Model Checking Contest 2019
9th edition, Prague, Czech Republic, April 7, 2019 (TOOLympics)
ITS-Tools compared to other tools («Known» models, ReachabilityFireability)
Last Updated
Apr 15, 2019


This page presents how ITS-Tools do cope efficiently with the ReachabilityFireability examination face to the other participating tools. In this page, we consider «Known» models.

The next sections will show chart comparing performances in terms of both memory and execution time.The x-axis corresponds to the challenging tool where the y-axes represents ITS-Tools' performances. Thus, points below the diagonal of a chart denote comparisons favorables to the tool while others corresponds to situations where the challenging tool performs better.

You might also find plots out of the range that denote the case were at least one tool could not answer appropriately (error, time-out, could not compute or did not competed).

ITS-Tools versus ITS-Tools.M

Some statistics are displayed below, based on 1938 runs (969 for ITS-Tools and 969 for ITS-Tools.M, so there are 969 plots on each of the two charts). Each execution was allowed 1 hour and 16 GByte of memory. Then performance charts comparing ITS-Tools to ITS-Tools.M are shown (you may click on one graph to enlarge it).

Statistics on the executions
  ITS-Tools ITS-Tools.M Both tools   ITS-Tools ITS-Tools.M
All computed OK 93 31 423   Smallest Memory Footprint
ITS-Tools = ITS-Tools.M 148 Times tool wins 438 350
ITS-Tools > ITS-Tools.M 39   Shortest Execution Time
ITS-Tools < ITS-Tools.M 54 Times tool wins 372 416
Do not compete 0 0 0
Error detected 0 1 0  
Cannot Compute + Time-out 31 92 177

On the chart below, denote cases where the two tools did computed all results without error, denote cases where the two tool did computed the same number of values (but not al values in the examination), denote cases where ITS-Tools computed more values than ITS-Tools.M, denote cases where ITS-Tools computed less values than ITS-Tools.M, denote the cases where at least one tool did not competed, denote the cases where at least one tool computed a bad value and denote the cases where at least one tool stated it could not compute a result or timed-out.

ITS-Tools wins when points are below the diagonal, ITS-Tools.M wins when points are above the diagonal.

memory chart time chart

ITS-Tools versus LoLA

Some statistics are displayed below, based on 1938 runs (969 for ITS-Tools and 969 for LoLA, so there are 969 plots on each of the two charts). Each execution was allowed 1 hour and 16 GByte of memory. Then performance charts comparing ITS-Tools to LoLA are shown (you may click on one graph to enlarge it).

Statistics on the executions
  ITS-Tools LoLA Both tools   ITS-Tools LoLA
All computed OK 8 177 376   Smallest Memory Footprint
ITS-Tools = LoLA 5 Times tool wins 474 463
ITS-Tools > LoLA 146   Shortest Execution Time
ITS-Tools < LoLA 225 Times tool wins 291 646
Do not compete 0 0 0
Error detected 0 6 0  
Cannot Compute + Time-out 180 5 29

On the chart below, denote cases where the two tools did computed all results without error, denote cases where the two tool did computed the same number of values (but not al values in the examination), denote cases where ITS-Tools computed more values than LoLA, denote cases where ITS-Tools computed less values than LoLA, denote the cases where at least one tool did not competed, denote the cases where at least one tool computed a bad value and denote the cases where at least one tool stated it could not compute a result or timed-out.

ITS-Tools wins when points are below the diagonal, LoLA wins when points are above the diagonal.

memory chart time chart

ITS-Tools versus Tapaal

Some statistics are displayed below, based on 1938 runs (969 for ITS-Tools and 969 for Tapaal, so there are 969 plots on each of the two charts). Each execution was allowed 1 hour and 16 GByte of memory. Then performance charts comparing ITS-Tools to Tapaal are shown (you may click on one graph to enlarge it).

Statistics on the executions
  ITS-Tools Tapaal Both tools   ITS-Tools Tapaal
All computed OK 0 176 451   Smallest Memory Footprint
ITS-Tools = Tapaal 4 Times tool wins 56 880
ITS-Tools > Tapaal 45   Shortest Execution Time
ITS-Tools < Tapaal 260 Times tool wins 191 745
Do not compete 0 0 0
Error detected 0 0 0  
Cannot Compute + Time-out 176 0 33

On the chart below, denote cases where the two tools did computed all results without error, denote cases where the two tool did computed the same number of values (but not al values in the examination), denote cases where ITS-Tools computed more values than Tapaal, denote cases where ITS-Tools computed less values than Tapaal, denote the cases where at least one tool did not competed, denote the cases where at least one tool computed a bad value and denote the cases where at least one tool stated it could not compute a result or timed-out.

ITS-Tools wins when points are below the diagonal, Tapaal wins when points are above the diagonal.

memory chart time chart

ITS-Tools versus enPAC

Some statistics are displayed below, based on 1938 runs (969 for ITS-Tools and 969 for enPAC, so there are 969 plots on each of the two charts). Each execution was allowed 1 hour and 16 GByte of memory. Then performance charts comparing ITS-Tools to enPAC are shown (you may click on one graph to enlarge it).

Statistics on the executions
  ITS-Tools enPAC Both tools   ITS-Tools enPAC
All computed OK 760 0 0   Smallest Memory Footprint
ITS-Tools = enPAC 0 Times tool wins 760 0
ITS-Tools > enPAC 0   Shortest Execution Time
ITS-Tools < enPAC 0 Times tool wins 760 0
Do not compete 0 0 0
Error detected 0 0 0  
Cannot Compute + Time-out 0 760 208

On the chart below, denote cases where the two tools did computed all results without error, denote cases where the two tool did computed the same number of values (but not al values in the examination), denote cases where ITS-Tools computed more values than enPAC, denote cases where ITS-Tools computed less values than enPAC, denote the cases where at least one tool did not competed, denote the cases where at least one tool computed a bad value and denote the cases where at least one tool stated it could not compute a result or timed-out.

ITS-Tools wins when points are below the diagonal, enPAC wins when points are above the diagonal.

memory chart time chart

ITS-Tools versus GreatSPN

Some statistics are displayed below, based on 1938 runs (969 for ITS-Tools and 969 for GreatSPN, so there are 969 plots on each of the two charts). Each execution was allowed 1 hour and 16 GByte of memory. Then performance charts comparing ITS-Tools to GreatSPN are shown (you may click on one graph to enlarge it).

Statistics on the executions
  ITS-Tools GreatSPN Both tools   ITS-Tools GreatSPN
All computed OK 428 12 304   Smallest Memory Footprint
ITS-Tools = GreatSPN 0 Times tool wins 564 208
ITS-Tools > GreatSPN 17   Shortest Execution Time
ITS-Tools < GreatSPN 11 Times tool wins 578 194
Do not compete 0 0 0
Error detected 0 0 0  
Cannot Compute + Time-out 12 428 197

On the chart below, denote cases where the two tools did computed all results without error, denote cases where the two tool did computed the same number of values (but not al values in the examination), denote cases where ITS-Tools computed more values than GreatSPN, denote cases where ITS-Tools computed less values than GreatSPN, denote the cases where at least one tool did not competed, denote the cases where at least one tool computed a bad value and denote the cases where at least one tool stated it could not compute a result or timed-out.

ITS-Tools wins when points are below the diagonal, GreatSPN wins when points are above the diagonal.

memory chart time chart

ITS-Tools versus 2018-Gold

Some statistics are displayed below, based on 1938 runs (969 for ITS-Tools and 969 for 2018-Gold, so there are 969 plots on each of the two charts). Each execution was allowed 1 hour and 16 GByte of memory. Then performance charts comparing ITS-Tools to 2018-Gold are shown (you may click on one graph to enlarge it).

Statistics on the executions
  ITS-Tools 2018-Gold Both tools   ITS-Tools 2018-Gold
All computed OK 0 170 452   Smallest Memory Footprint
ITS-Tools = 2018-Gold 3 Times tool wins 64 866
ITS-Tools > 2018-Gold 45   Shortest Execution Time
ITS-Tools < 2018-Gold 260 Times tool wins 184 746
Do not compete 0 0 0
Error detected 0 0 0  
Cannot Compute + Time-out 170 0 39

On the chart below, denote cases where the two tools did computed all results without error, denote cases where the two tool did computed the same number of values (but not al values in the examination), denote cases where ITS-Tools computed more values than 2018-Gold, denote cases where ITS-Tools computed less values than 2018-Gold, denote the cases where at least one tool did not competed, denote the cases where at least one tool computed a bad value and denote the cases where at least one tool stated it could not compute a result or timed-out.

ITS-Tools wins when points are below the diagonal, 2018-Gold wins when points are above the diagonal.

memory chart time chart