Model Checking Contest @ Petri Nets 2013
Milano, Italy, June 25, 2013
lola_optimistic_incomplete: CTLPlaceComparison on PhilosophersDyn/20 (P/T)
Last Updated
Apr. 26, 2013


This page shows the outputs produced by the execution of lola_optimistic_incomplete on PhilosophersDyn/20 (P/T). We provide:

About the Execution

Execution Summary
Memory (MB) CPU (s) End
546.85 n.a. timeout

Execution Chart

We display below the execution chart for this examination (boot time has been removed).

Sequence of Actions to be Executed by the VM

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

export BK_INPUT=PhilosophersDyn-PT-20
export BK_EXAMINATION=CTLPlaceComparison
export BK_TOOL=lola_optimistic_incomplete
export BK_RESULT_DIR=/tmp
export BK_LOG_FILE=/tmp/BenchKit_head_log_file.1658
export BIN_DIR=/home/mcc/BenchKit/bin
cd /home/mcc/BenchKit/INPUTS/PhilosophersDyn-PT-20
echo =====================================================================
echo ' Generated by BenchKit 1.0'
echo ' Executing tool lola_optimistic_incomplete:'
echo ' Test is PhilosophersDyn-PT-20, examination is CTLPlaceComparison'
echo =====================================================================
echo --------------------
echo 'content from stdout:'
bash /home/mcc/BenchKit/

Execution Outputs of lola_optimistic_incomplete for PhilosophersDyn/20 (P/T)

This is useful if one wants to reexecute the tool in the VM from the submitted image disk.

execution on node 35: (runId=136972133800480_n_35)
runnning lola_optimistic_incomplete on PhilosophersDyn-PT-20 (CTLPlaceComparison)
We got on stdout:
Probing ssh
Waiting ssh to respond
Ssh up and responding
Generated by BenchKit 1.0
Executing tool lola_optimistic_incomplete:
Test is PhilosophersDyn-PT-20, examination is CTLPlaceComparison

content from stdout:

START 1369733200
make: `model.pnml.lola' is up to date.