Model Checking Contest 2018
8th edition, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 26, 2018
Execution of r081-blw3-152649948500282
Last Updated
June 26, 2018

About the Execution of ITS-Tools.L for Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
15789.980 2423080.00 2443766.00 1563.00 [undef] Cannot compute

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
total 4.8M
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.8K May 15 18:54 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 18K May 15 18:54 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.8K May 15 18:54 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 15K May 15 18:54 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K May 15 18:50 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.8K May 15 18:50 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.5K May 15 18:54 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 11K May 15 18:54 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.2K May 15 18:54 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8.9K May 15 18:54 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 18K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 113 May 15 18:54 ReachabilityDeadlock.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 351 May 15 18:54 ReachabilityDeadlock.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.0K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 14K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 1.8K May 15 18:54 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.9K May 15 18:54 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 May 15 18:50 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8 May 15 18:50 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 May 15 18:50 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.7M May 15 18:50 model.pnml
Generated by BenchKit 2-3637
Executing tool itstoolsl
Input is Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150, examination is UpperBounds
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r081-blw3-152649948500282

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of positive values

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-00
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-01
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-02
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-03
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-04
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-05
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-06
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-07
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-08
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-09
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-10
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-11
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-12
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-13
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-14
FORMULA_NAME Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1527314442968

Converted graph to binary with : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, -i, /tmp/graph2877704429626383284.txt, -o, /tmp/graph2877704429626383284.bin, -w, /tmp/graph2877704429626383284.weights], workingDir=null]
Built communities with : CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, /tmp/graph2877704429626383284.bin, -l, -1, -v, -w, /tmp/graph2877704429626383284.weights, -q, 0, -e, 0.001], workingDir=null]
Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -reachable-file, UpperBounds.prop, --nowitness], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-reach command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -reachable-file UpperBounds.prop --nowitness
Loading property file UpperBounds.prop.
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-00 with value :i6.u25.cAMP__12_23_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-01 with value :i8.u126.cAMP__27_18_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-02 with value :i4.u93.cAMP__24_22_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-03 with value :i10.u8.cAMP__8_30_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-04 with value :i10.u215.cAMP__6_33_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-05 with value :i10.u209.cAMP__4_31_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-06 with value :i11.u174.cAMP__37_2_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-07 with value :i11.u133.cAMP__29_1_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-08 with value :i5.u134.cAMP__30_28_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-09 with value :i6.u5.cAMP__12_25_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-10 with value :i13.u168.cAMP__35_39_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-11 with value :i6.u221.cAMP__6_25_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-12 with value :i3.u50.cAMP__16_2_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-13 with value :i6.u186.cAMP__3_23_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-14 with value :i8.u153.cAMP__33_17_
Read [bounds] property : Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150-UpperBounds-15 with value :i13.u196.cAMP__38_32_
built 42 ordering constraints for composite.
built 232 ordering constraints for composite.
built 662 ordering constraints for composite.
built 458 ordering constraints for composite.
built 650 ordering constraints for composite.
built 582 ordering constraints for composite.
built 590 ordering constraints for composite.
built 566 ordering constraints for composite.
built 634 ordering constraints for composite.
built 596 ordering constraints for composite.
built 468 ordering constraints for composite.
built 430 ordering constraints for composite.
built 576 ordering constraints for composite.
built 344 ordering constraints for composite.
built 374 ordering constraints for composite.

BK_STOP 1527316866048

content from stderr:

+ export BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
+ BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
++ pwd
+ export MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit// /home/mcc/execution UpperBounds -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -louvain -smt
+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit//itstools/its-tools -consoleLog -data /home/mcc/execution/workspace -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination UpperBounds -z3path /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3 -yices2path /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -louvain -smt -vmargs -Dosgi.locking=none -Declipse.stateSaveDelayInterval=-1 -Dosgi.configuration.area=/tmp/.eclipse -Xss8m -Xms40m -Xmx8192m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
May 26, 2018 6:00:44 AM start
INFO: Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, UpperBounds, -z3path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3, -yices2path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices, -its, -ltsminpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/, -louvain, -smt]
May 26, 2018 6:00:44 AM transformPNML
INFO: Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
May 26, 2018 6:00:44 AM loadFromXML
INFO: Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 359 ms
May 26, 2018 6:00:44 AM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 1600 places.
May 26, 2018 6:00:45 AM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 12324 transitions.
May 26, 2018 6:00:45 AM applyOrder
INFO: Applying decomposition
May 26, 2018 6:00:46 AM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 944 ms
May 26, 2018 6:00:46 AM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 590 ms
Begin: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018

Computation of communities with the Newman-Girvan Modularity quality function

level 0:
start computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
network size: 1600 nodes, 12324 links, 24648 weight
quality increased from -0.000633733 to 0.526636
end computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
level 1:
start computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
network size: 225 nodes, 1503 links, 24648 weight
quality increased from 0.526636 to 0.779322
end computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
level 2:
start computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
network size: 36 nodes, 206 links, 24648 weight
quality increased from 0.779322 to 0.811673
end computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
level 3:
start computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
network size: 14 nodes, 70 links, 24648 weight
quality increased from 0.811673 to 0.811673
end computation: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
End: Sat May 26 06:00:47 2018
Total duration: 0 sec
May 26, 2018 6:00:47 AM decomposeWithOrder
INFO: Decomposing Gal with order
May 26, 2018 6:00:48 AM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 563 ms
May 26, 2018 6:00:48 AM rewriteArraysToAllowPartition
INFO: Rewriting arrays to variables to allow decomposition.
May 26, 2018 6:00:51 AM fuseIsomorphicEffects
INFO: Removed a total of 8510 redundant transitions.
May 26, 2018 6:00:52 AM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 120 ms
May 26, 2018 6:00:52 AM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/UpperBounds.prop : 1 ms
ITS-tools command line returned an error code 137

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150"
export BK_EXAMINATION="UpperBounds"
export BK_TOOL="itstoolsl"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150.tgz
mv Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150 execution
cd execution
ls -lh

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-3637"
echo " Executing tool itstoolsl"
echo " Input is Diffusion2D-PT-D40N150, examination is UpperBounds"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r081-blw3-152649948500282"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "UpperBounds" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "UpperBounds" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "UpperBounds.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property UpperBounds.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "UpperBounds.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' UpperBounds.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;