Model Checking Contest 2018
8th edition, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 26, 2018
Execution of r044-smll-152646360400178
Last Updated
June 26, 2018

About the Execution of ITS-Tools for ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0

Execution Summary
Max Memory
Used (MB)
Time wait (ms) CPU Usage (ms) I/O Wait (ms) Computed Result Execution
15748.020 3116687.00 3132142.00 7321.60 [undef] Cannot compute

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Trace from the execution

Waiting for the VM to be ready (probing ssh)
total 184K
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.8K May 15 18:54 CTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 22K May 15 18:54 CTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.8K May 15 18:54 CTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 20K May 15 18:54 CTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 4.0K May 15 18:49 GenericPropertiesDefinition.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6.2K May 15 18:49 GenericPropertiesVerdict.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.3K May 15 18:54 LTLCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8.9K May 15 18:54 LTLCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 2.0K May 15 18:54 LTLFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8.7K May 15 18:54 LTLFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.7K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityCardinality.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 19K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityCardinality.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 119 May 15 18:54 ReachabilityDeadlock.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 357 May 15 18:54 ReachabilityDeadlock.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.1K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityFireability.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 20K May 15 18:54 ReachabilityFireability.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 1.8K May 15 18:54 UpperBounds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 3.8K May 15 18:54 UpperBounds.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 May 15 18:49 equiv_col
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 8 May 15 18:49 instance
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 6 May 15 18:49 iscolored
-rw-r--r-- 1 mcc users 9.2K May 15 18:49 model.pnml
Generated by BenchKit 2-3637
Executing tool itstools
Input is ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0, examination is CTLCardinality
Time confinement is 3600 seconds
Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes
Number of cores is 4
Run identifier is r044-smll-152646360400178

content from stdout:

=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)

The expected result is a vector of booleans

here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-00
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-01
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-02
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-03
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-04
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-05
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-06
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-07
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-08
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-09
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-10
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-11
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-12
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-13
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-14
FORMULA_NAME ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0-CTLCardinality-15

=== Now, execution of the tool begins

BK_START 1526634812540

Invoking ITS tools like this :CommandLine [args=[/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/, --gc-threshold, 2000000, --quiet, -i, /home/mcc/execution/, -t, CGAL, -ctl, /home/mcc/execution/CTLCardinality.ctl], workingDir=/home/mcc/execution]

its-ctl command run as :

/home/mcc/BenchKit/itstools/plugins/ --gc-threshold 2000000 --quiet -i /home/mcc/execution/ -t CGAL -ctl /home/mcc/execution/CTLCardinality.ctl
No direction supplied, using forward translation only.
Parsed 16 CTL formulae.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc

BK_STOP 1526637929227

content from stderr:

+ export BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
+ BINDIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/
++ pwd
+ export MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ MODEL=/home/mcc/execution
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit// /home/mcc/execution CTLCardinality -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -smt
+ ulimit -s 65536
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ export LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ LTSMIN_MEM_SIZE=8589934592
+ /home/mcc/BenchKit//itstools/its-tools -consoleLog -data /home/mcc/execution/workspace -pnfolder /home/mcc/execution -examination CTLCardinality -z3path /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3 -yices2path /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices -its -ltsminpath /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/ -smt -vmargs -Dosgi.locking=none -Declipse.stateSaveDelayInterval=-1 -Dosgi.configuration.area=/tmp/.eclipse -Xss8m -Xms40m -Xmx8192m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM start
INFO: Running its-tools with arguments : [-pnfolder, /home/mcc/execution, -examination, CTLCardinality, -z3path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//z3/bin/z3, -yices2path, /home/mcc/BenchKit//yices/bin/yices, -its, -ltsminpath, /home/mcc/BenchKit//lts_install_dir/, -smt]
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM transformPNML
INFO: Parsing pnml file : /home/mcc/execution/model.pnml
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM loadFromXML
INFO: Load time of PNML (sax parser for PT used): 31 ms
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 25 places.
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM handlePage
INFO: Transformed 18 transitions.
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 8 ms
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM flatten
INFO: Flatten gal took : 79 ms
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil systemToFile
INFO: Time to serialize gal into /home/mcc/execution/ : 2 ms
May 18, 2018 9:13:35 AM fr.lip6.move.serialization.SerializationUtil serializePropertiesForITSCTLTools
INFO: Time to serialize properties into /home/mcc/execution/CTLCardinality.ctl : 3 ms
ITS-tools command line returned an error code 134

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

set -x
# this is for BenchKit: configuration of major elements for the test
export BK_INPUT="ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0"
export BK_EXAMINATION="CTLCardinality"
export BK_TOOL="itstools"

# this is specific to your benchmark or test

export BIN_DIR="$HOME/BenchKit/bin"

# remove the execution directoty if it exists (to avoid increse of .vmdk images)
if [ -d execution ] ; then
rm -rf execution

tar xzf /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0.tgz
mv ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0 execution
cd execution
ls -lh

# this is for BenchKit: explicit launching of the test
echo "====================================================================="
echo " Generated by BenchKit 2-3637"
echo " Executing tool itstools"
echo " Input is ClientsAndServers-PT-N2000P0, examination is CTLCardinality"
echo " Time confinement is $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT seconds"
echo " Memory confinement is 16384 MBytes"
echo " Number of cores is 4"
echo " Run identifier is r044-smll-152646360400178"
echo "====================================================================="
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stdout:"
echo "=== Data for post analysis generated by BenchKit (invocation template)"
if [ "CTLCardinality" = "UpperBounds" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of positive values"
elif [ "CTLCardinality" != "StateSpace" ] ; then
echo "The expected result is a vector of booleans"
echo "no data necessary for post analysis"
if [ -f "CTLCardinality.txt" ] ; then
echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from text file)"
for x in $(grep Property CTLCardinality.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
elif [ -f "CTLCardinality.xml" ] ; then # for cunf (txt files deleted;-)
echo echo "here is the order used to build the result vector(from xml file)"
for x in $(grep '' CTLCardinality.xml | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u) ; do
echo "FORMULA_NAME $x"
echo "=== Now, execution of the tool begins"
echo -n "BK_START "
date -u +%s%3N
timeout -s 9 $BK_TIME_CONFINEMENT bash -c "/home/mcc/BenchKit/ 2> STDERR ; echo ; echo -n \"BK_STOP \" ; date -u +%s%3N"
if [ $? -eq 137 ] ; then
echo "--------------------"
echo "content from stderr:"
cat STDERR ;