About the Execution of M4M.full for PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06
Execution Summary | |||||
Max Memory Used (MB) |
Time wait (ms) | CPU Usage (ms) | I/O Wait (ms) | Computed Result | Execution Status |
15902.980 | 656528.00 | 625607.00 | 3388.80 | FFTFF?F?FFFFFFFF | normal |
Execution Chart
We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).
Trace from the execution
Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
total 4.1M
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.9K May 15 18:54 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 34K May 15 18:54 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 54K May 15 18:54 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 176K May 15 18:54 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K May 15 18:50 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.9K May 15 18:50 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.5K May 26 09:27 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 16K May 26 09:27 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 21K May 26 09:27 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 68K May 26 09:27 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8.9K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 33K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 113 May 15 18:54 ReachabilityDeadlock.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 351 May 15 18:54 ReachabilityDeadlock.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.0K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 36K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.9K May 15 18:54 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5.8K May 15 18:54 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 5 May 15 18:50 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 10 May 15 18:50 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 May 15 18:50 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.6M May 15 18:50 model.pnml
Generated by BenchKit 2-3637
Executing tool mcc4mcc-full
Input is PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06, examination is LTLFireability
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r214-smll-152732265500402
content from stdout:
=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)
The expected result is a vector of booleans
here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-00
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-01
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-02
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-03
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-04
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-05
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-06
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-07
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-08
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-09
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-10
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-11
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-12
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-13
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-14
FORMULA_NAME PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability-15
=== Now, execution of the tool begins
BK_START 1527470540103
BK_STOP 1527471196631
content from stderr:
Prefix is 65b80f64.
Reading known information in /usr/share/mcc4mcc/65b80f64-known.json.
Reading learned information in /usr/share/mcc4mcc/65b80f64-learned.json.
Reading value translations in /usr/share/mcc4mcc/65b80f64-values.json.
Using directory /home/mcc/execution for input, as it contains a model.pnml file.
Using PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06 as instance name.
Using PolyORBLF as model name.
Using algorithm or tool bmdt.
Model characteristics are: {'Examination': 'LTLFireability', 'Place/Transition': True, 'Colored': True, 'Relative-Time': 1, 'Relative-Memory': 1, 'Ordinary': False, 'Simple Free Choice': False, 'Extended Free Choice': False, 'State Machine': False, 'Marked Graph': False, 'Connected': True, 'Strongly Connected': True, 'Source Place': False, 'Sink Place': False, 'Source Transition': False, 'Sink Transition': False, 'Loop Free': False, 'Conservative': False, 'Sub-Conservative': False, 'Nested Units': False, 'Safe': False, 'Deadlock': True, 'Reversible': None, 'Quasi Live': None, 'Live': None}.
Known tools are: [{'Time': 1914382, 'Memory': 15902.27, 'Tool': 'lola'}, {'Time': 1914516, 'Memory': 15925.59, 'Tool': 'lola'}].
Learned tools are: [{'Tool': 'lola'}].
Learned tool lola is 1.0x far from the best tool lola.
LTLFireability lola PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06...
----- Start make prepare stderr -----
Time: 3600 - MCC
----- Start make prepare stdout -----
PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06: translating PT Petri net model.pnml into LoLA format
translating PT Petri net complete
checking for too many tokens
PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06: translating PT formula LTLFireability into LoLA format
translating formula complete
touch formulae;
----- Start make result stdout -----
----- Start make result stderr -----
LTLFireability @ PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06 @ 3539 seconds
----- Start make result stderr -----
----- Start make result stdout -----
lola: LoLA will run for 3539 seconds at most (--timelimit)
lola: NET
lola: reading net from model.pnml.lola
lola: finished parsing
lola: closed net file model.pnml.lola
lola: 3552/65536 symbol table entries, 872 collisions
lola: preprocessing...
lola: finding significant places
lola: 554 places, 2998 transitions, 504 significant places
lola: computing forward-conflicting sets
lola: computing back-conflicting sets
lola: 1821 transition conflict sets
lola: TASK
lola: reading formula from PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: A (((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_2)) U F (G (X ((FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_3) OR 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FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_3))))))) : A (((X ((FIREABLE(NOPEP_1) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_4) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_6) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_3) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_5) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_2))) U (FIREABLE(T_0383_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_4))) U (FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_2) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_1) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_5) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_6) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_4) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_3)))) : A (F (F ((F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR2_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_1) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_4))) U F ((FIREABLE(T_1729_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_4))))))) : A (G ((FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_4_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_3_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_4_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_2_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_2_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_2_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_3_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_3_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_4_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_1_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_4_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_2_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_1_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_2_4) OR F
IREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_3_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_3_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_4_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_4_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_1_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_2_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_1_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_4_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_1_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_2_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_4_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_4_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_3_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_1_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_4_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_3_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_3_3)))) : A ((FIREABLE(GoIdle_1) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_6) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_5) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_4) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_2) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_3))) : A ((X (F (F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR1_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_4) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_1))))) U (FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_1) OR 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FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_2) OR 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FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_3)))) : A (X ((FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_4) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_3) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_2) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_1) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_6) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_5)))) : A ((((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_2)) U F ((FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_4) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_1) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_2) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_5) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_6) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_3)))) U (G ((FIREABLE(T_1711_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_1))) U (FIREABLE(NoCheck_2) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_1) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_3) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_4) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_5) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_6))))) : A (F (G ((G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_4_4_4_4)) U FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4))))) : A (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_1_4)) : A (G (X (F (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_1_3_3_3_4)))))) : A (F (F (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_2_4)))) : A (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_3_2_3_4)) : A (X (F (G (X (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_2_2_3_3))))))) : A (FIREABLE(T_1115_2_1_4)) : A (G (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_2_3_1_1_1))))
lola: computing a collection of formulas
lola: subprocess 0 will run for 221 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3)... (shortened)
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_2)) U F (G (X ((FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_3)))))))
lola: processed formula: A (((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3)... (shortened)
lola: processed formula length: 11901
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 2 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 30 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: Formula contains X operator; stubborn sets not applicable
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 678 markings, 679 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 1 will run for 235 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (((X ((FIREABLE(NOPEP_1) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_4) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_6) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_3) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_5) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_2))) U (FIREABLE(T_0383_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_1) OR FIREABLE... (shortened)
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (((X ((FIREABLE(NOPEP_1) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_4) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_6) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_3) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_5) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_2))) U (FIREABLE(T_0383_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_4))) U (FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_2) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_1) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_5) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_6) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_4) OR FIREABLE(GoCheckSource_3))))
lola: processed formula: A (((X ((FIREABLE(NOPEP_1) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_4) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_6) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_3) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_5) OR FIREABLE(NOPEP_2))) U (FIREABLE(T_0383_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_0383_4_1) OR FIREABLE... (shortened)
lola: processed formula length: 921
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 4 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 29 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: Formula contains X operator; stubborn sets not applicable
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 677 markings, 677 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 2 will run for 252 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (F (F ((F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR2_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_1) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_4))) U F ((FIREABLE(T_1729_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_2) OR FIREABL... (shortened)
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (F ((F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR2_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_1) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_4))) U F ((FIREABLE(T_1729_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_4_4))))))
lola: processed formula: A (F ((F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR2_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_1) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR2_4))) U F ((FIREABLE(T_1729_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_0_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1729_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T... (shortened)
lola: processed formula length: 915
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 1 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 31 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: using ltl preserving stubborn set method (--stubborn)
lola: SEARCH
lola: 36066 markings, 53440 edges, 7213 markings/sec, 0 secs
lola: 78461 markings, 114314 edges, 8479 markings/sec, 5 secs
lola: 120550 markings, 175869 edges, 8418 markings/sec, 10 secs
lola: 161807 markings, 236155 edges, 8251 markings/sec, 15 secs
lola: 202081 markings, 295083 edges, 8055 markings/sec, 20 secs
lola: 243270 markings, 355301 edges, 8238 markings/sec, 25 secs
lola: 282070 markings, 410548 edges, 7760 markings/sec, 30 secs
lola: 320120 markings, 468055 edges, 7610 markings/sec, 35 secs
lola: 358150 markings, 526643 edges, 7606 markings/sec, 40 secs
lola: 394426 markings, 593764 edges, 7255 markings/sec, 45 secs
lola: 427735 markings, 645529 edges, 6662 markings/sec, 50 secs
lola: 462423 markings, 697143 edges, 6938 markings/sec, 55 secs
lola: result: yes
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net satisfies the given formula (language of the product automaton is empty).
lola: 495294 markings, 744816 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 3 will run for 267 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (G ((FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_2_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_5) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_2_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_0_1_6) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformWork_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(GoPerformW... (shortened)
lola: ========================================
lola: checking invariance
lola: Planning: workflow for reachability check: search (--findpath=off)
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2016 bytes per marking, with 0 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: SEARCH (state space)
lola: state space: using reachability graph (--search=depth)
lola: state space: using reachability preserving stubborn set method with insertion algorithm (--stubborn=tarjan)
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: state space
lola: The predicate is not invariant.
lola: 0 markings, 0 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 4 will run for 289 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A ((FIREABLE(GoIdle_1) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_6) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_5) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_4) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_2) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_3)))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking initial satisfaction
lola: processed formula: (FIREABLE(GoIdle_1) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_6) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_5) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_4) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_2) OR FIREABLE(GoIdle_3))
lola: processed formula length: 135
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: processed formula with 0 atomic propositions
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: preprocessing
lola: The net violates the given property already in its initial state.
lola: 0 markings, 0 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 5 will run for 315 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A ((X (F (F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR1_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_4) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_1))))) U (FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_3) OR F... (shortened)
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A ((X (F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR1_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_4) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_1)))) U (FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_1_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_4_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_3_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_4_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_4_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_2_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_1_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_1_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_6_1_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_3_3_3))))
lola: processed formula: A ((X (F ((FIREABLE(DummyOR1_3) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_5) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_2) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_4) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_6) OR FIREABLE(DummyOR1_1)))) U (FIREABLE(T_1125_4_4_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_1_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_5_3_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_1_2_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_2_2_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_2_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_3_4_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1125_4_3_1_3) OR FIREA... (shortened)
lola: processed formula length: 11297
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 2 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 30 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: Formula contains X operator; stubborn sets not applicable
lola: SEARCH
lola: 524178 markings, 1323902 edges, 104836 markings/sec, 0 secs
lola: 1025359 markings, 3031663 edges, 100236 markings/sec, 5 secs
lola: 1502169 markings, 4707995 edges, 95362 markings/sec, 10 secs
lola: 1969427 markings, 6393591 edges, 93452 markings/sec, 15 secs
lola: 2436825 markings, 8034802 edges, 93480 markings/sec, 20 secs
lola: 2875027 markings, 9680896 edges, 87640 markings/sec, 25 secs
lola: 3364976 markings, 11383894 edges, 97990 markings/sec, 30 secs
lola: 3833260 markings, 13030774 edges, 93657 markings/sec, 35 secs
lola: 4311535 markings, 14753147 edges, 95655 markings/sec, 40 secs
lola: 4753126 markings, 16400889 edges, 88318 markings/sec, 45 secs
lola: 5210312 markings, 18021031 edges, 91437 markings/sec, 50 secs
lola: 5665470 markings, 19643559 edges, 91032 markings/sec, 55 secs
lola: 6119751 markings, 21256484 edges, 90856 markings/sec, 60 secs
lola: 6568563 markings, 22912501 edges, 89762 markings/sec, 65 secs
lola: 7042619 markings, 24588736 edges, 94811 markings/sec, 70 secs
lola: 7487446 markings, 26187529 edges, 88965 markings/sec, 75 secs
lola: 7936093 markings, 27864976 edges, 89729 markings/sec, 80 secs
lola: 8406611 markings, 29522648 edges, 94104 markings/sec, 85 secs
lola: 8865935 markings, 31144225 edges, 91865 markings/sec, 90 secs
lola: 9302045 markings, 32762861 edges, 87222 markings/sec, 95 secs
lola: 9781558 markings, 34484948 edges, 95903 markings/sec, 100 secs
lola: 10261677 markings, 36173081 edges, 96024 markings/sec, 105 secs
lola: 10729927 markings, 37853459 edges, 93650 markings/sec, 110 secs
lola: 11166524 markings, 39503658 edges, 87319 markings/sec, 115 secs
lola: 11587493 markings, 41125820 edges, 84194 markings/sec, 120 secs
lola: 12014946 markings, 42724886 edges, 85491 markings/sec, 125 secs
lola: 12443638 markings, 44310569 edges, 85738 markings/sec, 130 secs
lola: 12881197 markings, 45731353 edges, 87512 markings/sec, 135 secs
lola: 13371253 markings, 46984436 edges, 98011 markings/sec, 140 secs
lola: 13859520 markings, 48266513 edges, 97653 markings/sec, 145 secs
lola: 14408046 markings, 49863002 edges, 109705 markings/sec, 150 secs
lola: 14890602 markings, 51558204 edges, 96511 markings/sec, 155 secs
lola: 15345950 markings, 53192092 edges, 91070 markings/sec, 160 secs
lola: 15789239 markings, 54816750 edges, 88658 markings/sec, 165 secs
lola: 16266633 markings, 56496753 edges, 95479 markings/sec, 170 secs
lola: Child process aborted or communication problem between parent and child process
lola: subprocess 6 will run for 329 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (X ((FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_4) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_3) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_2) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_1) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_6) OR FIREABLE(EnterCSTCS_5))))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula length: 167
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 3 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 30 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: Formula contains X operator; stubborn sets not applicable
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 677 markings, 677 edges
lola: subprocess 7 will run for 366 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A ((((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3... (shortened)
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A ((((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_2)) U F ((FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_4) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_1) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_2) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_5) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_6) OR FIREABLE(LeaveCSTCS_3)))) U (G ((FIREABLE(T_1711_2_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_1_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_0_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1711_3_1))) U (FIREABLE(NoCheck_2) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_1) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_3) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_4) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_5) OR FIREABLE(NoCheck_6)))))
lola: processed formula: A ((((FIREABLE(T_1730_2_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_1_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_6) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_0_3) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_1) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_4) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_3_5) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_4_2) OR FIREABLE(T_1730_2_3... (shortened)
lola: processed formula length: 1821
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 5 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 29 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: using ltl preserving stubborn set method (--stubborn)
lola: SEARCH
lola: ========================================
lola: 42804 markings, 81170 edges, 8561 markings/sec, 0 secs
lola: 81074 markings, 141585 edges, 7654 markings/sec, 5 secs
lola: 124148 markings, 207687 edges, 8615 markings/sec, 10 secs
lola: 164498 markings, 269094 edges, 8070 markings/sec, 15 secs
lola: 206580 markings, 334176 edges, 8416 markings/sec, 20 secs
lola: 243136 markings, 390658 edges, 7311 markings/sec, 25 secs
lola: 282015 markings, 449262 edges, 7776 markings/sec, 30 secs
lola: 318943 markings, 506207 edges, 7386 markings/sec, 35 secs
lola: 357605 markings, 565108 edges, 7732 markings/sec, 40 secs
lola: 395621 markings, 626024 edges, 7603 markings/sec, 45 secs
lola: 434571 markings, 687950 edges, 7790 markings/sec, 50 secs
lola: 473627 markings, 762469 edges, 7811 markings/sec, 55 secs
lola: 520419 markings, 858693 edges, 9358 markings/sec, 60 secs
lola: 562713 markings, 954395 edges, 8459 markings/sec, 65 secs
lola: 622462 markings, 1077128 edges, 11950 markings/sec, 70 secs
lola: 657654 markings, 1149065 edges, 7038 markings/sec, 75 secs
lola: 697022 markings, 1233716 edges, 7874 markings/sec, 80 secs
lola: 744251 markings, 1335010 edges, 9446 markings/sec, 85 secs
lola: 785914 markings, 1426376 edges, 8333 markings/sec, 90 secs
lola: 829596 markings, 1518844 edges, 8736 markings/sec, 95 secs
lola: 879505 markings, 1622239 edges, 9982 markings/sec, 100 secs
lola: 924123 markings, 1721145 edges, 8924 markings/sec, 105 secs
lola: 982150 markings, 1839884 edges, 11605 markings/sec, 110 secs
lola: 1018696 markings, 1918436 edges, 7309 markings/sec, 115 secs
lola: 1056555 markings, 1998011 edges, 7572 markings/sec, 120 secs
lola: 1103701 markings, 2099543 edges, 9429 markings/sec, 125 secs
lola: 1148151 markings, 2200364 edges, 8890 markings/sec, 130 secs
lola: 1203298 markings, 2317116 edges, 11029 markings/sec, 135 secs
lola: 1241745 markings, 2393760 edges, 7689 markings/sec, 140 secs
lola: 1284954 markings, 2487959 edges, 8642 markings/sec, 145 secs
lola: 1339070 markings, 2600040 edges, 10823 markings/sec, 150 secs
lola: 1375459 markings, 2678187 edges, 7278 markings/sec, 155 secs
lola: 1412642 markings, 2755200 edges, 7437 markings/sec, 160 secs
lola: 1460794 markings, 2858948 edges, 9630 markings/sec, 165 secs
lola: 1504556 markings, 2959724 edges, 8752 markings/sec, 170 secs
lola: 1575666 markings, 3111841 edges, 14222 markings/sec, 175 secs
lola: 1639341 markings, 3254811 edges, 12735 markings/sec, 180 secs
lola: 1716594 markings, 3415612 edges, 15451 markings/sec, 185 secs
lola: 1781561 markings, 3561666 edges, 12993 markings/sec, 190 secs
lola: 1866850 markings, 3741151 edges, 17058 markings/sec, 195 secs
lola: 1903761 markings, 3842270 edges, 7382 markings/sec, 200 secs
lola: 1940152 markings, 3926910 edges, 7278 markings/sec, 205 secs
lola: 1989403 markings, 4027214 edges, 9850 markings/sec, 210 secs
lola: 2029834 markings, 4119444 edges, 8086 markings/sec, 215 secs
lola: 2089889 markings, 4243352 edges, 12011 markings/sec, 220 secs
lola: 2124680 markings, 4311938 edges, 6958 markings/sec, 225 secs
lola: 2163830 markings, 4398586 edges, 7830 markings/sec, 230 secs
lola: 2209180 markings, 4496903 edges, 9070 markings/sec, 235 secs
lola: 2246004 markings, 4572568 edges, 7365 markings/sec, 240 secs
lola: 2294384 markings, 4680536 edges, 9676 markings/sec, 245 secs
lola: 2343723 markings, 4781036 edges, 9868 markings/sec, 250 secs
lola: 2384061 markings, 4873059 edges, 8068 markings/sec, 255 secs
lola: 2443871 markings, 4996545 edges, 11962 markings/sec, 260 secs
lola: 2479190 markings, 5065574 edges, 7064 markings/sec, 265 secs
lola: 2517959 markings, 5152114 edges, 7754 markings/sec, 270 secs
lola: 2563735 markings, 5251259 edges, 9155 markings/sec, 275 secs
lola: 2608133 markings, 5343042 edges, 8880 markings/sec, 280 secs
lola: 2652184 markings, 5441221 edges, 8810 markings/sec, 285 secs
lola: 2703298 markings, 5548324 edges, 10223 markings/sec, 290 secs
lola: 2739978 markings, 5631183 edges, 7336 markings/sec, 295 secs
lola: 2800486 markings, 5755012 edges, 12102 markings/sec, 300 secs
lola: 2835188 markings, 5823384 edges, 6940 markings/sec, 305 secs
lola: 2873867 markings, 5908455 edges, 7736 markings/sec, 310 secs
lola: 2919502 markings, 6007378 edges, 9127 markings/sec, 315 secs
lola: 2968668 markings, 6112203 edges, 9833 markings/sec, 320 secs
lola: 3017453 markings, 6219182 edges, 9757 markings/sec, 325 secs
lola: 3095060 markings, 6389374 edges, 15521 markings/sec, 330 secs
lola: 3167319 markings, 6549547 edges, 14452 markings/sec, 335 secs
lola: 3233659 markings, 6696385 edges, 13268 markings/sec, 340 secs
lola: 3312054 markings, 6859417 edges, 15679 markings/sec, 345 secs
lola: 3368059 markings, 6994749 edges, 11201 markings/sec, 350 secs
lola: 3397517 markings, 7074068 edges, 5892 markings/sec, 355 secs
lola: 3428513 markings, 7134543 edges, 6199 markings/sec, 360 secs
lola: local time limit reached - aborting
lola: Child process aborted or communication problem between parent and child process
lola: subprocess 8 will run for 366 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (F (G ((G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_4_4_4_4)) U FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4)))))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (F (G ((G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_4_4_4_4)) U FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4)))))
lola: processed formula: A (F (G ((G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_4_4_4_4)) U FIREABLE(T_1125_1_3_1_4)))))
lola: processed formula length: 71
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 5 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 29 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: using ltl preserving stubborn set method (--stubborn)
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 720 markings, 721 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 9 will run for 418 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_1_4))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking initial satisfaction
lola: processed formula: FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_1_4)
lola: processed formula length: 26
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: processed formula with 0 atomic propositions
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: preprocessing
lola: The net violates the given property already in its initial state.
lola: 0 markings, 0 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 10 will run for 488 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (G (X (F (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_1_3_3_3_4))))))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (G (X (F (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_1_3_3_3_4))))))
lola: processed formula: A (G (X (F (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_1_3_3_3_4))))))
lola: processed formula length: 46
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 3 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 30 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: Formula contains X operator; stubborn sets not applicable
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 678 markings, 679 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 11 will run for 586 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (F (F (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_2_4))))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (F (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_2_4)))
lola: processed formula: A (F (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_4_4_2_4)))
lola: processed formula length: 34
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 1 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 31 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: using ltl preserving stubborn set method (--stubborn)
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 731 markings, 731 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 12 will run for 732 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (FIREABLE(T_1126_3_3_2_3_4))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking initial satisfaction
lola: processed formula: FIREABLE(T_1126_3_3_2_3_4)
lola: processed formula length: 26
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: processed formula with 0 atomic propositions
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: preprocessing
lola: The net violates the given property already in its initial state.
lola: 0 markings, 0 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 13 will run for 976 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (X (F (G (X (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_2_2_3_3)))))))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (X (F (G (X (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_2_2_3_3)))))))
lola: processed formula: A (X (F (G (X (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_4_2_2_3_3)))))))
lola: processed formula length: 50
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 5 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 29 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: Formula contains X operator; stubborn sets not applicable
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 678 markings, 679 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 14 will run for 1465 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (FIREABLE(T_1115_2_1_4))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking initial satisfaction
lola: processed formula: FIREABLE(T_1115_2_1_4)
lola: processed formula length: 22
lola: 1 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: processed formula with 0 atomic propositions
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: preprocessing
lola: The net violates the given property already in its initial state.
lola: 0 markings, 0 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: subprocess 15 will run for 2930 seconds at most (--localtimelimit=-1)
lola: ========================================
lola: ...considering subproblem: A (G (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_2_3_1_1_1))))
lola: ========================================
lola: checking LTL
lola: transforming LTL-Formula into a B\xfcchi-Automaton
lola: processed formula: A (G (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_2_3_1_1_1))))
lola: processed formula: A (G (G (FIREABLE(T_1126_2_3_1_1_1))))
lola: processed formula length: 38
lola: 0 rewrites
lola: formula mentions 0 of 554 places; total mentions: 0
lola: closed formula file PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06-LTLFireability.task
lola: the resulting B\xfcchi automaton has 2 states
lola: STORE
lola: using a bit-perfect encoder (--encoder=bit)
lola: using 2020 bytes per marking, with 30 unused bits
lola: using a prefix tree store (--store=prefix)
lola: using ltl preserving stubborn set method (--stubborn)
lola: SEARCH
lola: result: no
lola: produced by: LTL model checker
lola: The net does not satisfy the given formula (language of the product automaton is nonempty).
lola: 982 markings, 982 edges
lola: ========================================
lola: RESULT
SUMMARY: no no yes no no unknown no unknown no no no no no no no no
----- Kill lola and sara stderr -----
----- Kill lola and sara stdout -----
----- Finished stdout -----
----- Finished stderr -----
Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM
This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.
set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06"
export BK_EXAMINATION="LTLFireability"
export BK_TOOL="mcc4mcc-full"
# this is specific to your benchmark or test
export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"
# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution
tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06.tgz
mv PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06 execution
cd execution
ls -lh
# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-3637"
echo " Executing tool mcc4mcc-full"
echo " Input is PolyORBLF-PT-S04J04T06, examination is LTLFireability"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r214-smll-152732265500402"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "LTLFireability" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "LTLFireability" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "LTLFireability.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property LTLFireability.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "LTLFireability.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/BenchKit_head.sh 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;