Model Checking Contest @ Petri Nets 2013
Milano, Italy, June 25, 2013
Trophies for the LTLFireability Examination
Last Updated
Apr. 26, 2013


This page summarizes the trophies won by the tools for LTLFireability. At this stage, we think this is not possible to provide a global trophy for the MCC @ Petri Net 2013.

Separated trophies for LTLFireability

We first consider separately the two types of models.

Trophies for the “Known” Models Trophies for the “Surprise” Models
88 (points)

Global trophies for LTLFireability

For this trophy, we use the following formula: results on “Known” models + 2 x results on “Surprise” models.

Trophies for All Models
88 (points)