This page shows the outputs produced by the execution of marcie on IBMB2S565S3960/none (P/T). We provide:
- A short summary,
- the execution chart (evolution of CPU and memory over the execution),
- the sequence of actions to be executed by the VM,
- the results of these actions.
About the Execution
Execution Summary | |||
Memory (MB) | CPU (s) | End | |
1360.49 | 293.20 | normal |
Execution Chart
We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).
Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM
This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.
export BK_INPUT=IBMB2S565S3960-PT-none
export BK_EXAMINATION=StateSpace
export BK_TOOL=marcie
export BK_RESULT_DIR=/tmp
export BK_LOG_FILE=/tmp/BenchKit_head_log_file.1661
export BIN_DIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/bin
cd /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/IBMB2S565S3960-PT-none
echo =====================================================================
echo ' Generated by BenchKit 1.0'
echo ' Executing tool marcie:'
echo ' Test is IBMB2S565S3960-PT-none, examination is StateSpace'
echo =====================================================================
echo --------------------
echo 'content from stdout:'
bash /home/mcc/BenchKit/
Execution Outputs of marcie for IBMB2S565S3960/none (P/T)
This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.
execution on node 1: (runId=137107412300001_n_1)
runnning marcie on IBMB2S565S3960-PT-none (StateSpace)
We got on stdout:
Probing ssh
Waiting ssh to respond
Ssh up and responding
Generated by BenchKit 1.0
Executing tool marcie:
Test is IBMB2S565S3960-PT-none, examination is StateSpace
content from stdout:
START 1371112384
Marcie rev. 1103M (build: rohrch on 2013-02-17)
A model checker for Generalized Stochastic Petri nets
authors: Alex Tovchigrechko (IDD package and CTL model checking)
Martin Schwarick (Symbolic numerical analysis and CSL model checking)
Christian Rohr (Simulative and approximative numerical model checking)
called as: marcie --net-file=model.pnml --mem=4
constant oo registered with value < INFINITY >
parse successfull!
(NrP: 273 NrTr: 179)
net check time: 0m0sec
place and transition orderings generation:0m0sec
init dd package: 0m6sec
RS generation: 2m53sec
-> reachability set: #nodes 706208 (7.1e+05) #states 15,510,635,947,410,534 (16)
before gc: list nodes free: 2169234
after gc: idd nodes used:1329516, unused:14670484; list nodes free:93170596
before gc: list nodes free: 5814919
after gc: idd nodes used:1649209, unused:14350791; list nodes free:91132737
total processing time: 5m34sec
STOP 1371112720
content from stderr:
check if there are places and transitions
check if there are transitions without pre-places
check if at least one transition is enabled in m0
check if there are transitions that can never fire
initing FirstDep: 0m0sec
9992 98130 413220 397904 408268 412808 413977 412183 411173 646589
iterations count:10659 (59), effective:1584 (8)
content from /tmp/BenchKit_head_log_file.1661: