_1159_7 + 3'QueueJobB_1_2 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_0 + 3'QueueJobB_8_4 + 3'QueueJobB_4_1 + 12'ProcessingEvt_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + 3'QueueJobB_4_0 + 3'P_2318_5 + 3'P_2318_6 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + 12'nyo_1 + 3'P_1160_6 + 6'P_1158_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + 3'QueueJobB_5_1 + 12'ProcessingEvt_8 + 12'nyo_5 + 3'QueueJobB_8_2 + 12'P_1155_6 + 4'P_1159_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_2 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_6 + 3'QueueJobE_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + 4'P_1159_8 + 9'P_1093 + 12'Check_Sources_E_8 + 3'P_1119_4_2 + 3'QueueJobB_2_4 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_0 + 3'P_1119_5_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_2 + 12'P_1155_2 + 3'QueueJobB_6_1 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_3 + 6'P_1158_4 + 3'QueueJobB_1_4 + 12'Check_Sources_B_5 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_5 + 3'QueueJobB_7_0 + 3'QueueJobB_8_1 + 12'nyo_4 + 12'ScheduleTaskE_Check_7 + P_1097 + 3'P_2318_7 + 3'QueueJobB_6_0 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_0 + 12'Check_Sources_B_2 + 3'P_1160_5 + 12'Check_Sources_E_7 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + 12'Try_Check_Sources_B_2 + 12'NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7 + 3'P_1119_6_1 + 3'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 + 3'QueueJobE_7 + 3'P_1119_3_2 + 3'QueueJobB_1_3 + 3'P_1160_1 = 0
invariant :ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + IdleTasks_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + -1'AwakeTasks_4 + IdleTasks_6 + Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + IdleTasks_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + IdleTasks_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + Idle_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + -1'AwakeTasks_8 + Idle_8 + IdleTasks_7 + cIdleTasks + -1'AwakeTasks_2 = 8
invariant :AbourtToModifySrc_2 + AbourtToModifySrc_1 + -1'PollingAbort = 0
invariant :IdleTasks_4 + AwakeTasks_4 + -1'Idle_4 = 0
invariant :QueueJobB_7_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_1 + P_1724_1 + QueueJobB_1_1 + FetchJobE_6_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + FetchJobE_1_1 + FetchJobE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_1 + QueueJobB_2_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + FetchJobE_2_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + QueueJobB_3_1 + FetchJobE_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + AvailableJobId_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_1 + QueueJobB_4_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1725_1 + QueueJobB_6_1 + FetchJobE_8_1 + QueueJobB_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_1 + FetchJobE_7_1 + P_1712_1 = 1
invariant :IdleTasks_8 + AwakeTasks_8 + -1'Idle_8 = 0
invariant :-1'Idle_5 + AwakeTasks_5 + IdleTasks_5 = 0
invariant :QueueJobB_4_4 + FetchJobE_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + QueueJobB_3_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_4 + FetchJobE_3_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + QueueJobB_5_4 + P_1712_4 + FetchJobE_5_4 + P_1725_4 + FetchJobE_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_4 + QueueJobB_6_4 + FetchJobE_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_4 + QueueJobB_7_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + P_1724_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + QueueJobB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + QueueJobB_2_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + QueueJobB_1_4 + FetchJobE_1_4 + AvailableJobId_4 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_4 = 1
invariant :P_2321_1 + P_1712_0 + QueueJobB_1_0 + Insert_Source_B_1_1 + QueueJobB_4_4 + P_2579_5_2 + Try_Check_Sources_E_4 + QueueJobB_8_0 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6 + FetchJobE_8_2 + FetchJobE_2_4 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_7 + P_2579_2_2 + -1'QueueJobB_5_3 + Insert_Source_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4 + P_2579_3_1 + Perform_Work_E_6 + DisablePollingE_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7 + RunE_4 + EnablePollingE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_6 + Insert_Source_B_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2 + DisablePollingE_2_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8 + RunE_5 + DisablePollingB_4_2 + 2'P_1725_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7 + P_2579_4_2 + FetchJobE_6_0 + EnablePollingB_4 + DisablePollingB_5_1 + -1'FetchJobE_1_3 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4 + DisablePollingE_4_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0 + FetchJobE_5_2 + QueueJobB_3_4 + QueueJobB_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6 + FetchJobE_6_1 + P_2321_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + EnablePollingE_6 + QueueJobB_5_2 + QueueJobB_7_2 + P_2579_2_1 + Idle_5 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3 + P_2321_8 + FetchJobE_7_0 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4 + Insert_Source_B_2_1 + Try_Check_Sources_E_3 + P_1617_1 + -1'FetchJobE_4_3 + P_2579_4_1 + FetchJobE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_6_1 + ScheduleTaskB_1 + Perform_Work_E_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0 + EnablePollingB_3 + P_2579_3_2 + FetchJobE_3_4 + Insert_Source_B_8_1 + Insert_Source_B_7_2 + P_2321_7 + DisablePollingE_5_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4 + FetchJobE_4_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7 + DisablePollingE_1_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + QueueJobB_6_2 + EnablePollingE_7 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3 + DisablePollingB_3_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1 + Insert_Source_E_6 + Idle_6 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_2 + P_1617_5 + RunE_2 + FetchJobE_8_0 + Perform_Work_E_8 + ScheduleTaskB_8 + QueueJobB_4_2 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8 + RunB_6 + FetchJobE_1_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0 + DisablePollingE_4_2 + -1'FetchJobE_3_3 + -1'QueueJobB_3_3 + DisablePollingB_7_1 + P_1717 + EnablePollingB_5 + FetchJobE_2_0 + RunB_7 + FetchJobE_5_1 + DisablePollingE_2_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0 + Insert_Source_E_5 + -1'QueueJobB_6_3 + QueueJobB_3_0 + Insert_Source_B_8_2 + Perform_Work_E_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5 + DisablePollingB_2_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4 + Try_Check_Sources_E_8 + Try_Check_Sources_E_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1 + QueueJobB_5_4 + -1'JobCnt + P_1712_4 + -1'QueueJobB_4_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2 + -1'FetchJobE_6_3 + RunE_8 + FetchJobE_5_4 + P_2579_5_1 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + RunE_3 + 2'P_1725_4 + QueueJobB_2_0 + Insert_Source_B_7_1 + FetchJobE_8_4 + DisablePollingE_3_2 + ScheduleTaskB_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5 + Insert_Source_E_8 + P_1617_7 + P_2579_6_1 + EnablePollingB_6 + FetchJobE_1_0 + FetchJobE_3_2 + QueueJobB_2_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_1 + Idle_3 + EnablePollingE_1 + FetchJobE_4_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0 + FetchJobE_2_1 + RunB_5 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_3 + Idle_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1 + -1'FetchJobE_5_3 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2 + QueueJobB_6_4 + P_1617_4 + DisablePollingE_3_1 + DisablePollingB_1_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0 + Insert_Source_B_4_1 + Perform_Work_E_1 + P_2321_6 + FetchJobE_6_4 + FetchJobE_7_4 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4 + QueueJobB_7_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1 + ScheduleTaskB_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2 + Insert_Source_E_7 + QueueJobB_3_2 + DisablePollingE_7_1 + ScheduleTaskB_2 + QueueJobB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5 + P_2579_7_1 + Perform_Work_E_5 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + FetchJobE_4_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3 + FetchJobE_3_1 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + EnablePollingE_2 + QueueJobB_5_0 + Try_Check_Sources_E_6 + -1'QueueJobB_8_3 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3 + EnablePollingB_7 + P_2321_5 + DisablePollingB_7_2 + Insert_Source_E_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1 + Insert_Source_B_6_2 + IsMonitoring + DisablePollingB_1_1 + EnablePollingB_8 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + DisablePollingE_5_2 + EnablePollingE_8 + -1'QueueJobB_2_3 + RunE_1 + Insert_Source_B_5_1 + RunB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_2 + DisablePollingB_8_1 + P_1617_6 + QueueJobB_2_2 + 2'P_1725_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0 + P_2579_8_2 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2 + -1'QueueJobB_7_3 + Idle_1 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4 + DisablePollingE_6_1 + QueueJobB_1_2 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_5 + RunE_6 + DisablePollingE_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1 + FetchJobE_3_0 + -1'ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8 + QueueJobB_8_4 + P_2321_4 + QueueJobB_4_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4 + Perform_Work_E_4 + EnablePollingE_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4 + QueueJobB_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0 + FetchJobE_1_2 + RunB_3 + ScheduleTaskB_5 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + Insert_Source_B_6_1 + QueueJobB_5_1 + FetchJobE_2_2 + P_2579_7_2 + DisablePollingB_8_2 + QueueJobB_8_2 + P_1617_2 + Insert_Source_B_5_2 + Insert_Source_E_4 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2 + -1'FetchJobE_7_3 + DisablePollingE_6_2 + DisablePollingB_2_1 + -1'P_1712_3 + -1'FetchJobE_8_3 + Try_Check_Sources_E_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + Idle_2 + P_2579_8_1 + FetchJobE_4_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1 + P_1712_2 + 2'P_1725_1 + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_4 + NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5 + ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8 + RunE_7 + P_2579_1_1 + Insert_Source_B_4_2 + QueueJobB_2_4 + P_2321_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4 + Idle_7 + DisablePollingB_6_2 + P_2579_6_2 + EnablePollingE_4 + QueueJobB_6_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6 + -1'FetchJobE_2_3 + Idle_8 + DisablePollingB_3_1 + ScheduleTaskB_6 + Insert_Source_B_2_2 + Perform_Work_E_7 + EnablePollingB_2 + FetchJobE_5_0 + FetchJobE_8_1 + DisablePollingE_7_2 + QueueJobB_1_4 + NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1 + FetchJobE_1_4 + QueueJobB_7_0 + P_1617_8 + QueueJobB_8_1 + P_1617_3 + EnablePollingB_1 + P_2579_1_2 + FetchJobE_7_2 + QueueJobB_6_0 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1 + -2'P_1724_3 + DisablePollingB_5_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1 + NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6 + Try_Check_Sources_E_5 + -2'NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6 + RunB_2 + Insert_Source_E_1 + Insert_Source_B_3_2 + RunB_8 + RunB_1 + -2'AvailableJobId_3 + FetchJobE_7_1 + PollingAbort + NotifyEventJobCompletedB_7 + -1'QueueJobB_1_3 + DisablePollingE_8_1 + P_1712_1 + -1'P_1727 = 6
invariant :P_1712_0 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_3 + QueueJobB_5_3 + MarkerRead + -1'P_1725_0 + FetchJobE_1_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3 + FetchJobE_4_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3 + FetchJobE_3_3 + QueueJobB_3_3 + QueueJobB_6_3 + P_1712_4 + QueueJobB_4_3 + FetchJobE_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3 + -1'P_1725_4 + FetchJobE_5_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_1_3 + QueueJobB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_7_3 + QueueJobB_2_3 + -1'P_1725_2 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3 + QueueJobB_7_3 + ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_6_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_2_3 + FetchJobE_7_3 + 2'P_1712_3 + FetchJobE_8_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3 + P_1712_2 + -1'P_1725_1 + -1'MarkerWrite + FetchJobE_2_3 + P_1724_3 + NotifyEventJobQueuedB_5_3 + AvailableJobId_3 + QueueJobB_1_3 + P_1712_1 = 1
P-invariant computation with GreatSPN timed out. Skipping.
Running greatSPN : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn//bin/RGMEDD2, /home/mcc/execution/gspn, -META, -varord-only], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Run of greatSPN captured in /home/mcc/execution/outPut.txt
Using order generated by GreatSPN with heuristic : META
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityCardinality.prop, --nowitness, --load-order, /home/mcc/execution/model.ord], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityCardinality.prop --nowitness --load-order /home/mcc/execution/model.ord
Successfully loaded order from file /home/mcc/execution/model.ord
Loading property file ReachabilityCardinality.prop.
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00 with value :((((((((NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_6+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_5)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_4)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_3)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_2)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_8)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_1)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesB_7)>=1)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01 with value :((((P_1097<=SigAbort)&&((ModifiedSrc_1+ModifiedSrc_2)<=(((((((NotifyEventSourceAddedE_3+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_2)+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_5)+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_4)+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_7)+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_8)+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_6)+NotifyEventSourceAddedE_1)))||((P_1717>=3)&&((((((((P_2321_1+P_2321_2)+P_2321_8)+P_2321_7)+P_2321_6)+P_2321_5)+P_2321_4)+P_2321_3)>=3)))||((((((AvailableJobId_0+AvailableJobId_1)+AvailableJobId_2)+AvailableJobId_4)+AvailableJobId_3)>=2)&&((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((FetchJobE_8_2+FetchJobE_2_4)+FetchJobE_6_0)+FetchJobE_1_3)+FetchJobE_5_2)+FetchJobE_6_1)+FetchJobE_7_0)+FetchJobE_4_3)+FetchJobE_6_2)+FetchJobE_3_4)+FetchJobE_4_4)+FetchJobE_8_0)+FetchJobE_1_1)+FetchJobE_3_3)+FetchJobE_2_0)+FetchJobE_5_1)+FetchJobE_6_3)+FetchJobE_5_4)+FetchJobE_8_4)+FetchJobE_1_0)+FetchJobE_3_2)+FetchJobE_4_1)+FetchJobE_2_1)+FetchJobE_5_3)+FetchJobE_6_4)+FetchJobE_7_4)+FetchJobE_4_2)+FetchJobE_3_1)+FetchJobE_3_0)+FetchJobE_1_2)+FetchJobE_2_2)+FetchJobE_7_3)+FetchJobE_8_3)+FetchJobE_4_0)+FetchJobE_2_3)+FetchJobE_5_0)+FetchJobE_8_1)+FetchJobE_1_4)+FetchJobE_7_2)+FetchJobE_7_1)<=(((((((AwakeTasks_1+AwakeTasks_3)+AwakeTasks_4)+AwakeTasks_6)+AwakeTasks_5)+AwakeTasks_7)+AwakeTasks_8)+AwakeTasks_2))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02 with value :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1)>=2)||((((((P_1724_1+P_1724_0)+P_1724_4)+P_1724_2)+P_1724_3)<=(((((((Try_Check_Sources_E_4+Try_Check_Sources_E_3)+Try_Check_Sources_E_2)+Try_Check_Sources_E_8)+Try_Check_Sources_E_1)+Try_Check_Sources_E_6)+Try_Check_Sources_E_7)+Try_Check_Sources_E_5))||(((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Check_8+ScheduleTaskE_Check_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_6)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_5)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_7)<=P_1726)||((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8)>=3))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03 with value :(((!((AbourtToModifySrc_2+AbourtToModifySrc_1)<=(((((((ProcessingEvt_1+ProcessingEvt_6)+ProcessingEvt_7)+ProcessingEvt_4)+ProcessingEvt_5)+ProcessingEvt_2)+ProcessingEvt_3)+ProcessingEvt_8)))&&((cSources>=1)||((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1)<=(((((((Perform_Work_E_6+Perform_Work_E_2)+Perform_Work_E_8)+Perform_Work_E_3)+Perform_Work_E_1)+Perform_Work_E_5)+Perform_Work_E_4)+Perform_Work_E_7))))||(P_1727>=3))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04 with value :(((((((((NotifyEventSourceAddedB_7+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_4)+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_5)+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_2)+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_3)+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1)+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_8)+NotifyEventSourceAddedB_6)>=3)&&((((((AvailableJobId_0+AvailableJobId_1)+AvailableJobId_2)+AvailableJobId_4)+AvailableJobId_3)<=(((((((EnablePollingB_4+EnablePollingB_3)+EnablePollingB_5)+EnablePollingB_6)+EnablePollingB_7)+EnablePollingB_8)+EnablePollingB_2)+EnablePollingB_1))||(!((((((((ProcessingEvt_1+ProcessingEvt_6)+ProcessingEvt_7)+ProcessingEvt_4)+ProcessingEvt_5)+ProcessingEvt_2)+ProcessingEvt_3)+ProcessingEvt_8)>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05 with value :(!(((((((((NotifyEventJobCompletedE_6+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_8)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_7)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_1)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_2)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_3)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_4)+NotifyEventJobCompletedE_5)>=1)||((cJobCnt<=(((((((RunB_6+RunB_7)+RunB_5)+RunB_4)+RunB_3)+RunB_2)+RunB_8)+RunB_1))&&((((((((((((((((DisablePollingB_4_1+DisablePollingB_4_2)+DisablePollingB_5_1)+DisablePollingB_6_1)+DisablePollingB_3_2)+DisablePollingB_7_1)+DisablePollingB_2_2)+DisablePollingB_1_2)+DisablePollingB_7_2)+DisablePollingB_1_1)+DisablePollingB_8_1)+DisablePollingB_8_2)+DisablePollingB_2_1)+DisablePollingB_6_2)+DisablePollingB_3_1)+DisablePollingB_5_2)>=1))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06 with value :(!((!((((((((((((((((DisablePollingB_4_1+DisablePollingB_4_2)+DisablePollingB_5_1)+DisablePollingB_6_1)+DisablePollingB_3_2)+DisablePollingB_7_1)+DisablePollingB_2_2)+DisablePollingB_1_2)+DisablePollingB_7_2)+DisablePollingB_1_1)+DisablePollingB_8_1)+DisablePollingB_8_2)+DisablePollingB_2_1)+DisablePollingB_6_2)+DisablePollingB_3_1)+DisablePollingB_5_2)>=2))&&(((((((((P_1160_2+P_1160_4)+P_1160_3)+P_1160_8)+P_1160_7)+P_1160_6)+P_1160_5)+P_1160_1)<=(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((QueueJobB_1_0+QueueJobB_4_4)+QueueJobB_8_0)+QueueJobB_7_1)+QueueJobB_5_3)+QueueJobB_3_4)+QueueJobB_1_1)+QueueJobB_5_2)+QueueJobB_7_2)+QueueJobB_6_2)+QueueJobB_4_2)+QueueJobB_3_3)+QueueJobB_6_3)+QueueJobB_3_0)+QueueJobB_5_4)+QueueJobB_4_3)+QueueJobB_2_0)+QueueJobB_2_1)+QueueJobB_6_4)+QueueJobB_7_4)+QueueJobB_3_2)+QueueJobB_3_1)+QueueJobB_5_0)+QueueJobB_8_3)+QueueJobB_2_3)+QueueJobB_2_2)+QueueJobB_7_3)+QueueJobB_1_2)+QueueJobB_8_4)+QueueJobB_4_1)+QueueJobB_4_0)+QueueJobB_5_1)+QueueJobB_8_2)+QueueJobB_2_4)+QueueJobB_6_1)+QueueJobB_1_4)+QueueJobB_7_0)+QueueJobB_8_1)+QueueJobB_6_0)+QueueJobB_1_3))||((((((((RunB_6+RunB_7)+RunB_5)+RunB_4)+RunB_3)+RunB_2)+RunB_8)+RunB_1)>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07 with value :(!((!((((((((NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_2+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_3)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_8)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_1)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_5)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_4)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7)+NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_6)<=(((((((((CreatedJobs_3_2+CreatedJobs_0_1)+CreatedJobs_2_2)+CreatedJobs_1_1)+CreatedJobs_1_2)+CreatedJobs_0_2)+CreatedJobs_4_1)+CreatedJobs_3_1)+CreatedJobs_4_2)+CreatedJobs_2_1)))||(((((((((((((((((P_2579_5_2+P_2579_2_2)+P_2579_3_1)+P_2579_4_2)+P_2579_2_1)+P_2579_4_1)+P_2579_3_2)+P_2579_5_1)+P_2579_6_1)+P_2579_7_1)+P_2579_8_2)+P_2579_7_2)+P_2579_8_1)+P_2579_1_1)+P_2579_6_2)+P_2579_1_2)>=3)||((((((((P_1160_2+P_1160_4)+P_1160_3)+P_1160_8)+P_1160_7)+P_1160_6)+P_1160_5)+P_1160_1)>=1))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08 with value :(!(ScheduleTaskE_Check_3<=P_1119_7_2))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09 with value :(((ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1<=ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)&&(ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1<=NotifyEventEndOfCheckSourcesE_7))||(!((FetchJobE_6_0<=P_1158_7)||(MarkerWrite>=3))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10 with value :(!(((NotifyEventJobQueuedB_3_3>=2)||(P_1119_5_2>=3))&&(P_1119_2_1<=EnablePollingB_7)))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11 with value :(((!(ProcessingEvt_7>=1))&&(P_1725_0<=Check_Sources_B_5))||((ScheduleTaskE_Check_7>=3)||(!(AwakeTasks_4>=2))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12 with value :(P_1159_7>=1)
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13 with value :(((!(TryAllocateOneTaskB_8<=QueueJobB_6_1))&&(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0>=2))&&(ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1<=Check_Sources_E_5))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14 with value :(P_1159_6<=NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15 with value :(!(FetchJobE_4_1>=2))
Running compilation step : CommandLine [args=[gcc, -c, -I/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//include, -I., -std=c99, -fPIC, -O2, model.c], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Compilation finished in 22326 ms.
Running link step : CommandLine [args=[gcc, -shared, -o,, model.o], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Link finished in 106 ms.
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality00==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 46291 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality01==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 46285 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality02==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality02==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality03==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 48659 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality05==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 54337 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality06==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality06==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality07==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 52309 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality08==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 54093 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality09==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 46573 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality11==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Detected timeout of ITS tools.
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityCardinality.prop, --nowitness], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityCardinality.prop --nowitness
Loading property file ReachabilityCardinality.prop.
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02 with value :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_4+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_4_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_7_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_5_0)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_3_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_2_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_6_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_8_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Work_1_1)>=2)||((((((P_1724_1+P_1724_0)+P_1724_4)+P_1724_2)+P_1724_3)<=(((((((Try_Check_Sources_E_4+Try_Check_Sources_E_3)+Try_Check_Sources_E_2)+Try_Check_Sources_E_8)+Try_Check_Sources_E_1)+Try_Check_Sources_E_6)+Try_Check_Sources_E_7)+Try_Check_Sources_E_5))||(((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Check_8+ScheduleTaskE_Check_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_6)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_5)+ScheduleTaskE_Check_7)<=P_1726)||((((((((ScheduleTaskE_Idle_7+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_6)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_5)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_4)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_3)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_2)+ScheduleTaskE_Idle_8)>=3))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06 with value :(!((!((((((((((((((((DisablePollingB_4_1+DisablePollingB_4_2)+DisablePollingB_5_1)+DisablePollingB_6_1)+DisablePollingB_3_2)+DisablePollingB_7_1)+DisablePollingB_2_2)+DisablePollingB_1_2)+DisablePollingB_7_2)+DisablePollingB_1_1)+DisablePollingB_8_1)+DisablePollingB_8_2)+DisablePollingB_2_1)+DisablePollingB_6_2)+DisablePollingB_3_1)+DisablePollingB_5_2)>=2))&&(((((((((P_1160_2+P_1160_4)+P_1160_3)+P_1160_8)+P_1160_7)+P_1160_6)+P_1160_5)+P_1160_1)<=(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((QueueJobB_1_0+QueueJobB_4_4)+QueueJobB_8_0)+QueueJobB_7_1)+QueueJobB_5_3)+QueueJobB_3_4)+QueueJobB_1_1)+QueueJobB_5_2)+QueueJobB_7_2)+QueueJobB_6_2)+QueueJobB_4_2)+QueueJobB_3_3)+QueueJobB_6_3)+QueueJobB_3_0)+QueueJobB_5_4)+QueueJobB_4_3)+QueueJobB_2_0)+QueueJobB_2_1)+QueueJobB_6_4)+QueueJobB_7_4)+QueueJobB_3_2)+QueueJobB_3_1)+QueueJobB_5_0)+QueueJobB_8_3)+QueueJobB_2_3)+QueueJobB_2_2)+QueueJobB_7_3)+QueueJobB_1_2)+QueueJobB_8_4)+QueueJobB_4_1)+QueueJobB_4_0)+QueueJobB_5_1)+QueueJobB_8_2)+QueueJobB_2_4)+QueueJobB_6_1)+QueueJobB_1_4)+QueueJobB_7_0)+QueueJobB_8_1)+QueueJobB_6_0)+QueueJobB_1_3))||((((((((RunB_6+RunB_7)+RunB_5)+RunB_4)+RunB_3)+RunB_2)+RunB_8)+RunB_1)>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11 with value :(((!(ProcessingEvt_7>=1))&&(P_1725_0<=Check_Sources_B_5))||((ScheduleTaskE_Check_7>=3)||(!(AwakeTasks_4>=2))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12 with value :(P_1159_7>=1)
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13 with value :(((!(TryAllocateOneTaskB_8<=QueueJobB_6_1))&&(NotifyEventJobQueuedB_4_0>=2))&&(ScheduleTaskE_Idle_1<=Check_Sources_E_5))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14 with value :(P_1159_6<=NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15 with value :(!(FetchJobE_4_1>=2))
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality11==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality12==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality12==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality14==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
WARNING : LTSmin timed out (>225 s) on command CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality14==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Retrying LTSmin with larger timeout 1800 s
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality02==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
LTSmin run took 206331 ms.
Found Violation
Running LTSmin : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir//bin/pins2lts-mc, ./, --threads=8, -p, --pins-guards, --when, -i, PolyORBLFPTS02J04T08ReachabilityCardinality06==true], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]
Detected timeout of ITS tools.
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, ReachabilityCardinality.prop, --nowitness], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file ReachabilityCardinality.prop --nowitness
Loading property file ReachabilityCardinality.prop.
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06 with value :(!((!((((((((((((((((DisablePollingB_4_1+DisablePollingB_4_2)+DisablePollingB_5_1)+DisablePollingB_6_1)+DisablePollingB_3_2)+DisablePollingB_7_1)+DisablePollingB_2_2)+DisablePollingB_1_2)+DisablePollingB_7_2)+DisablePollingB_1_1)+DisablePollingB_8_1)+DisablePollingB_8_2)+DisablePollingB_2_1)+DisablePollingB_6_2)+DisablePollingB_3_1)+DisablePollingB_5_2)>=2))&&(((((((((P_1160_2+P_1160_4)+P_1160_3)+P_1160_8)+P_1160_7)+P_1160_6)+P_1160_5)+P_1160_1)<=(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((QueueJobB_1_0+QueueJobB_4_4)+QueueJobB_8_0)+QueueJobB_7_1)+QueueJobB_5_3)+QueueJobB_3_4)+QueueJobB_1_1)+QueueJobB_5_2)+QueueJobB_7_2)+QueueJobB_6_2)+QueueJobB_4_2)+QueueJobB_3_3)+QueueJobB_6_3)+QueueJobB_3_0)+QueueJobB_5_4)+QueueJobB_4_3)+QueueJobB_2_0)+QueueJobB_2_1)+QueueJobB_6_4)+QueueJobB_7_4)+QueueJobB_3_2)+QueueJobB_3_1)+QueueJobB_5_0)+QueueJobB_8_3)+QueueJobB_2_3)+QueueJobB_2_2)+QueueJobB_7_3)+QueueJobB_1_2)+QueueJobB_8_4)+QueueJobB_4_1)+QueueJobB_4_0)+QueueJobB_5_1)+QueueJobB_8_2)+QueueJobB_2_4)+QueueJobB_6_1)+QueueJobB_1_4)+QueueJobB_7_0)+QueueJobB_8_1)+QueueJobB_6_0)+QueueJobB_1_3))||((((((((RunB_6+RunB_7)+RunB_5)+RunB_4)+RunB_3)+RunB_2)+RunB_8)+RunB_1)>=1))))
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11 with value :(((!(ProcessingEvt_7>=1))&&(P_1725_0<=Check_Sources_B_5))||((ScheduleTaskE_Check_7>=3)||(!(AwakeTasks_4>=2))))
Read [reachable] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12 with value :(P_1159_7>=1)
Read [invariant] property : PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14 with value :(P_1159_6<=NotifyEventSourceAddedB_1)


content from stderr:

+ export BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
+ BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
++ pwd
+ export MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ [[ ReachabilityCardinality = StateSpace ]]
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit// /home/mcc/execution ReachabilityCardinality -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -greatspnpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn/ -order META -manyOrder -smt
+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit//itstools/its-tools -data /home/mcc/execution/workspace -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination ReachabilityCardinality -z3path /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3 -yices2path /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -greatspnpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn/ -order META -manyOrder -smt -vmargs -Dosgi.locking=none -Declipse.stateSaveDelayInterval=-1 -Dosgi.configuration.area=/tmp/.eclipse -Xss8m -Xms40m -Xmx8192m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:40 PM start
INFO: Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, ReachabilityCardinality, -z3path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3, -yices2path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices, -its, -ltsminpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/, -greatspnpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//greatspn/, -order, META, -manyOrder, -smt]
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:40 PM transformPNML
INFO: Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:40 PM loadFromXML
INFO: Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 207 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:40 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 614 places.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:41 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:41 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 404 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:41 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 341 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:42 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 398 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:42 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:42 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:42 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:42 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 614 places.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:42 PM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM checkProperties
INFO: Ran tautology test, simplified 0 / 16 in 1720 ms.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 32 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 15 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 131 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 11 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:43 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 7 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 12 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 14 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 19 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 15 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM getDeterministicNext
INFO: Input system was already deterministic with 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 15 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=0 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 12 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 17 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 15 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 14 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 11 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 15 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 15 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM computeAndDeclareInvariants
INFO: Computed 50 place invariants in 938 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 19 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 20 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=1 took 16 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 250 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 141 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 106 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:45 PM computeAndDeclareInvariants
INFO: Computed 50 place invariants in 572 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 246 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 117 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 120 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 408 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 74 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 204 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 68 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 73 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 236 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 50 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 52 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 141 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:46 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=2 took 53 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 236 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 328 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:47 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 232 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:48 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 605 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:49 PM init
INFO: Proved 614 variables to be positive in 6175 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:49 PM computeAblingMatrix
INFO: Computing symmetric may disable matrix : 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:49 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of disable matrix completed :0/1242 took 2 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 0(0/0)
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:49 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Complete disable matrix. took 189 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 0(0/0)
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:49 PM computeAblingMatrix
INFO: Computing symmetric may enable matrix : 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:49 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Complete enable matrix. took 167 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 0(0/0)
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:50 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 1847 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:50 PM init
INFO: Proved 614 variables to be positive in 5655 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:50 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 333 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 695 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 435 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 472 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 300 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:52 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 428 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 618 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:53 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 490 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 346 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:54 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 490 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:23:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=3 took 444 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:00 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 5234 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:12 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(SAT) depth K=0 took 22220 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:12 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 40 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:12 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityCardinality.prop : 1 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:12 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 12522 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:22 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 9405 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:36 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:36 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(SAT) depth K=0 took 24225 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:41 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 18961 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 3544 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:24:45 PM computeCoEnablingMatrix
INFO: Computing symmetric co enabling matrix : 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:25:05 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(0/1242) took 19776 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 937(401/536)
Mar 28, 2019 9:25:29 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 44429 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:05 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 36738 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:11 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(1/1242) took 85269 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 2001(1465/536)
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:20 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 14028 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:27 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 7745 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:30 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(2/1242) took 104180 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 3024(2249/775)
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:30 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 2676 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:34 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 4528 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:38 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 4025 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 642 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:40 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 1004 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:42 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 1931 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:49 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(3/1242) took 123255 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 4054(3041/1013)
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:51 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=4 took 8913 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-00(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 3959 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:26:55 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(4/1242) took 129653 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 4692(3679/1013)
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:01 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(5/1242) took 135505 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 5329(4316/1013)
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:10 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-01(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 14946 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:13 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(6/1242) took 147778 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 6021(4920/1101)
SMT solver raised 'unknown', retrying with same input.
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:19 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 9266 ms
SMT solver raised 'unknown', retrying with same input.
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:27 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 7329 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:36 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of co-enabling matrix(7/1242) took 170551 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 7157(5897/1260)
SMT solver raised 'unknown', retrying with same input.
SMT solver raised 'unknown' twice, overapproximating result to 1.
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:38 PM printStats
INFO: Computation of Finished co-enabling matrix. took 172125 ms. Total solver calls (SAT/UNSAT): 7192(5920/1272)
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:38 PM computeDoNotAccord
INFO: Computing Do-Not-Accords matrix : 1242 transitions.
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:40 PM checkSat
WARNING: SMT solver unexpectedly returned 'unknown' answer, retrying.
Skipping mayMatrices nes/nds SMT solver raised an error :unknown
java.lang.RuntimeException: SMT solver raised an error :unknown
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:41 PM transform
INFO: Built C files in 239532ms conformant to PINS in folder :/home/mcc/execution
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:44 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 17903 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02
Mar 28, 2019 9:27:58 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(SAT) depth K=0 took 202273 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:29:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03
Mar 28, 2019 9:29:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-03(SAT) depth K=0 took 96488 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:30:24 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 159734 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:31:27 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04
Mar 28, 2019 9:31:27 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04
Mar 28, 2019 9:31:27 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-04(FALSE) depth K=0 took 112079 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:31:29 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 65020 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:31:48 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 18840 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:32:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05
Mar 28, 2019 9:32:11 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-05(SAT) depth K=0 took 43694 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:32:39 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 50881 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:32:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06
Mar 28, 2019 9:32:56 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(SAT) depth K=0 took 44895 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:35:24 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07
Mar 28, 2019 9:35:24 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-07(SAT) depth K=0 took 148099 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:36:13 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08
Mar 28, 2019 9:36:13 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-08(SAT) depth K=0 took 49560 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:36:36 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 237220 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:37:50 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09
Mar 28, 2019 9:37:50 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-09(SAT) depth K=0 took 96213 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:38:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved invariant PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10
Mar 28, 2019 9:38:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10
Mar 28, 2019 9:38:35 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(TRUE) depth K=0 took 45302 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:38:45 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-10(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 129330 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:39:19 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 33133 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:39:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11
Mar 28, 2019 9:39:47 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(SAT) depth K=0 took 72027 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:41:14 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 115100 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:41:24 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 10245 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:43:00 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 95854 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:43:55 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(UNSAT) depth K=5 took 54931 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:02 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:02 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-12(SAT) depth K=0 took 254973 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:14 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 491 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:14 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 35 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:14 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityCardinality.prop : 1 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:18 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved UNreachability of reachability predicate PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:18 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13
Mar 28, 2019 9:44:18 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-13(FALSE) depth K=0 took 16247 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:45:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is SAT, non conclusive we might be starting from unreachable statesPolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14
Mar 28, 2019 9:45:21 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-14(SAT) depth K=0 took 62887 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:45:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, proved invariant PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15
Mar 28, 2019 9:45:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: Induction result is UNSAT, successfully proved induction at step 0 for PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15
Mar 28, 2019 9:45:40 PM runKInduction
INFO: KInduction solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-15(TRUE) depth K=0 took 19319 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:46:11 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-02(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 136235 ms
Mar 28, 2019 9:58:56 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-06(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 764752 ms
Mar 28, 2019 10:04:16 PM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 535 ms
Mar 28, 2019 10:04:16 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 26 ms
Mar 28, 2019 10:04:16 PM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/ReachabilityCardinality.prop : 0 ms
Mar 28, 2019 10:06:36 PM runBMC
INFO: BMC solution for property PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08-ReachabilityCardinality-11(UNSAT) depth K=6 took 460442 ms

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08"
export BK_EXAMINATION="ReachabilityCardinality"
export BK_TOOL="itstoolsm"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-3957"
echo " Executing tool itstoolsm"
echo " Input is PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08, examination is ReachabilityCardinality"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r198-smll-155272319400260"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "preparation of the directory to be used:"

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08.tgz
mv PolyORBLF-PT-S02J04T08 execution
cd execution
if [ "ReachabilityCardinality" = "GlobalProperties" ] ; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
if [ "ReachabilityCardinality" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
rm -f GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
ls -lh

echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "ReachabilityCardinality" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "ReachabilityCardinality" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "ReachabilityCardinality.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property ReachabilityCardinality.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "ReachabilityCardinality.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' ReachabilityCardinality.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;